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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

Jäger Heavy Infantry Armor

Designed in AF 260 (YE 34), it is meant to replace the old Dämon Infantry Power Armor as the standard Armor for Heavy Infantry.

About the Jäger

The Standard Heavy Infantry Armor for the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF).

History and Background

With the Dämon Infantry Power Armor quickly becoming obsolete in comparison to Powered Armors of the other nations, the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) was getting desperate for an edge. They needed a more powerful armor for their Heavy Infantry, a versatile machine to meet any other Powered Armor on the battlefield as close to equal as it could be.

The result was an experiment by Kaiserlich F&E using two prototype suits. One suit used a high-capacity nuclear battery to power its systems, while the second used origin BURST reactor for power generation. The goal was to create a cost effective design that was on par with standard Armors from other nations. While the BURST reactor gave the experimental design plenty of energy to power numerous weapon systems, it was rather expensive in comparison to the high-capacity nuclear battery. The battery gave the Power Armor enough energy to run its systems (sans weapons), but could only last 12 hours of constant use before needing to be recharged.

While the BURST Reactor provided the Armor with plenty of power, Kaiserlich F&E decided upon using the more cost-effective Nuclear Batteries due to the consideration that a Powered Armor wouldn’t operate for 12 hours without some form of support. Drawing up a combat design, Kaiserlich F&E sent the design to Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer in late AF 260 (YE 34) for mass-production.


The Jäger is much more hulking than its predecessor and more menacing in its appearance. With the stooping gait of something out of nightmares, the Jäger is meant to put fear into its enemies. Standard paint job on the Jäger is gun-metal gray on the armor plating and matte black on the visible Powered Armor Skin, though stylization is allowed for some of the more elite military (Para-military) units.

The head piece of the Jäger is very similar to the old Dämon Infantry Power Armor with its rounded helmet and boxy faceplate that juts up into an edge. The visor is similar to the AAF Light Infantry Armor in design due to its holographic projection capability. However, the visor itself is created by blending a green-tinted plastic with carbon Nano-fiber to create a more durable substance from the former bullet-resistant plastic. However, the visor doesn’t act like a window. Instead, it houses the armor’s Imaging Scanner Package and uses the holographic projection capability to show the operation a crystal clear facsimile of what can be viewed.

The Torso armor is much bulkier than the Dämon Infantry Power Armor and is angled much like tank armor to increase the chance of deflection. It is also composed of several pieces of armor that are arranged over the Powered Armor Skin in a manner to allow the Armor to bend forward and slightly backward. This same design also allows for a mild telescoping effect to allow for a pair of attachable lower arms for Abwehran Males. The Torso armor and Powered Armor Skin is seam-less in the front, but has a single seam in the back that is normally covered by the Backpack Power Unit (detachable). This seam allows the Jäger to open up and allow an operator entry 1). To protect the lower torso, a belt-like armored strap is located around the Armor’s hip area with armored groin plates attached to it. There is a variety of snap-storage spaces used to store ammunition for hand-held weaponry along the armored belt.

The standard arms of the Jäger are armored in pieces with an angled shoulder pauldron, bicep/triceps armor, elbow armor, and Gauntlets. Each gauntlet extends out further than a normal arm to allow for manipulation via gloves wired to the assembly. These gloves send signals each time the occupant’s hand moves, allowing the gauntlets to mimic those movements. Each Gauntlet also has a mounting station on the forearms to allow the installation of forearm mounted equipment. The attachable Lower Arms are similar in design to the standard arms, but replace the angled shoulder pauldrons with smaller, lighter, rounded pauldrons.

The legs of the Jäger are slightly longer in the shins and wide enough for the occupant’s foot to sit horizontal inside them. The actual foot of the Armor is unreachable to the occupant and contains gyros, hydraulics, an electric motor, and wheels. Most of this equipment is covered by armor, though there are some spaces to facilitate walking. The armor of the legs is located on the thighs and shins with knee-cap style armor to protect the knees. The thigh armor has seams located in the back to aid in the occupant's entry.

Statistical Information


Type: Standard Heavy Infantry Armor Class: PGI-M2 Jäger Designer: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturer: Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer Government: Abwehran Star Empire



Height: 2.75 meters (9.02 feet) Depth: 2) 0.80 meters (2.62 feet) Depth: 3) 1 meters (3.28 feet) Width: 1 meters (3.28 feet) Mass: 138 kilograms (304.24 lbs)


Running/Loping:60 kph (37.28 mph) Wheels:120 kph (74.56 mph) 4) Jump Jets: 100 kph (62.14 mph)


Range: 12 hours CCU5) or 48 hours light usage Refit Cycle: 1 Abwehran Year (~4 Standard Years) Lifespan: 5 Abwehran Years (~20 Standard Years) Cost per unit:168,000 Credits (56,000 KS)

Damage Rating

Please see Damage Rating (Version 3) for more details

  • Armor: 12 SP

Built-in Systems

Armor/Hull Systems

The Jäger Heavy Infantry Armor has a Standard PA Armor over the Powered Armor Skin, which is all over a frame created from the basic military structure. A user can enter the Jäger from the rear of the Power Armor, before the Backpack is equipped. Compared to the Dämon Infantry Power Armor, the Jäger was built for both Abwehran males and everyone else in mind. Because of this, the lower arms are actually removable and the torso section adjustable to fit Abwehran females and Non-Abwehrans.

Electronic Systems

The Jäger uses a Powered Armor CU-23 Computing System with a Armor Virtual Intelligence Model to monitor the Armor’s systems and the occupant’s vitals.


    • Microwave: The Microwave communication system of the Jäger is the long-range communications system. With an effective range of 20 kilometers with no assistance, the microwave communication system is much more reliable. With the assistance of a communication tower or orbital relay, it can effectively be planetary in range.


Life Support

The Jäger's Powered Armor Life Support Package requires an Operator Suit in order to function, but contains air tanks to store life supporting air for 12 hours. It also contains a 3 gallon reservoir of potable water and a small dispenser of gelled, nutrient paste. All of these can be refilled while the Jäger is recharging its battery. The Operator Suit’s liquid recycling system 6) is connected to the Armor so any wastes can be removed when recharging occurs. Until then, it is stored in a small storage unit.

Power Generation

The Jäger used a ‘backpack’-section to contain a Nuclear Battery for power generation. The backpack itself is 0.20 meters (~8 inches) in depth and 0.5 meters (~20 inches) in height and width. It is detachable to allow an occupant through the back-side hatch. Due to the size of the battery pack, Backpack attachments can be fit over it in order to bolster offensive/defensive capability.

Propulsion Systems

A Jäger can move in three ways:

Negative Feedback and Nano-musculature

The first type of motion is the most natural of all, moving the legs of the Powered Armor to walk, run, and jump. This is accomplished by a variety of pressure plates located between the Powered Armor Skin and the occupant. Using negative feedback, the pressure plates send signals to the Jäger’s Nano-musculature. The nano-musculature is a cluster of nanotube structures that mimic the Abwehran muscle via electronic signals forcing the clusters to constrict when needed. This nano-musculature modifies the occupant’s natural strength, while he is in the suit, making them twice as strong without the Armor.

Both hands and feet of the Jäger are extended out farther than the occupants hands and feet to better protect the occupant. This means the Jäger's feet can be fitted with all of the servos and equipment needed for it is design. Control of the Armor's feet is done via pressure-sensitive plates near the bottom of the Jäger's shins. These are placed upon shock absorbers to protect the occupants joints from injury. The Armor's hands are controlled using specialized gloves in the gauntlets. The occupant merely slips his hand into them and is able to control them with hand movement. This means an Armor Operator must be trained carefully or she may destroy any equipment in the Armor's hands.

Electric Motor and Wheels

A small electric motor installed in the feet is used to propel the Jäger upon sturdy, non-inflated wheels (5 per foot) and can accelerate the armor to a top velocity of 120 kph (~75 mph). This is activated by bending the knees, leaning forward, and pressing the ball of the occupant’s foot forward.

Chemical Jump Jets

A series of four Powered Armor Jump Jets, two located on the back under the battery back and one on each leg. The fuel tanks are located next to each Jet and can hold enough fuel combined for several jumps throughout a twelve hour period (approximately 20 short jumps and 10 long jumps). These can be refilled while the battery is recharging. Control of the Jump Jets is done via the occupant moving in a jump-like motion. The more powerful the jump, the higher the Jäger will go.

Optional Equipment

The Jäger is capable of holding one hand-held weapon at a time, though it could hold two if the occupant is an Abwehran male. It also has a number of hardpoints to attach other equipment:

  • 2-4 Forearm hardpoints7)
  • 1 Shoulder hardpoint
  • 1 Back hardpoint

Forearm-mounted Equipment

Hand-held Weaponry

Weapon Usage DR
FIC-01 Flechette Cannon Against Soft Targets in Boarding Operations 4 PDR
GIR-01 Gauss Rifle Standard Anti-Armor Rifle See Ammo Data
LIR-01 Laser Rifle Light Anti-Armor Rifle 1ADR (Pulse) / 3ADR (Beam)
MDR-08 Battle Rifle A Light Infantry Weapon usable by Power Armor See Ammo Data

Shoulder-mounted Equipment

Back-mounted Modules

the same happens to the upper legs
without backpack
with backpack
on relatively level terrain
constant combat usage
recycling feature is turned off until needed
dependent upon whether the occupant is an Abwehran male

faction/abwehran_star_empire/technology/equipment/jaeger_heavy_infantry_armor.1572701153.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:37 (external edit)