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Compression Fusion Reactor

The Compression Fusion Reactor (CFR) is the Nepleslian Reds answer to reviving fusion power in the sector. Utilizing principles of Z-pinch fusion mechanisms and powerful graviton generators to generate an enormous amount of power, the CFR mimics the conditions of fusion with celestial bodies. The CFR gives an alternative to primitive forms of quantum reactors (at the cost of needing fuel). The technology was revealed to the public in YE 45.

Compression Fusion Reactor
Year Created: YE 40
Faction: Nepleslian Reds
Designer / Manufacturer: Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing, Ryu Keiretsu
Nomenclature: NRM-P4001
Production: Mass Produced
Price: Model Dependent


Lacking the scientists and engineers that developed the primitive Aether reactor used by the Crooked Demon. But with their former opponents learning to harness aether-like energy, the leadership of the Reds on Fujiko knew they had a lot of ground to rediscover in their techbase. During an alcohol-fueled research conference between surviving scientists. What was initially a joke to “recreate a mini-star”, it was soon realized that collectively they still retained the techbase to do just that.

Later in the development Ryu Heavy Industries was invited to collaborate with NRM. Using traditional D-T reactions at first, nuclear scientists at RHI quickly realized the combination of technologies allowed for a chain of reactions to generate more energy dense plasmas that could be used to generate cyclotron radiation needed for the direct energy conversion method the Reds had chosen. After initials failures in determining the correct ratio and sequence of introduced elements, the first successful Mk2 Compression Fusion Reactor was achieved in mid-YE 44. The


The CFR masterfully replicates the core fusion conditions of stars, generating prodigious power. It requires an initial high-energy input to activate its graviton generators, setting the fusion process into motion.

Lithium-6/Helium-3/Boron-11 Reactions

The CFR capitalizes on three distinct fuels: helium-3, lithium-6, and boron-11. When graviton generators are activated, they compress a mix of helium-3 and lithium-6. This intense compression drives these elements into a primary aneutronic reaction, producing helium-4 and a proton. Aneutronic fusion, notably, emits no neutrons, a significant advantage as it reduces radiation concerns.

The protons from the initial reaction are captured and channeled into z-pinch magnetic fields to be furthered compressed. While the compression heats up the plasma, When boron-11 is introduced into this high-pressure, high-heat environment, a secondary fusion reaction occurs. This yields three helium-3 particles, which are then fused into helium-4 alpha particles. These particles, when subjected to another magnetic field, emit cyclotron radiation—a prime energy source that dedicated collectors capture and convert to usable power.

Beyond its high energy yield, this fusion process offers the advantage of stealth. Minimal neutrino production means that the reactor's operation is challenging to detect via neutrino detectors, making it ideal for applications where discretion is paramount.

Protonic Reactions

The CFR can also mirror stellar fusion processes, albeit with slightly diminished energy returns. Utilizing hydrogen-1 as fuel, it induces a cascade of fusion reactions that resemble what happens within stars. Z-pinch fields amplify these reactions, driving helium-3 atoms into subsequent fusion processes, eventually producing helium-4. As a byproduct, protons generated from these reactions are repurposed to synthesize new deuterium, ensuring minimal waste.

While this method has commendable efficiency, it's not without its drawbacks. The protonic fusion approach produces positron anti-matter and gamma rays. While these can be harnessed for various applications, including positronic weaponry, they demand stringent safety measures. Additionally, neutrino emissions from this process make it detectable, somewhat compromising the reactor's stealth capabilities.

Other Reaction Types

While the CFR excels in its complex fusion processes, it also has the capability for more traditional reactions, notably the Deuterium/Tritium fusion. Graviton generators, when dialed back, can facilitate these standard fusion reactions. Here, the z-pinch mechanism is modified to gently round up charged particles, guiding the resultant cyclotron radiation to dedicated collectors with utmost efficiency.

Compact reactor variants favor a Deuterium/Helium-3 or Deuterium/Lithium-6 blend due to its reduced neutron production, making it more suited to smaller applications where safety is paramount. It underscores the reactor's flexibility, catering to diverse requirements based on its intended use and environment.

Solar Radiation

Recognizing that aneutronic reactions emit significant photon energy, engineers embedded thermo-photovoltaic cells within the reactor's design. These cells, situated within the reactor's inner casing or the outer walls of non-shelled variants, ensure no energy goes to waste.

These cells absorb and convert this photon energy into additional usable power, boosting the reactor's overall efficiency. Essentially, the CFR becomes a dual-source energy producer, generating power from both fusion reactions and residual solar radiation. This hybrid approach ensures that the reactor maximizes its energy output from every possible angle.

Safety Measures

The CFR's design incorporates multiple layers of safeguards. Shelled versions of the reactor, for instance, boast a dual-hull system. This design acts as a buffer, safeguarding against external threats like weaponry or cosmic events. The secondary hull, in partnership with potent magnetic fields, captures any stray radiation or particles, safely diverting them away from sensitive areas.

Non-shelled reactor designs, while appearing more vulnerable, have their protective measures. They lean heavily on advanced starship-grade magnetic shields, bolstered by a unique overflow area. This space, beyond serving as a safety buffer, captures excess radiated solar energy. Ingeniously, this overflow space can support aeroponics, turning a safety feature into a potential resource for food production.

Both designs offer their strengths, with the choice between them typically driven by the reactor's intended application and the environment it will operate within.


CFRs meant to be versatile, capable of being catered to a diverse range of applications. Land-based models are substantial, often found on the outskirts of urban centers. Their massive stature allows for integrated facilities, like industrial greenhouses making use of redirected “sunlight” for agriculture.

Ship-based CFRs prioritize space efficiency. Adhering to starship blueprints, they often employ the shelled design, integrating systems like plasma siphons to harness plasma for propulsion. The shelled design allows for the redirection of light produced to aeroponic/hydroponic bays within the ship.

Vehicle-based CFRs often house two or three cores, ensuring a steady power output. They typically rectangular or square outer shells, with cylindrical cores. They gather their energy via both direct energy conversion and thermo-photovoltic cells within.

The smallest of the lot, personnel-sized models, prioritize safety. Ultra-compact by design, invariably opt for aneutronic reactions to maximize safety due to the lack of harmful radiation. They are often built in a linear or circular configuration to allow efficient direct energy conversion. Their size prevents the installation of meaningful thermo-photovoltic cells.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/07/03 06:09.

This was approved by Andrew on 2023/09/29.1)

corp/nrm/compression_fusion_reactor.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:57 by