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Custom Model 003 - Jadeite Class Gunship

The Jadeite gunship is an expeditionary model starship, designed for long journeys into potentially hostile zones while being equipped with enough equipment to facilitate fabrication and research in the field. It possesses multiple defensive and offensive capabilities to survive away from safe space and help to deter potential attackers by standing out from civilian craft.

About the Ship

Designed in YE 40 by Galactic Horizon as a commission order for Koga Akemi made to specifications stated in their transmissions. The request for a starship that could be used on long expedition journeys while still retaining the firepower of a gunship was one of the more challenging designs created by Horizon but was completed after a month of design work. With expectations of various environmental and synthetic issues for the journeys, this ship class would undergo several special modifications; additionally, prototype systems were installed to counteract the imaginable effects of some of these issues.

Key Features

The Jadeite gunship contains several features to give it a slight edge within its field, that being expeditionary missions into dangerous territory, and is equipped with the Environmental Starship Shield to counteract nebula effects and provide extra defence within asteroid belts and debris storms.

Another major feature provided by extra equipment is the method of FTL transport, or rather its substitute which comes in the form of the Falcon Tunnel Drive. Using this jump system the Jadeite is able to travel large distances in relative safety without expending precious fuel to supply continuous power for the duration of the trip.

Mission Specialization

The Jadeite class gunship is designed to complete long expeditions and voyages into deep space and hostile environments. Its primary equipment outfit allows it to survive with less trouble than a standard ship within the hostile natural phenomenon of space. Its primary advised purposes are:

  • Expeditionary Missions
  • Hostile Environment Combat


The Jadeite expeditionary gunship has an almost sharp design with curving blade-like wings connected to a more geometric body that curves out into an elongated point at the rear of the ship. Like some existing ship designs the body is made of separate component modules attached to one another with the bridge being no exception, there are several benefits from building in this style.

The starship has a colour palette of red, pink, and white, giving it a standout appearance among the other ships of its type in any spaceport or dock and also acting as an unofficial reminder of the corporate chain that fields it. Another standout visual feature is the sizing and shape of the hull: wider than it is long - like a fighter design scaled up 10x - which is partly due to the designers at Galactic Horizon and the ship type its intended use falls under being expeditionary.

History and Background

Working with Koga Akemi, the Horizon design team, led by Anaska DePolanskaya of the heavy machining department, eventually refined down the initial designs and spit-ball ideas into a suitable idea for an expedition class gunship which would be exclusively fielded by Akemi. Designs were completed mid YE 40 and with the new production and testing facilities having recently been completed Horizon performed various tests on individual sections and systems of the ship.

During this time the prototype systems - including the Environmental Starship Shield and the Falcon Tunnel Drive - were also developed and tested alongside the ship they would be installed on.

Statistics and Performance

The Jadeite class gunship's design and components allow the ship to operate more effectively in harsh conditions and natural anomalies compared to most standard craft, however, the drawback of being more environmentally hardy is a reduction in combat effectiveness. The Jadeite can still perform in combat, but only at an average level or potentially lower, unlike specialised combat craft.

Its speed and firepower reflect its designer, that being Galactic Horizon which at the time of design is a new competitor on the starship design market with little experience or history in the industry. While the company is inexperienced with starship design, they possess advanced technological knowledge and specialists - which compensates partly for their lack of experience.


General information about the ship.


Information listing the max capacity and operational requirements in terms of personnel.

  • Crew: 8 operators are recommended, 4 are required.
  • Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 50 people. About 100 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


Size listing of the starship, including the number and size of each deck.

  • Length: 180m
  • Width: 240m
  • Height: 30m
  • Decks: 7 (3m each, plus 6 maintenance conduits, each 1.5m)

Propulsion and Range

Speed statistics and operation information regarding expected operation times.

  • FTL: 0.2LY/m, max range of 15LY - 1 Falcon Tunnel Drive
  • Sublight Engines: .225c - 3 Cirrostratus Ion-Grid Propulsion Drive
  • Range: 1 year fully stocked, 6 months standard stocked.
  • Lifespan: Recommended for 21 years but can last longer if well maintained.
  • Refit Cycle: 7 years standard use, 4 years intensive use.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Armour and hull is Tier 11 - Medium Starship
  • Standard combat shielding is Tier 11 - Medium Starship
  • Alternate shielding is Tier 11 - Medium Starship

Inside the Ship

Deck layout and the individual layout of each major compartment on the ship.

Deck Layout

A list of decks on the ship and what rooms are on each:

  • Deck 1: The bridge and the captain's suite take up the top deck.
  • Deck 2: The medbay and several science bays outfitted to synthesise solutions in the field.
  • Deck 3: The cabins for crew and passengers take up the third deck along with a personal gear storage area at the back.
  • Deck 4: The crew and passenger rec room is located on the fourth deck along with the recreational arena. At the other end of the deck is the exercise and training rooms along with an ablutions block.
  • Deck 5: The engines and auxiliary power generators are located within this deck in an engineering section. The central computer hub is also within this deck along with a blank AI core which can be outfitted with any compatible intelligence.
  • Deck 6: The shuttle bays are situated at the rear of deck 6 with each bay having designated storage for vehicle munitions. Between the shuttle bays is a long distance storage area primarily used to hold spare components for the Jadeite in case repairs are needed during a journey.
  • Deck 7: Deck 7 is mostly dedicated to cargo and storage, giving the ship enough space to hold enough supplies to last it and the crew for months at a time without the need to restock or refuel. One smaller section at the front is a fully outfitted PA bay which can store up to 45 armours or suits across three racks for rapid personnel deployment.

Compartment Layouts

List of the various rooms and compartments in the ship as well as their contents and layout where applicable


The Armoury is outfitted to hold enough environmental suits, power armour, and weapons for a full crew of 40; in a full capacity situation armours and suits can be moved into the PA Bay to make room for more weapons and ammunition. When fully stocked there is only enough room for about 5 people to easily move around the room and retrieve equipment at one time.


The Bridge has enough stations for a full flight crew of 10 with the captain and second in command sitting staggered side by side near the rear of the room. There are two terminals at the front of the room for a pilot and co-pilot; each has a set of controls for emergency situations. Two sets of two stations line the walls slightly towards the rear of the room; each is linked to the ship's weapons - however, they can all be controlled by a single operator if need be. A communications and logistics station is located to the left of the pilots at the front of the room and a basic engineer station is on the right of the pilot stations.

Captain's Suite

A large bed occupies the centre space opposite the entrance which can comfortably fit three, on the left side of the room from the entrance is a moderate built-in wardrobe for the captain to store various outfits of ceremonial and practical use. On the right of the room is a large chest that can store any personal effects or items and shoes. The chest also contains a secret hatch in the base linked directly to a maintenance conduit for a quick escape.

Cargo/Storage Areas

70% of the 7th deck is dedicated to the storage area, creating a large empty space. The cargo bay has modular fittings on the floor and wall to suit the needs of the captain with the option to configure it to store supply crates, vehicles, and extra seating or medical accommodations. It can also be configured to be two or even all three types as the captain sees fit; if all of the storage is dedicated to supplies the ship can support a full crew for up to a year - but is recommended for only 8 months at a time.

Crew Cabins

Each crew cabin contains two two-person bunk beds, each with a designated personal footlocker and a large built-in wardrobe sectioned into 4 spaces.

Crew Recreation

A large communal room divided into two sections by a collapsing wall in the centre; for lift-off and touch-down it is recommended to have the wall collapsed. There is no standard equipment for the large rec room but like most other spaces it has fittings and attachment points along the floor for standard configuration types such as a cinema theme, tabletop games2), and a nightlife theme.


The engineering department is located next to the engine room with a direct connection between the two rooms for quick access. Within the engineering department, there is a two-man bunk for on-duty technicians and an access terminal that controls the ship's blast doors and regulates power distribution, the latter of which can also be controlled from the engineer station on the bridge.

Maintenance Conduits

The maintenance conduits are cylindrical passages running from the front to the back of the ship with a vertical connection tube at the front and back and one in the middle. The conduits have a padded interior skin which can be moved aside to allow access to the wiring and auxiliary terminals behind them. Special automatic lighting in the conduits will point to the nearest exit hatch in the case of an emergency.

Medical Centre

The medbay contains 20 general purpose beds for injury recovery as well as 4 operating beds between two small operating theatres. Away from the patient treatment area is a sealed science lab outfitted to study poisons, viruses and diseases as well as a medical synthesiser to synthesise treatments as well as examine material collected from journeys.


Across the ship, there is one main passageway that runs the whole length of the ship with branching sub-passages to access other rooms and a stairwell at the end of each passage at the rear of the ship.

Power Armour Bay

The power armour bay is located on the 7th deck, taking the remaining 30% space; within the PA bay, there are three racks for storing up to 15 suits or armours at a time. The racks can also assist in the entry and exit of power armour.

Shuttle Bays

The shuttle bay can safely fit one shuttle with a medium land vehicle behind it or two moderate vehicles which can be loaded on and off by ramps or crane. To avoid cluttering the other bays, the back of the shuttle bay is sectioned off to hold the ammunition and fuel (if required) for the shuttle and land vehicle/s stored within the bay.


Within the wardroom is a kitchen alcove big enough to accommodate 3 chefs at once; an open section of the alcove allows food dishes to be placed onto a long shelf which crew can pick from like a buffet. Behind the kitchen area is a sealed breakroom with a two-man bunk for any chefs on duty who are unable to leave for a long period of time; if necessary, the breakroom can also be used as a shelter in an emergency. The main dining area consists of two long tables with benches on either side to accommodate large crew meal times; per a design request, the wardroom was also outfitted with adjustable light settings and speakers through the ceiling, thus allowing for a range of different atmospheres to be created.

The benches and tables themselves are crafted from heavy oak and sealed to protect against damage from food and drink spills, while two simplistic chandeliers offer a more refined style experience to better emulate the Akemi way of life.

Ship Systems

List of included systems onboard the starship either required or beneficial for optimal operation.

Armor and Hull-Integrated Systems

The Jadeite uses Nerimium for a large portion of its outer armour plating, with Durandium Alloy comprising most of the leftover parts that are not exposed to outside dangers.

Digital Systems

Digital systems on the Jadeite are equipped to be as effective as possible in the high-risk situations associated with exploration. High-end power regulating algorithms are installed to combat nebulae and cosmic storms along with auto-routing power connectors, automatic jump-start systems, and smart fire suppression devices.

Emergency Systems

In addition to the digital countermeasures, blast doors, emergency oxygen supplies, and life pods are installed within the Jadeite gunship as emergency systems. The final and worst-case scenario emergency system is the black box system which records the last known actions of the vessel should it be destroyed or lose its crew.

Life Support

Life support systems included are above par grade systems geared towards extending the length of time the Jadeite can be away before needing to resupply. Atmospheric generators (gravity, oxygen, etc), carbon-consumable fabricators, and a waste re-purposing facility are three basic systems which were overhauled and brought up to standards for long range mission use, allowing them to operate longer and more efficiently than previously.


The Jadeite uses several pink cirrostratus drives for sublight travel of up to .225c; its method of FTL travel involves the newly developed Falcon Tunnel Drive. Using this tunnel drive the Jadeite is able to spend time charging while drifting to conserve power before making a jump of up to 15LY.


The Jadeite comes equipped with a dual shield system however they cannot both be used simultaneously at any given time due to power requirements and the physical nature of the second shield. While it has standard primary starship shielding, the Environmental Starship Shield acts as the go-to defense against natural adversaries.

Weapons Systems

List of weapons included on the ship from top to bottom as primary, secondaries, and point defenses, along with the number of each and their damage rating.

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2018/05/21 21:17; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/08/20 10:38.

Manufacturer is decided by this conglomerate.
air hocky and foosball

corp/galactic_horizon/gh-s1-1f_jadeite_class_gunship.1700311902.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:42 (external edit)