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Repair Drones "Apparition"

The hover-capable “Apparition” repair drone was created to facilitate repairs in the New Dusk Conclave's military and civilian corporations, such as Black Wing Enterprises, the Mining Guild, and Noval Heavy Industries. It was created by the Department of Engineering, and went into operation in late YE 42.



The overall height of the repair drones when in rest mode is 1.09 meters. When in rest mode it extends a pair of landing legs that add .09 meters to its height.

One of the key features of the drone is its domed head that can raise up on an extendable neck. When extended, the head can turn on an axis that allows the drone a 360-degree view of its environment. The head contains specialized optics that give it UV vision and X-ray penetration, allowing it to see where the most damage is present. This aides the drone in understanding where it needs to focus its efforts.

Core Systems

The “Apparition” possesses a sophisticated computer mind that allows it to follow verbal and nonverbal directions. It can understand Yamataigo (邪馬台語), Trade (language), and Seraphim.


The drone uses three Plasma Power Cells for its power needs. In addition to providing power for the drone's systems, the plasma is also used for its propulsion capabilities.


To navigate when there is no gravity, such as in the blackness of space, the drones are equipped with a small version of the Helix Plasma Engine. The largest nozzle for the Helix is located at the very bottom of the drone. Smaller nozzles are arrayed around the drone's back and sides to allow it to manage its orientation.

In atmosphere, the drones compensate for their weight by way of a small anti-gravity device. This allows it to continue moving using its small Helix Plasma Engine in an efficient manner.

List of parts

Primary Systems

The Apparition's primary purpose is ship repair. It is fitted with tools within itself and attached to its sides, which allow it to perform a variety of repair and maintenance functions. As the tools are specifically made for work on starships, they are capable of cutting and working on most hulls.

Inner Compartments


  • Re-purposed Plasma Cutter/Torch to cut through any metallic debris that might need to be removed.

Auxiliary Functions

Early on, the drones were covered in Durandium Alloy. With recent updates to the NDC’s materials technology, Madite has been used on many of the latest drone models.

OOC Notes

charaa created this article on 2020/06/26 15:00.

approved by Ametheliana 2020-10-30

Approval thread

Landing/ Power down mode

corp/bwe/equipment/repair_drones.1671511670.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:07 (external edit)