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Orianna Paddenmour

Orianna Paddenmour is a player character played by Sosina.

Orianna Paddenmour
Species & Gender: Human Female
Date of Birth: YE 24.10.10
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Intelligence Operative
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Placement: Operation La Prossima

Preferred Plots

  1. Operation La Prossima

Physical Description

Standing 6'5“ tall, Orianna has a lightly muscular build with white skin, amber eyes, and long black hair usually kept in a messy ponytail. Her arms and legs are fairly well-muscled thanks to her rigorous training. She does have a few scars on her body: a cut scar on her left hip, an abrasion scar on the right side of her abdomen, and a scar from a crushing injury on her upper right arm. All were gained from her training. She also habitually keeps her body hairless with the only exception being her head.


Orianna has a seemingly easygoing attitude, hiding her focus and attention to details behind a veneer of seeming like she doesn't take anything too seriously, a tactic she learned in her training. When she gets focused, however, she drops the act and focuses to the point where she seems to be running on automatic. While Family Tradition got her on her path, Orianna herself has taken quite a liking to her path, and her dedication has carried her all this way thus far.

In truth, Orianna is a hard worker, to the point of sometimes putting off sleep or even eating when she is focused on fixing or working on something, from training her family martial arts to working on machines and weapons. That focus slowly takes over as she continues working, and the time doesn't seem to affect her until she has finished or is forced to stop her work. This approach to things makes her slow to anger as she starts to take in details when things need more of her focus.

When it comes to other people, Orianna is friendly and welcoming to most, even trying to befriend people who try to distance themselves, trying to make at the very least a small bit of comradery between her and people she knows she will be around, just to make the whole time more pleasant for everyone. She will watch someone's back and hope they do the same, though the few that have betrayed her have found a rather very focused person now keeping an eye on them. One thing Orianna learned about herself during her preparation for Armorer training was that she loved tinkering with things. This caused her to learn more about Engineering so she could eventually design equipment or at least try to make improvements to it when possible. One such project was 'Scuzzy', a EM-J4-2a MARI (Space) her assistant, on which she has done custom bodywork.


Orianna Paddenmour was born on YE 24.10.10 on Yamatai (Planet) in the village of Shingō as the first daughter to her mother Orianna Paddenmour and her father Connelly Paddenmour. Orianna is technically the newest in the line following a tradition that has been around as long as the Paddenmour family. The first daughter is always named Orianna. Growing up in the village, Orianna simply played and learned with her friends, starting training at age three with her father and mother guiding her. When their mind and body were best to get them into a training regime, they taught her the family style, the use of the Meteor Hammer, the Rope Dart, and the Three Section Staff, with a secondary focus on more traditional Polearms as well.

She learned and trained with her parents, quite enjoying the time with them, making her see the martial arts as quite fun to learn. As they grew older and grew into their own, Orianna learned about the Zenjinkaze Fighting High School in Tsubomi and she wanted to go. It took a bit of time and work, but she managed to get admittance to the school where she stayed for several years for extended schooling and training, having made friends in the school, several actually, as she moved from dorm to dorm during her time there as one of the longer residents at the primarily Nekovalkyrja attended school. She even held the title of one of the Four Divine Queens by virtue of her being there so long and training there as well the whole time.

The extra time in the school prepared her for her graduation which she quickly joined the Star Army of Yamatai and took to the training rather quickly learning SACQC during basic and then going into the Armorer occupation out of it, but also taking training in heavy weapons and demolitions as both held interest for her. When she was made aware of the SELECT program, she rather quickly got to work gaining the recommendation required to be accepted for the program, especially after finding out her old roommate and friend from the Zenjinkaze Fighting High School, Oodori Tsumenaga, was recommended as well. Through the training there, she learned SAINT CRIED before being assigned to Operation La Prossima after her INDOC.

Skills Learned

Optional section. Orianna Paddenmour has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Orianna Paddenmour is connected to:

  • Connelly Paddenmour (Father)
  • Orianna Paddenmour (Mother)
  • Oodori Tsumenaga (Friend/roommate from Zenjinkaze)

Inventory & Finance

Orianna Paddenmour has Star Army Standard Issue Items. In addition, she also has:

  • Her personal Meteor Hammer made by her family, this is a copy of the main one that is back at her family home.
  • A Meteor Hammer stealth head that she made herself to disguise it as a bauble to wear on her clothing.
  • A Meteor Hammer stealth “chain” that is made of high-strength silk that's roughly as strong as Yamatium to disguise it as part of a belt or her outfit on clothing.
  • A EM-J4-2a MARI (Space) that she got before joining the military which she has dubbed “Scuzzy” she has given it some Bronze inlay and borders to make it look neat as well as changed the colors of the panels to a Navy blue for style, it even has a nameplate!
  • Additional clothing and personal supplies.

She has also requisitioned a EM-J5-1a - FARS SAOY for herself once she could (she plans to customize it as well if given the chance), a Shoulder-Fired Launcher, Anti-Armor Missile, Type 30 with additional ammo loads of various warhead types, and a Star Army Rifle, Type 33 with Barrel Module A with a bipod attachment. Both weapons are listed as “Personal firearms”.

Orianna Paddenmour currently has 3000 KS.

Orianna's Mindy

OOC Information

In the case Sosina becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? No
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? No

characters/yamatai/orianna_paddenmour.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/05 22:52 by sosina