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Miyamae Eriko

Eriko is an NPC made by Cannonball and played by Ametheliana. She is currently the commander of Fort Hajime.

Miyamae Eriko
Species: Nekovalkyrja (NH-29)
Gender: Female (gynoid)
Age: 10 YE
Height: 170cm
Weight: 56kg
Measurements C cup
Organization Star Army of Yamatai
Rank Shôshô
Occupation Base Commander
Current Placement Fort Hajime/ Anticipating Deployment 1)


  • Creator: Star Army of Yamatai

Like most, Eriko was born to struggle and serve within the army. Over time, she has come to truly believe in the Empire she serves despite its failings and she would like nothing more than to see it march ever onwards, and this is due in no small part to the friendships and connections she's formed during her time in the 5th XF. Possessing a strong sense of justice, Eriko actively wants to remove, what she perceives as, the rot forming at the heart of the Star Army - though she sees this as a product of the Empire's youth and inexperience more than the fault of any particular person.

  • Daughter: Miyamae Michiko

Michiko was conceived after a particularly wild night that involved far too much drink. That said, Eriko had been thinking about a child for some time before that little incident - though she'd always pushed the thought to the back of her mind. Michiko is currently training to join the Star Army, and Eriko deeply regrets not being able to spend more time with her child. Their relationship is cordial but a little estranged - with the war forcing too many obligations on both parties to see a true mother/daughter bond form between them at the moment. They occasionally write to each other and Eriko can be something of a worrywart when it comes to her child - or even a little overprotective at times (she knows this though, and does try to limit herself).

Physical Description

Eriko is a neko who has outgrown her impetuous youth. No longer is she defined by the rigid posture of military discipline or the carefree nature of a curious child. Now, her stance is casual, relaxed and totally in control. She is a young woman who possesses experience.

With fair skin, and standing at an imposing 5’6”, Eriko’s body is buxom and curvaceous. How she manages to maintain such a – for lack of a better word – sexy body and while still retaining muscle enough to put her hand straight through solid stone remain a mystery. One can only thank the wonders of modern robotics for giving us such well endowed women.

With emerald eyes and a pleasant enough smile, Eriko’s face is usually quite inviting. Her hair is chestnut brown and fairly long - with a trimmed fringe and long bangs to either side of her head; the extra length usually found tied back into short ponytail to keep it manageable and out of the way.


Mature and a little more world-wise than she once was, Eriko is a neko who’s come into her own as both a person and a soldier. Her love and loyalty for the Star Army has transformed from a general feeling into a focused and razor-sharp desire to protect and further the 5th XF in all its forms: from the smallest scout ship right up to her commanding officer, Motoyoshi Katsuko.

For Eriko, only the successful completion of a task matters. Caring little for the means or methods used in the process, her approach to the workplace is outwardly carefree and friendly; inviting her direct subordinates to be open, creative and casual. Make no mistake though; this attitude is built on conditional trust – it exists only as long as said subordinates show their duty is unhindered by a lack of formal restriction. In a word, to an outsider her behaviour can appear lax, but those who know her realise she expects the best and only does her part to make achieving that as comfortable and easy as possible.

Naturally, no one could make Eriko’s position without being exceptionally intelligent. Her mind is quick to plan and quicker to improvise; capable of tracking and processing a vast wealth of information with startling ease. A consummate manipulator, she has devoted her life to lightening the burden of Katsuko’s responsibility through any, and that means any, means she sees fit no matter how drastic.

Theme Song: 10th Man Down by Nightwish

Likes and Dislikes


Victory, competence, friendship and trust, children, bubble baths


Spineless scum, needless death, incompetence, the rain



Red-hot iron, white-hot iron, cold-black iron; an iron taste, an iron smell and a Babel of iron sounds. To that sight she merely stared and wondered. Before her the bays of the Hotaru bellowed and thundered to the commands of an unseen puppeteer. Shapeless form and ugly function melded and mingled; joining in rhythmic harmony to produce the warships and warriors of their mighty fleet – tall, proud and alone in its integrity.

How had she gotten here? A heady question – fraught with twists, turns and more than a little luck. Eriko paused mid-thought…no, she knew exactly how she’d gotten here. With tooth and claw, one step at a time, amid the backdrop of endless battle. How might things have been different? If she have been assigned to the First, or killed and not brought back? Questions without answers; the past would always remain the past, unchanging and immutable.

Here, now, she was alive and in the Fifth. And what a position it was – what responsibility, what joys, what dangers, what traps! Personal glory mattered little in the grand scheme of things; hers was a chance to push forward a fleet and help shape the destiny of an empire. Glory for all: herself, the Motoyoshi, the Fifth, the Empire. That was a destiny worth accepting, worth striving for…worth bleeding for.

And bled she had. In great torrents. Again and again, over and over. Dead once, mutilated beyond recognition twice, wounded countless times. Her mind broken almost permanently. Eriko, though, had survived each time to rise stronger from the ashes. A phoenix reborn.

She stared into her reflection: all white command panels and neat hair. Searched the lines of her own face – searching for it, looking for it…that little bit of fear. Fear of herself. There, in her eyes, the anger bottled up inside. There but not quite there. Contained with a clear mind and tranquil thoughts, the rage burning in her soul sat and waited. That was the source of the fear. What could she do if that were let out?

In fact, how long had she lived with it? Since Murf? Since Taiie? Since she watched her old Captain burn to death before her eyes? Or was it always there? There and waiting to be released in battle, released as her boots crushed skulls beneath her feet, as her guns tore entrails from carcasses and sprayed space with glistening red? Eriko couldn’t say. She had forgotten when. Perhaps on purpose.

A sigh. It was a trying time for all, no exceptions. When you reflected like this, only a lot of bad things seemed to spring to mind; the pain and tears – fleeting glimpses of agony carved into the soul. And it stung to think like that. Stung. It was all a balancing act though – weighed against it all were the nicer thoughts of happy faces and soothing sunshine. What…what keep her going was that. Not hope, but the promise of better days. Better days that she knew, that Eriko knew, needed to be carved by herself and her comrades. For that, for the promise of smiling faces, she would scratch and bite, manipulate and deceive, destroy, crush, kill and sweep aside all opposition.

She smiled to herself. Sometimes you just had to tell yourself the truth – reaffirm your reason for going on. It made things easier somehow.

RP History

Miyamae Eriko aides the admiral in a speech on their new home and teases others while still remaining reliable and steadfast.

Quote from [Hotaru] Jiyuu-Reuinification The Journey to Jiyuu
Truth be told, Eriko tried hard to be a nice, happy person…and she didn’t always succeed.

After the speech, Miyamae is promoted.

Quote from [Hotaru] Jiyuu-Reuinification The Journey to Jiyuu
Eriko practically choked on her drink and almost leapt to her feet. Through the spluttering, she managed a weak “…shosho?” before suddenly going rigid with attention. Really, promotion was such a silly little thing…but that badge looked awfully shiny.

Miyamae Eriko delves into the reasons that she was promoted.

Quote from [Hotaru] New Year New Beginnings
What a curious thing was life…so full of twists and turns, exaltations and pitfalls alike. Eriko fell back and stopped, biting at her lip. “We have to with this war, Saito…we shouldn’t need people like me commanding our battlegroups…”

Some of her people are wounded and Eriko arrives after PANTHEON says it cannot discern who did it.

Quote from [Hotaru] An Unfortunate Night
She [Miho] tried to kill me. Misato answered the Taisho, not moving her eyes off of Eriko.

It was at that moment that the Mishhuvurthyar chose to attack. Eriko got to her position of command speedily.

Quote from [Hotaru] An Unfortunate Night
Eriko forced her way in; the lift to the NECTAR not even fully opened as she dashed to the centre of Hotaru. Vaulting the barrier that separated the command table from the rest of the room, she crashed into her chair. SPINE wired her wandering mind directly to the heart of the Fifth; the room exploded into life as the most powerful volumetric displays in the fleet suddenly began cycling through information faster than the untrained eye could see.

She fought until victory was reached…

Quote from [Hotaru] An Unfortunate Night
Eriko stopped for the first time since the battle started – stopped dead. She closed her eyes for a moment, and stood; prying her fingers from the edges of the chair and stretching out the tension in her muscles. To be honest, she looked a bit haggard – the sheer speed at which she’d given orders had seemingly drawn itself into her face. The Shosho massaged her temples, and relaxed. The battle was over, losses were light and the squid had been kicked squarely in the tail.

Afterwards, she spoke with others to learn who cause the incident with Miho earlier.

Quote from [Kasairyuu] From the ashes, the Kasairyuu return.
Eriko’s avatar nodded gravely. “Thank you for listening, Caine. I’m aware of my position; but someone used PANTHEON to cover up this attempt. Whether what I’m doing is wrong or not doesn’t matter at the moment – I need to know what’s going on. here’s one person who might have seen the whole incident, a drunk Nepleslian… … Eriko opened a channel to the Asuka. “I’m afraid, Caine-chui is right, Asuka. My orders; keep that man secret, keep him safe. Don’t tell Hotaru and make sure you especially don’t tell Misato-ShoSho. But…but, if Yaichiro-Taii asks you, don’t keep it from him. Give him this message…” Eriko transferred a small file to the Asuka’s databanks. “…I don’t want to break his trust, so on this matter he has the authority to overrule me. Make sure he gets the message first though.”

Eriko finds out enough to know she should resurrect Miho and does so.

Quote from [Hotaru] Necromancy
She flicked the switch and tossed a SPINE locking unit into the tank. The room was bathed in a flickering green radiance; bubbles rising from the depths as flesh and bone began to form anew. Eriko watched, wide-eyed and emotionless…her face ghoulish in the glow as the ST data began to raise a familiar figure from the dead. “…hello, Miho.”

Upon resurrecting the CO of Hotaru, Eriko commenced to break her physically before Eriko herself was broken by the truth that Miho had turned on Yamatai for the Mishhu.

Quote from [Hotaru] Necromancy
“I…I don’t want to believe you think that way. Not the Miho I used to know!” Eriko chocked back a sob, tears starting to run down her face. “I’ve lost too many people to sit here and listen to you talk this way. You did good – we’ve done good. I know things are messed up, and it’s bad, Miho…it’s really bad. But this isn’t going to make it better and you know that…!” Eriko went for Miho and hugged her tight; crying into her shoulder. The stress from the battle and the anger in her heart unwinding in an instant. “…or at least you did know that. I just don’t know anymore.

Post RP

Eriko was then asked to be relieved of active duty, though not many, if any, in Star Army knew what she had done to Miho. She was stationed at Fort Minori Reserve Center until asked to be a part of a new developing Fort Hajime.


Below are Eriko's skills:


Eriko is fond of both bonsai botany and painting. In fact, she can be rather obsessive about them occasionally – sometimes spending nights and days meticulously refining her miniature biomes or putting the finishing touches on her ‘modern art’ (which she says is an expression of the abstract nature of existence – though that might be an excuse to disguise her inability to paint properly).


Eriko is intimately familiar with all the communication systems used by the Star Army – and a few that aren’t. She is fluent is English and Japanese, well versed in her telepathy and capable of performing every other aspect of her duties with practiced grace (issuing orders, filing reports and forms, etcetera).


While she has since risen through the ranks, Eriko is not the sort of person to neglect her personal combat skills. She may not be an ace, but her piloting skills are a superb blend of experience and natural talent even if she doesn’t get nearly as many opportunities to utilise this skill as she used to.

However, as the personal assistant to a Fleet Admiral, Eriko fully believes her duties extend to protecting her CO and beating the ever-loving tar out of anyone who gets too close for comfort. To this end, she is surprisingly skilled with handheld guns, concealed weapons and unarmed combat in almost any condition imaginable.


A lifetime of reading and education has given Eriko quite a broad knowledge base. Beyond knowing the history of the Star Army and the laws of the Empire like the back of her hand, she is quite fond of studying culture and artistic movements. Eriko also finds a guilty pleasure in reading cheesy romance novels


As both a long lived member of the Star Army and a Taisa responsible for overseeing the operations of an entire fleet you could say Eriko is a well versed leader. Experienced in public speaking, giving orders and making decisions on both a tactical and strategic scale, she is every bit the military commander you’d expect her to be. However, as Fleet Aide her duties also require her to take an active hand in politics and other diplomatic pursuits – not to mention her need to deal with a stunning amount of intelligence on a regular basis.


Eriko was taught basic mathematics, including algebra and trigonometry, to comply with Star Army standards. She is intimately familiar with numbers as an extension of her logistics duties.

Technology Operation

As the Fleet Aide, the ability to operate technology quickly is a vital skill. She is an expert at utilising the Kessaku OS for data entry, searching, organization and retrieval. Moreover, she is a skilled programmer and a dangerous hacker when the situation warrants her peculiar talents. Frequently, cyber warfare features in her strategies and its unexpected nature can serve as a lethal surprise to the unwary enemy.

Starship Operation

To even be considered for promotion to Taisa, it is necessary to serve underneath an existing Captain as their executive officer. It should be no surprise to find that Eriko is therefore highly skilled in the successful operation of an interstellar warship. Competent as either pilot or navigator (and a passing communication officer when required), Eriko’s true skills are found in the Captain’s seat where her keen mind and superb leadership qualities can be put to their best use.

Eriko’s Inventory


Army Standard Issue

Star Army Uniform
  • Torso Variant Uniform (2)
  • Mesh Undershirt, light blue (2)
  • Mesh Stockings, light blue (2)
  • Skirt, slashed, dark blue (2)
  • Leather Gloves, dark grey
  • Leather Boots, dark grey
Star Army Dress Uniform
  • Skirt Variant Uniform, white
    • With white (command) chest panel and shoulders
  • Long Leather Gloves, white
  • Long Leather Boots, white
Undergarments and Workout Clothing
  • Panty, black (4)
  • Sports Bra / Swimsuit Top, black (6)
  • Sandals, black
  • Bikini Swimsuit Bottoms, black (2)
  • Ringer T-Shirt with pocket on the left breast, white (2)
  • Yukata with Hinomaru logo print, white
    • Sash for Yukata, black
Weather Gear
  • Tricorner Hat, thick felt with red boarder, black
  • Overcoat, thigh length, black

Civilian Garments

  • Pendant, diamond shaped amberesque stone set in platinum
  • scarf, white
  • Cargo shorts, cream
  • Jeans, blue (2)
  • Skirt, short and black
  • Skirt, short and red
Coats and Tops
  • Blouses in various styles and colours
  • Happi Coat, Hawk Mon Haori with Miyamae crest
  • Tank tops in varies styles and colours
  • Trench coat, black and leather with plenty of concealed, easily reachable pockets
  • Evening gown, black and sleeveless
  • Kimono, black montsuki with Miyamae crest on the back
  • Kimono, purple silk with a crane/cloud motif
  • Boots, knee high and brown leather
  • High heels, black
  • Trainers, white
  • Boot Socks, white (3)
  • Yuuko’s simple panties, white (2)
  • Yuuko’s mesh panties, black (2)
  • Yuuko’s lovely simple bra (2 black, 2 white)
  • Dagger sheath, with clips for belt attachment
  • Ketka skin-suit, helmet has a bullet hole through the faceplate
  • Whistle, given to Eriko by a child she saved early in her career


Weapons and Tools

  • Gas Packs for blade (2 - one in sword)
  • Katana, zesuaium with monomolecular blade and white/gold trim
Eriko’s Dagger

Having long lost her basic survival knife, Eriko turned to a less practical, more combat oriented alternative. A stiletto by design, this dagger is a wicked looking implement by anyone’s standards. Designed to kill, its mono molecular edge and attached heat blade ensure most armor is no obstacle. From there, the integrated poison reservoir does the rest. It’s been rumored that Eriko’s favorite toxins are deadly nanophages, but no one who’s been on the receiving end of this knife is around to talk.

Eriko’s Sword

While she much prefers to use large guns when the enemy comes rolling around, it never hurts to have a backup or two in case things go pear shaped. Eriko’s sword doesn’t actually look like a sword at all – appearing to be nothing more than a metallic cylinder with several activation mechanisms on the side. When switched on, this bladeless weapon ejects a stream of accelerated gases in a near plasma state out to about a metre. Suffice to say, it makes melee combat much more interesting for all parties involved.

Personal Hygiene Items

  • Shampoo, bottle of
  • Liquid Body Soap, bottle of
  • Toothbrush, purple
  • Toothpaste, tube of
  • Washcloth, white
  • Towel, white


  • Wooden Medal Case, velvet interior, engraved with Star Army logo on top
    • Combat (4)
    • Command (2)
    • Experience (1)
    • Exploration (2)
    • Morale (2)
    • Notable Career (1)
    • Service (6)
    • Survival Award (2)
    • Tomoyo's Kikyô (3)
    • Training (1)
    • War against the Mishhuvurthyar


Despite being a vice-admiral in the 5th XF, Eriko has opted to continue using the prestige system. By virtue of her rank, Eriko is capable of making and expecting even major requests to be fulfilled - and is capable of ordering others to get what she wants regardless.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
50,000 KS Life savings
40,000 KS -10,000 Life expenses

OOC Notes

Eriko was adopted here. This character is ready for adoption if Ametheliana is no longer on the site (1 year).

Character Data
Character NameMiyamae Eriko
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankShôshô
SAOY OccupationStar Army Command Staff
SAOY AssignmentFort Hajime
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
DistrictKotori System
Political PartyBellflower
Not only deployment, just placement in a plot

characters/yamatai/miyamae_eriko.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/25 05:57 by wes