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Dr. Saito Shinji

Dr. Saito Shinji is an NPC controlled by GM Damaske who appears in the ISS Sobek plot.

Dr. Saito Shinji
Species & Gender: Male Minkan
Organization: Yugumo Corporation
Occupation: Research Lead
Rank: Kakarichō
Current Placement: ISS Sobek

Character Description

  • Dr. Saito Shinji appears to be a typical Yamataian approaching middle age, with the occasional silver hair and lines appearing on his face. Shinji, like most minkan, is a well-formed human male of average build whose shoulders are slightly broader than his waist. He is 165cm (5ft 5in) tall and weighs 69kg (152 lbs) and has classic, human-style ears and short, dark brown hair with streaks of silver. Shinji has dark brown, almond-shaped eyes. He maintains a neat moustache and goatee of dark brown hair that is shot through with silver hairs.
  • In some ways, Shinji is the quintessential scientist, possessing a deep curiosity and desire to uncover the secrets of the universe. Having been something of a child prodigy, Shinji is highly intelligent, analytical and methodical. As with many who have a similar degree of academic focus, Shinji's social skills are less refined, especially when interacting with non-academics. Shinji has been known to get so deeply involved with his work that he forgets to take breaks unless forcibly reminded.
  • When focusing, Shinji will occasionally place the tip of a thumb between his teeth and lightly gnaw on the nail.

History and Relationship Notes

  • Shinji was born in YE 09 to a family reeling from the losses of the Great Plague the year before. Smart from a young age, Shinji grew to be something of a child prodigy when it came to the sciences and was admitted to the Kyousou Institute of Technology in YE 22 where he would spend four years earning his first doctorate degree in Chemistry. He immediately enrolled onto a Materials Science degree program at Kyousou which resulted in his second doctorate after another four years. Having interned with Kakutama Heavy Industries during the last two years of his studies, Shinji was employed by them full-time for three years. He was heavily involved in research and development of next-generation starship hull materials until being evacuated by the Star Army of Yamatai in YE 33 when the mishhu destroyed much of the corporate holdings during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War.
  • Having taken an interest in the practical side of the research work he had been doing, Shinji returned to his alma mater to study Astronautical Engineering, which he obtained a Masters degree in three years later in YE 37. His Mastery Project caught the attention of Peacekeeper Heavy Industries who hired him to work in their Advanced Hull Design team. Yugumo Corporation headhunted Shinji in YE41 and he went to work for the newly formed corporation.
  • By the start of YE 45, Shinji had become a Team Leader within the Advanced Materials Development Group working out of the Yugumo Corporation Materials Research Laboratory working out of Adlich A, Nemesis Bastion. Due to the highly confidential nature of his work, when out in the field he is publicly employed by Yugumo Fleetworks, operating out of Port Jiyuu.


  • Freja Eirsdottir - Freja is Shinji's fellow scientist, a reliable assistant and he honestly wonders how he ever managed the team without her able assistance. He often finds that Freja provides the sheer solid dependable work that brings his moments of inspiration to fruition.
  • Madry Oshker - Madry has quickly proven her worth to Shinji and he considers her a valuable member of the team for her computer skills. He doesn't care that she started life as an Ascendant Consort, only that she is the highly capable and reliable team member that she is.
  • Jaek Ashton - Jaek has proven an adept technical systems specialist and Shinji is often appreciative of how quickly the big man can setup field equipment or repair system faults.


Team Equipment (to eventually move to group page)

  • 1 Taka-Class Shuttle, named Kyūkōka (急降下), meaning Swoop in Yamataigo.
  • Science and Technical Field Lab Equipment
  • Emergency Supplies

OOC Notes

Roleplaying Notes

  • Shinji is very much the stereotypical 'absent-minded scientist'. He is deeply loyal to science, the Yugumo Corporation and the Yamatai Star Empire and usually in that order. Shinji cares for his team and respects them, but isn't overtly friendly with them, preferring to keep his interactions warmly professional. He tends to avoid social gatherings where he can and would rather be studying the latest peer research papers or science periodicals.
Character Data
PlotsISS Sobek plot

characters/independent/shinji_saito.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/08 17:57 by damaske