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Araena Soriano

Araena Soriano is a player character played by Arbitrated. NOTE: This is the rogue clone civilian. If you are looking for the Star Army commissioned officer, please go to this page: Araena Sutoikku.

  Araena Soriano  
  Species & Gender:    Caelisolan Female  
  Date of Birth:    YE 07 (Age 25 as of YE 42)  
  Organization:    Independent  
  Occupation:    Independent  
  Rank:    None  
  Current Placement:    ECV Raven  

Physical Description


Height: 196cm

Weight: 39kg (86.0lbs)

Wing Details: 413cm span, Cardinal structure.

Feather color: Light grey transitioning into dark grey, with occasional random maroon feathers.

Eye color: Garnet red.

Hair color: Silver with a very slight sheen of blue.

Hair style: Incredibly curly, often kept to shoulder-length.

BWH: 36, 27, 33 (D cup)

Carrying around a surprisingly curvy body for a Caelisolan, this ashen cardinal has not left the attention given to her be unnoticed. Her slender overall frame comined with the general lack of pigmentation in her hair and plumage had for a time assigned Arna nicknames such as 'ghost' or 'spirit', especially combined with her early involvement ins the Caelisolan Project. Despite what may be implied by her more “volumetric” chest and wings, this woman is surprisingly nimble and can climb a variety of objects with relative ease. Despite the relatively cramped conditions she occasionally works in, Araena often wears the long-skirted variation of the standard uniform.


A surprisingly cheerful and social individual, despite her past growing up and her career's nearly eternal monotony and repetition, Araena can be summarized almost immediately as an optimist. Whenever possible, the Elysian will bring forth information of a silver lining, a ray of sunshine, or even something as straightforward as “we are not dead yet, thus we have a chance”. Quick to warm up to others, Soriano has a knack for bringing comfort and respite to those around her.

Similarly, the Elysian believes in the idea that one should protect others when possible. Should an argument, heated debate, or fight break out it would not be a surprised for Miss Soriano to be caught in the middle trying to disperse the tension with tact and a calm voice.

Eager to be the cutting edge when an opportunity arises, Soriano always stays near the front and center if she can. With an age of new technology and more than enough ideas, the cardinal is always willing to take part in one experiment or another.

In accordance with the rest of her, the girl was indeed quite polite and courteous, rarely to show anger even when surrounded by stressors and impatience. Off-putting to some, this politeness had actually been a unique trait in her earlier life.


Araena Soriano was born in YE 07, in an unknown city on Yamatai underneath Heavens by the name Araena Serphine.

Born into one of the most heavily deteriorating plebian cities, Araena was barely over a year old when the Plague resulted mass paranoia and chaos throughout society-the body of her mother was never found. Having survived the chaos by what could best be described as pure luck, the child's human father made his way carefully through the partially ruined city, taking his daughter with him as he was taken in by the budding Star Army's military forces; using his status as a survivor of the sudden catastrophe allowed the man and child to be taken to safety despite the war.

For the next several years of her life, Araena was actually raised with a mixture of Elysian and Yamataian customs; her father believed that the only way he could help Araena's late mother in her death, was to raise their daughter as true to Elysian tradition as possible. At about the age of five, Araena and her father returned to what could be considered the remainder of Elysian territory on Geshrintall.

Araena was raised in a small community, a town which primarily contained refugees and survivors of the War, for the next several years of her life-even through the second and third wars; the relative size of the community and the fact that it was not on many maps at the time allowed the civilians there to live a surprisingly peaceful life during the conflicts. As much of Elysian society began to move to a new world, the Serphine family, all two of them, followed along.

Araena, now the age of eighteen, began to develop incredible interest-and concern-at the rapidly re-growing society; at the time, Elysia Novus would not have been prepared for a massive influx of people. Despite her over-caring father's worries for her health, Araena started to volunteer to help the budding society grow and develop even though a fourth war raged on. When the Caelisolan Project was still in very early development, Araena's father-still a human at the time-encouraged her to sign up as a volunteer; at the time, he was afraid that another Plague may happen to elysians who refused to “upgrade”. As the process had also promised a soul transfer based back up to volunteers, Serphine's father also convinced himself this was the best way to preserve what family he had left- making his daughter effectively immortal, and even more an Elysian than she could ever have been without her mother.

With her small influence in the community, combined with her relatively healthy physical and mental state for a plebian and her willingness to help Elysia, Araena was accepted as a volunteer for the Caelisolan project near the end of YE 28. Her new body, after a mistake which forced the growth process to be restarted, took a few weeks to prepare for the procedure. A short time into YE 29, Araena's consciousness resided in a new, colorful body. It wasn't until nearly a month later that the woman's lack of coloration became truly obvious; her growing hair had been steadily taking on its distinct silver sheen, while many ash-colored feathers intermixed with her originally crimson plumage. Though her body is genetically supportive of its natural pigmentation, an error in its creation has caused the pigments to not be produced naturally.1)

The Split

As Araena Serphine continued her life as a civilian before eventually joining the Star Army and becoming a Chusa rank officer, her genetic and mental data was backed up for research to improve the Caelisolan Project, and later archived as the project launched in full. During the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, a datavault courier was dispatched with a wealth of information inside of it which included the data of Araena; destined for a safe location in deep space to wait out the war, the vessel was intercepted by Mishhu raiders, being promptly destroyed - with no survivors to find, the Cargo was left alone as it held little value to the warring party. Several years later, however, the drifting wreckage was captured into the orbit of a moon, and later picked over by scavengers as the war had ended.

Unluckily for Araena, her ST data had been collected by one Fel Mishrael, whom was being hunted by two Mishhuvurthyar siblings she'd scammed in the past. Sacrificing morality - and breaking the law at the same time - Mishrael put the Soul Transfer data into her (also stolen) hemosynth fabrication tube, creating nearly a dozen identical clones of the first name on its list - Araena. These clones were then forced into escape pods and jettisoned to distract the hunters as prey - a tactic which worked out incredibly well for the scavenger.

Due to the abusive usage of the Soul Transfer data, some corruption permanently altered the stored memories for Araena, most notably causing her to forget her own surname. This was quickly found out when Mishrael cloned Araena one last time in an attempt to use her as a hostage to rob a small-end bank in YE 39, which backfired spectacularly as the scavenger-criminal's gun misfired almost immediately, wounding Araena and alerting the local police force in an instant.

In a lucky break for the tall Elysian, the gunshot wound was nonlethal and only crippling, however the interview with authorities with her as a hostage in the criminal act proved to be difficult as, at the time, Araena's body had been produced merely hours ago, and the corrupted data made proper identification effectively impossible. After nearly a month of needing to live as a false citizen in stasis, Araena Soriano eventually was given a full name once more, and a fresh identity, before being released into the world.2)

Social Connections

Araena Soriano is disconnected from:

Father: Matthew Serphine, human male

Mother: Unknown plebian female, presumed dead (body never found)

Skills Learned


Araena was not unfamiliar with working in unsavory conditions and meeting with dangerous individuals. Due to her abbreviated age, she hasn't forgotten the skills that made it through the refugee camp chaos: Fighting dirty, distracting guards, and breaking into places she doesn't belong.


Araena is of average strength for an Eylsian of her age and size; however, she is excellent at climbing and moving about as she chooses, especially in urban environments. Unlike many Elysian Caelisolans, however, Araena cannot fly without a lot of assistance.

Maintinance and Repair

Working as a technician for a few years after rejoining society, Soriano knows how to fix nearly any civilian or industrial piece of equipment - or she claims to. At the least, she knows enough to get them running for a few more days before a professional can arrive.


Araena can drive civilian vehicles, including piloting aircraft, but not spaceships. It sometimes just takes her a few moments to understand how everything works.

Inventory & Finance

Araena Soriano has the following items:

Araena owns some basic clothing.

Araena has a tool box and datapad which, together, provide her with most of the equipment she needs for day to day life.

Araena has 5000 Aureas in her account, equal to 1000 KS.

OOC Information


  • Can this character be killed forever? NO
  • Can this character be killed temporarily? YES

In the case Arbitrated becomes inactive:

  * Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Nope

  * Can this character be adopted after I am gone for a year? No

Character Data
Character NameAraena Soriano
Character OwnerArbitrated
Approval Thread…
This means that whenever Araena uses an ST machine or artificial regeneration of some way, she will have crimson wings and brown hair for a short time afterwards.
Due to the length of time in which Araena Sutoikku had remained alive and served in the Star Army, no solid connections were made between the two persons.

characters/yamatai/araena_soriano.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/19 15:16 by wes