
Gray Wolf Squad

Gray Wolf is a infantry squad operating off of the YSS Artemis.


Gray Wolf was formed in YE 41 on the YSS Artemis. One of their first tasks was to fight the ranger contingent in a simulated battle.

Squad Makeup

Squad Leader

Warrant Officer Jericho Pine, Male, Human

???? Jack Fill this out

Zytone Heavy Combat Armor

Communications Specialist

Rank Name, Gender, Species


Fireteam Leader

Corporal Menelik Berhane, Male, Hanyadi

The extroverted, energetic, and charismatic Nepleslian Marine, with experience serving among other species and an easygoing, friendly nature that makes him fast friends and ideal for leadership.

NAM Terratech High Mobility Assault Armorsuit – “Slayer”

Fireteam Leader

Rank Name, Gender, Species



Santô Hei LT-7830 "Bjorn", Robot, Robot

Bjorn is a AI, that was created to try and help the Star Army Of Yamatai and their missions. He is slowly learning of more things than just warfare and is actually enjoying these none war activities with his crew mates.



Nitô Hei George Kenji, Male, Minkan

An inveterate gambler, with connections to the On'nin Ikemen - 隠人イケ面, and other criminal groups, who joined the SAOY in an attempt to turn his life around. For the most part he's turned onto the straight and narrow, but still has an unconventional approach to things that sees him chafing at times with more traditionalist viewpoints.

M6-2A "Daisy II" Planetary Power Armor


Nitô Hei Bath Kol, Female, Caelisolan

Bath Kol is from a poor farming village, working her way out of relative poverty and into a profession that had been that of her parents, and her parents' parents: soldiery. She is a solid realist and reliable, but tends to mutter and complain about things.

M6-2A "Daisy II" Planetary Power Armor


Rank Name, Gender, Species


OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2019/11/17 15:26 by Firebrand.

🚧 This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon.

wip_2023_or_older/stararmy/starships/yss_artemis/gray_wolf_squad.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 13:54 by wes