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Ms-P3504 - Continuum Distortion Drive

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Murasaki Orbital Shipyards Logo

A Murasaki Keiretsu Subsidiary

The Ms-P3504 series Continuum Distortion Drives are a set of faster-than-light propulsion systems intended primarily for use aboard starships, designed and manufactured by Murasaki Orbital Shipyards. They were first introducted in YE 35.

About Ms-P3504 Continuum Distortion Drives

The Ms-P3504 Continuum Distortion Drives (CDD) propel starships at a velocity of up to 12,500 times the speed of light by manipulating space/time at the quantum level, generating peristaltic waves of 'folded' space using a series of quantum distortion coils. The starship itself rests within a bubble of undistorted n-space, which is propelled by the distortion waves in a given direction without creating inertia or subjecting the ship to relativistic effects like increased effective mass or time dilation – effectively bypassing the 299,792.454 km/second speed limit that governs all normal matter and energy by not moving the starship, but by instead moving a small pocket of space/time within which the starship itself is physically located.

An additional affect caused by the distortion field is that all photons passing through the field are severely warped by the experience; light becomes extremely red-shifted, and most forms of slower-than-light sensors are rendered inoperable by the field and by the fact that the ship far outpaces any generated sensor pulses. Starships utilizing CDD's must rely solely on faster-than-light subspace distortion and mass sensors in order to navigate and detect other vessels. STL sensors are also useless for effectively tracking starships utilizing CDD's, though gravimetric sensors can detect the recent passage of such ships and subspace distortion sensors can track such vessels in real-time.

Like distortion-based shields, CDD's provide defense against radiation caused by impact with space-borne particles and other interstellar debris, as well as limited protection against external attack. A sufficiently powerful external attack will disrupt the distortion field however, and cause a ship using a CDD to revert back to STL velocities. Also, while in use a CDD prevents a starship from utilizing any weapons of its own.

With the Ms-P3504 series of drives the maximum attainable velocity for each drive remains constant at 12,500c, and utilizing multiple drives on the same vessel will not alter this – though the bigger, more powerful drives or multiple drives used in unison can create larger distortion fields and allow bigger ships or even multiple ships to travel faster-than-light within their shared n-space field. Additionally, larger distortion fields have increased power consumption requirements and will require greater amounts of energy in order to provide the same amount of speed for a starship.

Statistics and Performance

Universal General Information

Type: FTL Propulsion System Nomenclature: Ms-P3504 Designers: Murasaki Orbital Shipyards Manufacturer: Murasaki Orbital Shipyards

Universal Performance

Maximum Velocity: 12,500c (25.04 AU/Second or 1.426 LY/Hour)

Ms-P3504 Series Products

Ms-O1-P3504 - Micro Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-O1-P3504 Micro Continuum Distortion Drive is the smallest of the Ms-P3504 series. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by smaller space-faring devices and vehicles such as long-range drones, satellites, light missiles, small torpedoes and very small aerospace craft.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-O1-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 340 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 15 m3 Power Required: 2 MW


Volume: 0.15 m3 Length: 76 cm Diameter: 50 cm Mass: 42.5 kg

Ms-O2-P3504 - Compact Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-O2-P3504 Compact Continuum Distortion Drive is the second smallest of the Ms-P3504 series. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by for use by larger space-faring devices and vehicles such as drones, satellites, heavy missiles, large torpedoes and very small aerospace craft.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-O2-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 1,500 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 150 m3 Power Required: 20 MW


Volume: 1.5 m3 Length: 1.9 m Diameter: 1 m Mass: 425 kg

Ms-T1-P3504 - Super-light Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-T1-P3504 Super-light Continuum Distortion Drive is the third smallest of the Ms-P3504 series. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by for use by by mid-sized aerospace craft, fighter craft and shuttles.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-T1-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 6,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 1,500 m3 Power Required: 200 MW


Volume: 15 m3 Length: 4.77 m Diameter: 1 m Mass: 4.25 metric tonnes

Ms-L1-P3504 - Ultra-light Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-L1-P3504 Ultra-light Continuum Distortion Drive is the fourth design of the Ms-P3504 series. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by for use by large aerospace craft, and smaller varieties of interstellar freighters and starships.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L1-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 12,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 15,000 m3 Power Required: 2 GW


Volume: 150 m3 Length: 11.93 m Diameter: 4 m Mass: 42.5 metric tonnes

Ms-L2-P3504 - Light Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-L2-P3504 Light Continuum Distortion Drive is the fifth version of the Ms-P3504 series. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by small to medium-sized interstellar freighters and starships.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L2-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 30,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 150,000 m3 Power Required: 20 GW


Volume: 1,500 m3 Length: 29.84 m Diameter: 8 m Mass: 425 metric tonnes

Ms-L3-P3504 - Standard Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-L3-P3504 Standard Continuum Distortion Drive is the sixth incarnation of the Ms-P3504 series of distortion drive technology. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by medium-sized interstellar freighters and starships massing in the low hundreds of kilotonnes.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L3-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 60,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 1,500,000 m3 Power Required: 200 GW


Volume: 15,000 m3 Length: 74.6 m Diameter: 16 m Mass: 4.25 kilotonnes

Ms-L4-P3504 - Heavy Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-L4-P3504 Heavy Continuum Distortion Drive is the seventh incarnation of the Ms-P3504 series of distortion drive technology. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by large interstellar freighters and starships massing several hundred kilotonnes.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L4-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 150,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 15,000,000 m3 Power Required: 2 TW


Volume: 150,000 m3 Length: 186.51 m Diameter: 32 m Mass: 42.5 kilotonnes

Ms-L5-P3504 - Ultra-Heavy Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-L5-P3504 Ultra-Heavy Continuum Distortion Drive is the eighth version of the Ms-P3504 series of distortion drive technology. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by super-heavy freighters and starships massing over a megatonne.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L5-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 240,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 150,000,000 m3 Power Required: 20 TW


Volume: 1,500,000 m3 Length: 466.27 m Diameter: 64 m Mass: 425 kilotonnes

Ms-L6-P3504 - Super-Heavy Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-L6-P3504 Super-Heavy Continuum Distortion Drive is the ninth version of the Ms-P3504 series of distortion drive technology. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by multi-kilometer length stations, starships, mobile industrial mining platforms and freighters massing in the multi-megatonne range.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L6-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 360,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 1,500,000,000 m3 Power Required: 200 TW


Volume: 15,000,000 m3 Length: 518.08 m Diameter: 192 m Mass: 4.25 megatonnes

Ms-H1-P3504 - Starbase Continuum Distortion Drive

The Ms-H1-P3504 Starbase Continuum Distortion Drive is the tenth and final version of the Ms-P3504 series of distortion drive technology. It was developed as a faster-than-light insystem drive for use by massive mobile space installations and fortresses in the multi-kilometer size range.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L6-P3504 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 540,000 KS or equivalent currency


Maximum N-Space Field Volume: 15,000,000,000 m3 Power Required: 2 PW


Volume: 150,000,000 m3 Length: 728.55 m Diameter: 512 m Mass: 42.5 megatonnes

wip_2023_or_older/corp/murasaki_keiretsu/murasaki_orbital_shipyards/ms-p3504_-_continuum_distortion_drive.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/27 08:11 by wes