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Ms-P3503 - Reactionless Maneuver Drive

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Murasaki Orbital Shipyards Logo

A Murasaki Keiretsu Subsidiary

The Ms-P3503 series Reactionless Maneuver Drives are a set of high-performance slower-than-light propulsion systems intended primarily for use aboard starships, designed and manufactured by Murasaki Orbital Shipyards. They were first introducted in YE 35.

About Ms-P3503 Reactionless Maneuver Drives

The Ms-P3503 Reactionless Maneuver Drives (RMD) utilize an internal combination of Higgs-field manipulation and a juxtaposition of ordinary positive mass and synthetically created exotic matter that has innate negative mass and negative inertia to generate continuous thrust in a specified direction without violating the principles of conservation of momentum and energy.

RMD's require no reaction mass in order to produce thrust, and need considerably less energy and maintenance than traditional continuum distortion drive-based gravimetric drives in order to function.

Advantages of this particular method of propulsion include the lack of danger during docking procedures due to high-velocity exhaust damaging nearby vehicles and installations. Additionally, in the long-term reactionless drives can be less expensive to maintain than reaction drives because one does not need continually purchase and replenish fuel in order to make the drive itself function as intended.

Unlike most other forms of reactionless drive, including CDD's, gravimetric drives and other space-folding 'inertialess' drives, the Ms-P3503 RMD's create normal inertia for starships and their occupants due to the fact there is no warping of local space-time and the ship is not propelled inside a 'bubble' of undistorted space as is typically the case. RMD's also do not show up on gravimetric sensors, though mass detection sensors of high sensitivity may detect RMD's at close distances; depending upon the drives own strength and power settings.

Statistics and Performance

Universal General Information

Type: Sub-light Propulsion System Nomenclature: Ms-P3503 Designers: Murasaki Orbital Shipyards Manufacturer: Murasaki Orbital Shipyards

Universal Performance

Thrust Generated for Energy Spent: 156.9 kN (16 metric tonnes) per 1 MW

Ms-P3503 Series Products

Ms-O1-P3503 - Micro Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-O1-P3503 Micro Plasma Fusion Drive is the smallest of the Ms-P3503 series. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by smaller space-faring devices and vehicles such as drones, satellites, light missiles, small torpedoes and very small aerospace craft.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-O1-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 650 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 19.61 kN (2 metric tonnes) Power Required: 125 kW


Volume: 0.1 m3 Length: 59 cm Diameter: 50cm Mass: 26.7 kg

Ms-O2-P3503 - Compact Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-O2-P3503 Compact Plasma Fusion Drive is the second smallest of the Ms-P3503 series. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by larger space-faring devices and vehicles such as drones, satellites, heavy missiles, large torpedoes and very small aerospace craft.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-O2-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 2,500 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 196.133 kN (20 metric tonnes) Power Required: 1.25 MW


Volume: 1 m3 Length: 3.45 m Diameter: 1 m Mass: 267 kg

Ms-T1-P3503 - Super-light Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-T1-P3503 Super-light Reactionless Maneuver Drive is the third smallest of the Ms-P3503 series. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by mid-sized aerospace craft, fighter craft and shuttles.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-T1-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 10,000 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 1.47 MN (150 metric tonnes) Power Required: 9.375 MW


Volume: 7.5 m3 Length: 4.49 m Diameter: 1.5 m Mass: 2 metric tonnes

Ms-L1-P3503 - Ultra-light Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-L1-P3503 Ultra-light Reactionless Maneuver Drive is the fourth design of the Ms-P3503 series. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by large aerospace craft, and smaller varieties of interstellar freighters and starships.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L1-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 20,000 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 2.94 MN (300 metric tonnes) Power Required: 18.75 MW


Volume: 15 m3 Length: 3.47 m Width: 2.5 m Mass: 4 metric tonnes

Ms-L2-P3503 - Light Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-L2-P3503 Light Reactionless Maneuver Drive is the fifth version of the Ms-P3503 series. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by small to medium-sized interstellar freighters and starships.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L2-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 50,000 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 29.42 MN (3,000 metric tonnes) Power Required: 187.5 MW


Volume: 150 m3 Length: 7.23 m Width: 5.5 m Mass: 40 metric tonnes

Ms-L3-P3503 - Standard Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-L3-P3503 Standard Reactionless Maneuver Drive is the sixth incarnation of the Ms-P3503 series of reactionless drive technology. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by medium-sized interstellar freighters and starships massing in the low hundreds of kilotonnes.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L3-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 100,000 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 294.2 MN (30,000 metric tonnes) Power Required: 1.875 GW


Volume: 1,500 m3 Length: 20.76 m Width: 10 m Mass: 400 metric tonnes

Ms-L4-P3503 - Heavy Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-L4-P3503 Heavy Reactionless Maneuver Drive is the seventh incarnation of the Ms-P3503 series of reactionless drive technology. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by large interstellar freighters and starships massing several hundred kilotonnes.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L4-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 250,000 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 2.94 GN (300,000 metric tonnes) Power Required: 18.75 GW


Volume: 15,000 m3 Length: 34.72 m Width: 25 m Mass: 4 kilotonnes

Ms-L5-P3503 - Ultra-Heavy Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-L5-P3503 Ultra-Heavy Reactionless Maneuver Drive is the eighth version of the Ms-P3503 series of reactionless drive technology. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by super-heavy freighters and starships massing over a megatonne.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L5-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 400,000 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 29.42 GN (3,000,000 metric tonnes) Power Required: 187.5 GW


Volume: 150,000 m3 Length: 72.3 m Width: 55 m Mass: 40 kilotonnes

Ms-L6-P3503 - Super-Heavy Reactionless Maneuver Drive

The Ms-L6-P3503 Super-Heavy Reactionless Maneuver Drive is the ninth and final version of the Ms-P3503 series of reactionless drive technology. It was developed as an alternative drive system for use by multi-kilometer length starships, mobile industrial mining platforms and freighters massing in the multi-megatonne range.

General Information

Nomenclature: Ms-L6-P3503 Production: Limited Production - Production Model and Test Model Prototypes Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price: 600,000 KS or equivalent currency


Thrust: 294.2 GN (30,000,000 metric tonnes) Power Required: 1.875 TW


Volume: 1,500,000 m3 Length: 176.17 m Width: 110 m Mass: 400 kilotonnes

wip_2023_or_older/corp/murasaki_keiretsu/murasaki_orbital_shipyards/ms-p3503_-_reactionless_maneuver_drive.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 08:11 by wes