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Kysh'ma'kri Kol'ya

Kysh'ma'kri Kol'ya is an Active Player Character played by iaincarter.

Kysh'ma'kri Kol'ya
Species & Gender: Male, Shukaren (Laibe)
Organization: Kingdom Fall
Occupation: Fighter
Rank: Initiate
Current Placement: Kingdom Fall

Physical Description

  • Kol'ya is a solidly-built male Shukaren-Laibe, who aside from being on the larger-side of average for one of his kind, appears to be a normal member of his species. He stands at 198cm (6ft 6in) and weighs 79kg (174lbs). He has two paws, each with four digits and his hands are five-fingered - all are obviously clawed. Kol'ya is heavily muscled, having spent years under a training program designed to enhance his physical appearance in the gladiatorial pits.
  • As a Shukaren, Kol'ya is covered in a thick fur coat. His fur is a very dark, charcoal black which blends out to a dark red at the extremities. The inside of his long, swept back ears and the end of his two-foot long tail are an orange-red in colour. He has a five-inch long scar running diagonally from his right cheek, up across the eye and into the forehead. The hair around the scar is a stark white, a result of the physical trauma of the original wound. Kol'ya has slitted, golden yellow eyes with flecks of darker gold throughout.
  • Kol'ya gives off a natural musk with notes of spiced meat, peppercorns and sword oil. His voice is a lowly growl, and always sounds as if he is in a constant state of agitation.


  • WIP



  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP

Likes & Dislikes



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  • WIP


NAME was born on DAYๆ—ฅ MONTHๆœˆ YEAR at the PLACE in BIGGER PLACE on the planet BIGGEST PLACE.

  • Upon completion of PRONOUN occupational training, NAME received orders to report to PLOT.

Kysh'ma'kri Kol'ya, aka Kolโ€™ya the Fighter. A laibe with a past in 'underground' gladitorial combat where it was a little more bloody than the regular non-lethal performances. Their Dad died in battle somewhere (actually was a short relationship and he split when she got pregnant) after being betrayed by a superior officer from a noble family. The Mother was abandoned by her family (actually ran away in shame after being outed as a lying so-and-so), framed by that noble family as a loose end (actually arrested after being caught stealing/escorting/drugs etc and sentenced to prison/labour force where she made no friends) and died in prison, supposedly from natural causes. My guy was thus introduced to the duplicitous nature of the noble and royal families from a young age and grew to see them for the diabolical schemers that they are.


WIP - In YE YEAR, NAME was given orders to report to PLOT as ASSIGNMENT.


  • Day x - Events

Skills Learned

Growing Up

  • WIP

Basic Training

  • WIP

Occupational Skills (OCCUPATION)

  • WIP -

Hobbies & Interests

  • WIP

Social Connections

In decreasing order of subjective importance, Kol'ya is currently connected to:

  • Mother (deceased)
  • Kingdom Fall
  • KF Team Omega-3
  • Former pitmaster
  • Father (unknown/presumed deceased)

Kol'ya is potentially connected to:

  • Members of KF Team Omega-3
  • KF personnel assigned to Omega Base
  • Former gladiators/gamblers/enthusiasts etc from pit-fighting/gladiatorial days
  • Members of the Kysh'ma'kri family

Inventory & Finance

Kol'ya has the following equipment:

  • None yet Assigned

Kol'ya has the following personal property:

  • Baldric, black leather with silver buckles, worn diagonally from right hip to left shoulder
      • Quick-release sheath, attached so sword hilt is accessible over right shoulder
  • Belt, black leather
    • 2x Combat Knives, reverse-grip, curved
      • Quick-release sheathes, one each side of lower back.
    • 1x Throwing Knives, Set, concealed inside belt
  • 4x Loincloth (one red, one blue, one green, one yellow)
  • 1x Belt, Spare
  • 1x Baldric, Spare
  • 1x Duffel
  • 1x Communicator
  • 1x Blade Maintenance Kit
  • 1x Credit Card

The Financial Assets of Kol'ya:

  • Current bank balance of: 1000 RN
  • Current income of: Variable Mission-Based Rewards

From Halloween Salvage Giveaway 2023:1. Chilled nuclear-materials container containing Hafnium 2. Low Quality drumsticks 3. Tank with missile pods

OOC Information

This page was created by iaincarter on the 3rd August 2023 at 1813 using a custom template.

Artwork for Kol'ya created by club24 using MidJourney.

Kol'ya's Forum Text colour is: #D14841

In the case iaincarter becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Yes
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? Yes

wip_2023_or_older/characters/neshaten/kysh_ma_kri_kol_ya.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/02/11 07:07 by wes