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Mishhuvurthyar Tentacles

As a part of the mishhuvurthyar themselves, each individual typically has a large number of tentacles, which in turn can be used for various roles. Certain types are considered 'standard', but considering their hemosynthetic nature, individuals can easily produce limbs with specialized functions of their own. This ability to form new types of limbs is only limited by the individual's creativity, making their tentacles as ubiquitously terrifying as the Mishhuvurthyar themselves.

General Information

The typical Mishhuvurthyar tentacle consists of a core of highly concentrated hemosynthetic fluid, a reminder of the close biological relationship they share with the Nekovalkyrja from which they were partially derived. Rich in nano and femto-machines, the limbs are highly adaptive in nature, and can take on a wide variety of roles. By default, the average Mishhuvurthyar's tentacle is incredibly strong due to the musculature the hemosynth forms, with many first hand witnesses and their recovered combat footage testifying to this fact. The tentacles are capable of tearing limbs off of the vast majority of both power armors and their users inside with ease should they obtain a sufficient grip. Numerous accounts indicate that ID-SOL are also vulnerable to this, but to a somewhat lesser degree due to their enhanced physiology.

Despite appearances, the exterior is a form of dermal layer sheath and underlying connective tissue over the hemosynthetic core. Highly modified, the dermis is typically thicker and sturdier at certain portions, giving it a ribbed or segmented appearance similar to that of certain worms. Thanks to the nano-machines present, these segments can easily become tough enough to stop typical blades and even impede bullets, or soften into more skin-like textures for tasks that require dexterity, precision and sensitivity. This is, however, given that there is enough time to do so. In addition to being able to sense touch and temperature, the standard tentacle is also capable of smelling and tasting, with the latter two abilities being fully controllable to avoid discomfort in certain situations.

More importantly however, are the various chemicals that can be produced and the physical forms which the tentacles themselves can take. The ends of the tentacles can be easily reshaped at will for various jobs, while the many chemicals produced can be used in conjunction with the appropriate tentacle type for injection or even secreted as slime to be spread by direct contact.

Over time, the Mishhuvurhtyar evolve, and have also been observed creating new types of appendages to suit their needs.

Tentacle Types

Though there are a variety of forms which they can take, each type of tentacle serves a clear, distinct function. More insidious Mishhuvurthyar may generate more creative appendages, and even hybridize preexisting types.


The default state in which the Mishhuvurthyar's tentacles are at, these are considered to be the standard go-to form. These are merely tentacles that come to a simple end, either tapering down to a slightly rounded or a pointed tip. Being the most sensitive form a tentacle can take, these have the ability to taste and smell in addition to having heightened sensitivity to touch and temperature. Standard tentacles grasp and squeeze by wrapping themselves around objects, and are most sensitive at the tips. Though they feel with their entire length, specific details are usually taken in by the end. Besides this, they are as strong as any of the combat tipped forms, allowing them to physically grapple with and break or tear enemies. In addition, they can hastily perform the role of some of the more specialized tentacle types if they are not on hand.

Multi-Digit Manipulator

Acting as a prehensile equivalent to a hand, the manipulator consists of four digits with a claw-like appearance due to the outer carapace shape. In actuality, these are similar in function to human digits, occurring as either two articulation joints like a human thumb, or three, like a finger. Highly dexterous and sensitive to touch and temperature, these are best used for fine manipulation. The digits themselves can vary in hardness and texture like the rest of the sheath over the tentacles. Hard, pointed tips allow for the handling of very small objects or extremely fine work to be done. Meanwhile, softer, more finger-like digits give better tactile feedback and control over whatever is being manipulated. Unlike human hands however, which have their fingers arranged over a single axis, the digits of the Mishhuvurthyar manipulator are all arranged in a circular fashion. Their double jointed nature and ability to rotate individually easily makes up for this however.

Chemical Projector

Chemical projectors are a highly specialized form of limb which have a hollow channel passing through the middle of the tentacle, and a series of muscular reservoirs which are filled with various secretions. Though they look very much the same as the standard tentacle type, their peculiar anatomy and physiology allows them to throw various substances over short distances or across broad areas. The uses for this type of tentacle varies with what chemicals they are paired with, but due to this, its applications are numerous.


A relatively new development, the maw is a tentacle which ends in a set of jaws designed to tear and render flesh with ease. These are used by the Mishhu as an alternate form of consuming organic matter, and can also be used as a makeshift manipulator by biting onto objects. The shape of the maw typically has two sets of jaws, but may occasionally have three instead. In practice, they are capable of picking bones clean, and can consume bodies like a mass of worms by penetrating the skin and eating them from the inside out. These are particularly useful for attacking targets in out of the way places by taking them apart bite by bite when they cannot be dragged out of cover.


Consisting of a lidded eyeball at the end of a tentacle, these are typically used to peer around corners or examine things in hard to reach places. Far more ominously however, are the psychological effects that they have been documented to produce. At close range, direct eye contact with this tentacle type renders personnel susceptible to suggestions from the Mishhuvurthyar, typically felt as a compulsion in minor cases. In more severe cases however, individuals can find themselves actively obeying orders despite their unwillingness. Such cases are rare however, and most Yamataian power armors are fitted with a psionic signal controller, rendering the users immune to its effects.

Besides the Mishhuvurthyar's tendency to speak directly into any life form's mind, this appendage is one of the few extant examples of psionic ability. In the most severe circumstances, individuals exposed to the eye will become enthralled and obey the Mishhuvurthyar without hesitation.

Skeletal Protrusion

Due to their hemosynthetic abilities, the Mishhuvurhtyar are capable of quickly growing skeletal protrusions at the tips of their tentacles for various purposes. Though this ability is highly flexible and capable of creating a wide variety of weapons and tools, a few common ones include various blades, needles and darts.


Useful as both a utility tool and a weapon for combat, this type of tentacle can craft itself into various forms, ranging from daggers to serrated saws and even short-sword like projections. In addition to their wide selection of shapes, the shorter blades can fully retract into the tentacle, sheathing themselves. Longer examples however, can only partially stow themselves. The composition of the blade type can vary greatly depending on individual preference and materials present, ranging anywhere from reinforced bone to durandium or even Nerimium should they be consumed in sufficient quantities. Despite this variance in composition, even Mishhuvurthyar bone blades have been documented and recorded punching through the joints of common front-line power armors. In addition, the blade tentacle typically features a more sinister method of boosting its combat effectiveness. They are typically coated in various toxins or chemicals, and may even have microscopic secretory pores which continually ooze more of their selected chemicals.

Further adding to their potential lethality, is this tentacle type's ability to hone itself to a monomolecular edge through focused use of the same hemosynthetic process that produces the blade to begin with. This is both attention and time consuming to do so however, and for safety, typically requires a form of protection. This may be a thin, plaque-like calcium buildup on the edge which will break away when the weapon is used, or thick mucous secretions within the fleshy sheath itself. Due to these reasons, they are not the most common features of weaponized skeletal protrusions. Despite these limitations, such blades and weapons can be particularly dangerous when broken off inside an enemy combatant, as they can continue to seep poison into the wound.


These tentacles end in a sharp, pointed tip not unlike a hypodermic needle, with the simplest types easily penetrating the skin. The needle serves to inject any fluid which the Mishhuvurthyar has produced into its intended victim to produce various effects. Most importantly, the needle enables it to do so in precise amounts, while in comparison, coated blades may easily over or underdose. Though most are fairly small but sturdy enough to be easily pushed through clothing without breaking, larger and longer variations exist. Though these may produce a slightly larger wound, they are more easily able to penetrate woven body armor.

In addition to injecting fluids however, the largest versions of the needle are also used to suck on the victim, drawing fluids from their body and otherwise draining them. This is typically done by the Mishhu to feed itself, or to weaken its victim for longer periods of time than simple toxins and chemicals would allow for. When not in use, these may withdraw into the tentacle, disguising itself as any other normal appendage. Taking this form further however, the needles are turned into biological darts which allows for the administration of various chemicals over a longer distance. Due to the velocities usually present however, these are rarely effective against power armors, even when hitting the joints.

Chemical Types

Typically for use as injection or direct discharge, these chemical compounds have a variety of uses for the Mishhuvurhtyar. To the horror of many, they are effective across the vast majority of species in the Kikyo Sector due to their basis in hemosynthetic fluid. Though scientific advancements have allowed for the creation of nanomachine based 'antidotes' to many of them, it is an ongoing struggle which favors the Mishhuvurthyar who are on the biological offensive. Antidotes and cures may function well, or in worse case scenario, not at all, should a new variant be composed as the Mishhuvurthyar naturally evolve to circumvent defenses and counters against them.

Muscle Relaxant

The muscle relaxant is the standard, go-to chemical injection used to disable and incapacitate by the Mishhuvurthyar. It temporarily removes the ability to control major muscle groups, rendering their bodies completely limp, and easy to manipulate. In worse case scenarios, it will cause victims to lose the ability to speak before causing individuals to void as they lose muscle control. Despite this, respiratory and cardiac muscles will remain active. Though it has powerful properties however, physical sensation and eye control remain intact, a deliberate action on the Mishhuvurhtyar's part when this was originally formulated.


When sedation or complete incapacitation is desired, the Mishhuvurthyar use this chemical in specific. The degree of its effects can vary from a soothing calm and sleepiness to an immediate blackout as the chemical induces a deep, coma-like sleep. In most cases, such a high dose is not used unless transporting or handling large amounts of personnel, and a more long term solution is needed to keep them docile. Typically, even lower doses are not preferred, as it reduces cognitive function in addition to weakening or incapacitating individuals, as the Mishhuvurhtyar prefer to keep their victims conscious and aware. Usage of bait in certain kinds of traps and ambushes will warrant its usage however.


Used primarily in interrogations or to sow chaos and confusion during combat, the powerful hallucinogens that Mishhuvurthyar produce can cloud a victim's mind, drastically altering an individual's perception of reality to suit their needs. In some of the most worse case scenarios, friends become enemies and enemies become friends, creating fear driven blue-on-blue incidents or making the extraction of intelligence as simple and easy as asking questions. Lower doses can alter the mind to comical or horrifying levels, with the perceived reality turning into a place of sunshine, rainbows and talking ponies or a hellscape of blood, gore and demons. The very lowest of doses creates effects more comparable to various substances on the streets and market however, making synthesized versions of this a potential 'drug' for recreational use by species otherwise immune to standard drugs.

Sensory Enhancement

Despite appearing rather benign at first, the sensory enhancement drugs that Mishhuvurhtyar carry are some of the most useful, yet require a little bit of creativity on the user's part to make the most of. The substance drastically increases a person's sensitivity and heightens the senses; sensations such as touch, hot and cold, pain, pleasure, taste, hearing and so forth are all amplified. During normal use however, the Mishhuvurhtyar use this to torment and torture their victim. Due to its unique properties, recreational usage of this as a drug is possible.

Corrosive Digestive Fluid

The rusty-brown corrosive fluids used by the Mishhuvurhtar can be sprayed or injected onto or into victims to help digest them for easy consumption through a needle or maw tentacles. These digestive fluids are usually found in their simplistic, yet fast working digestive tract, and are based off of their own hemosynthetic fluids. Due to its nature, it can quickly and easily break down organic matter into an easy to process and consume liquid that remains highly nutritious. Additionally, its very nature lends the digestive fluid far more precision and flexibility than would be possible with conventional stomach acids. Sufficient amounts of the substance can leak through energy shields to eat apart power armors and destroy uniforms while sparing the people wearing them.


Mishhuvurthyar are capable of producing an adhesive bio-polymer with various uses in the field. Typically green and sticky, the viscosity may vary from highly stretchy to extremely thick, and can be formulated to harden. Despite its utility in most mundane situations, the adhesive itself is typically used to restrain its victims. Documented cases indicate that the adhesive can be made strong enough to bind and immobilize even power armors, making it another hazard in combat to be wary of. Outside of combat however, the substance is often used by the Mishhuvurthyar to enact quick patchwork and repairs. When removing it, they apply their corrosive digestive fluids, which will specifically attack the adhesive only and leave the surrounding materials unharmed.

OOC Notes

species/mishhuvurthyar/tentacles.1528723929.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:03 (external edit)