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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45


Llrynni are anthropomorphic plantids, a taxonomic class that incorporates elements from both kingdom plantae and kingdom animalia. Currently, the only colony in known space belongs to the The Llranni Protectorate

Race Llranni
Species Classification Frondis Sapiens
Sexes Hermaphroditic
Blood Grey or Black
Average Height 126.49cm (4'4.8โ€œ)
Average Weight 33.22kg (73.23lb)
Average Lifespan 614 standard years w/medical care, 46 stn. yrs w/out


Llranni are humanoid in most respects and would be classified as plants if it weren't for their animal features1). Their flesh is a hard but supple, almost bark-like, exoskeleton covered by many tiny, interwoven leaf-like scales each covered in fine, velvety hairs that serve as a tactile and olfactory organ sensitive enough to pick up movement within several inches of their body as well as discern a wide range of scents. A complex weave of tough, but fine muscle fibers runs along the interior of the Llranni exoskeleton (a genetic throwback to their limbless and semi-mobile ancestors);larger ambulatory muscle groups are located along the limbs and upper torso, mimicking the body aesthetic displayed by Nepleslian and other hominids to the point that their exoskeleton displays joint partitions almost precisely where the other species' endoskeletons are jointed.

Circulatory System

The Llranni body plan is bilaterally symmetric and displays a high degree of internal symmetry. Internal organs are highly redundant, especially the nervous system, and display an amazing regenerative capacity, although they are highly prone to injury; there are many documented cases of Llrynni having their head reattached after gruesome decapitations. The Llranni body has seven four-chambered dual-action hearts, each about one-quarter the size of a Nepleslian heart and similar in function and design, producing the low arterial pressure necessary to circulate their resinous blood; the arteries and veins are both muscled as well, further reducing strain on the hearts and the severity of bleeding. Activity in each heart is synchronised by the nervous system, and pressure differential syndrome2) is a common ailment in elder Llrynni. One heart is located in the head and is the primary reason Llrynni can often survive decapitation long enough to receive medical attention.

Respiratory System

Respiration is partially external, through the sensory leaves, but primary respiration is undertaken by six lungs, arranged in two groups of three, in the upper torso. Expansion of the lungs takes place in the same manner as Nepleslian biology. Each lung is firmly attached to the ribs, or in the case of Llrynni, the segmented upper torso which is pulled upward by intercostal musculature, stretching the lungs and pulling air into them. In addition to movement of the ribs, Nepleslian biology uses a muscle called the diaphragm to pull the lungs down and increase expansion; Llranni lungs are connected to each other by internal musculature that functions in much the same way, pulling inwards as well as down into the belly. Nepleslian respiration expands the chest sideways and forward, while Llranni respiration expands the entire upper body cavity and contracts the abdomen. Llranni exhalation relaxes the abdominal wall, pulls the upper torso segments down and apart, and contracts a muscular sheath around each lung. Only four lungs are directly connected to the brachial tube and esophagus, and each lung is attached to the others in its group; by passing atmosphere between connected lungs the amount of oxygen absorbed with each breath is increased. The respiratory cycle consists of three to five interlung cycles between each full expansion and contraction of the body, allowing Llrynni to hold their breath for an average of two-and-a-half minutes.

Hybridised Cellular Respiration

While Llrynni are technically plants and their skin is capable of photosynthesis, the ability is mostly defunct and only provides a supplemental source of essential nutrients. Their semi-carnivorous diet requires an animalistic oxygen-based respiration using manganese as part of the carrier protein rather than iron, even though Llrynni produce waste-oxygen through photosynthesis. Excess carbon is eliminated through the digestive process and exhalation of carbon-dioxide. The internal process of organic combustion mixing with photosynthetic sugar-production is highly complicated and involves several recursive chemical processes in order to complete a single energetic cycle. Despite their ability to absorb carbon-dioxide through photosynthetic respiration, it cannot be inhaled through the lungs and is thus considered a poisonous element in atmospheres.

Digestion and Diet

Llranni digestion takes place through five stomachs that are specialised to allow a wider range of food choices. Their digestive tract is simplified and has no anus, intestinal tract, or any rear exit to speak of, anything that can't be absorbed by the stomach walls is coated in carbon-laced mucous and then regurgitated as a black substance with the consistency of tar or peanut butter. Llrynni have teeth, unlike Nepleslian biology, Llrynni do not have permanent teeth, nor are they omnivorous, though the distinction between carnivores and herbivores among plantids is blurred to say the least. Llranni teeth are broad, serrated and razor-sharp, made of the same dun-colored material as their exoskeleton, lightly enameled, come 16 to a mouth, and are replaced regularly every 30 standard days. The plantid biology of Llrynni is not unique to their species and was dominant to their home planet, Sarett. Llranni dentition marks them as descendants of ancient carnivores evolved to rip and tear through other plantid exoskeletons. Ingestion of high-iron foods, such as the flesh of animals with similar biology to a Nepleslian's, can be poisonous or at least nausea-inducing; the resulting waste tends to be lumpy and sulfurous due to the need to eliminate the food's iron-content and can result in a sulfur deficiency.


Reproduction is asexual, Llrynni produce eggs inside of a pistle which are pollinated by another Llranni's sperm-bearing filaments. Llranni gestation is three months long, with broods of twenty three eggs fertilized on average; Llrynni give live birth. Young are born in a larval stage and cared for in group nests, called creche, which are attended to by dedicated caretakers. Larva are fed partially digested and purified nutrient slush by their parent or caretakers, unusable material is sifted away from nutritious parts of food and vomited up after feeding. After two weeks, larva metamorphose into nymphs, a toddler stage that lasts roughly one decade as the Llrynni grow large enough to undergo a second metamorphasis and develop to full sapience, after which they take another two decades to grow to full size. Sexual intercourse is fairly clinical, but the play before and after is filled with sensual touching and scent exchange that serves to stimulate the reproductive organs. Touching is seen as extremely intimate among Llrynni, but distinction between forms of touching, from kissing to holding hands, is not made. The Llranni sense of touch is so sensitive that the act of touching itself is one of the most emotionally charged acts in Llranni culture, equivalent if not greater than the intimacy associated with Nepleslian and Yamataian intercourse, making the medical profession a sensitive topic despite, or perhaps because of, the large proportion of doctors among the plantids.

Nervous System

The Llranni nervous system, as well as closely related plantid biology, is composed of a highly active matrix of specialised nerve cells called axons because they do not seem to have a concentrated center or even a basic cellular nucleus. Axons are short-lived organelles extruded by dispersed brain stem cells along with the neuroglia to maintain this constantly regenerating network. It is because of this axon network that plantid biology is highly active, requiring a large diet to promote continued production of axons and neuroglia by brain stem cells. Memories exist in transient patterns within the brain and seem to be somewhat mobile, holographic to a limited extent, within the general region of the cranium. Most vital functions are isolated to ganglion clusters around their dependent organs, though cases of sensoria and involuntary commands migrating to similar ganglion clusters or the transmission of commands across the axons degrading have been noted, the most common being PDS3). Forms of memory loss, even from significant cranial trauma, normally only appears in older Llranni when their brain stem cells begin to break down. Modern Llranni medicine can extend brain stem cell function, and thus general lifespan, well into several centuries with significant neural treatment required past the average age of sixty-four years.

Coloration and Miscellania

Llranni 'foliage' comes in a variety of colors (blue is rare, but not unheard of), but is most commonly green; their hair consists of long, broad, fern-like fronds of a slightly darker color than the rest of their foliage. Each Llranni has patterning along their foliage, this secondary coloring is the often identical in color to their large irises (incidentally, their sclera are white) which can be several shades of yellow; violet; red; grey; and green, with red being the most common. Eyes are similar in design to mammals; have good color perception in the dark; a high tolerance for bright light; and have great motion, fine detail, and peripheral awareness; but are very short-sighted (60:20 being average). Llrynni have six digits on their hand, and three on their feet; three fingers on each hand and all their toes are covered by thick fibrous talons that constantly grow, requiring filing and sharpening every few days; three fingers, one of which is an opposable thumb, on each hand are located immediately below the talons and share the first digit with the talon above it. Llrynni have no nose, their foliage serves as a body-wide olfactory receptor.


  • Llranni (rah-nee, plural Llrynni (rih-nee)) - combination of /llrya/ (ree-yah, singular llra (rah)) meaning children; offspring; or seed; but more literally translated as 'having the potential to be' inferring a soul or divine spark of intellect, and /anni/ (ah-nee) lit. 'to be sown by the wind' but with connotations of chaos; turmoil; fate; and uncontrollable forces, an allusion to the death of their home world and the nature of the organisation of communal creche. Llranni religious lore, jumbled as it is, points to their existence as divine and their exodus as fated, perhaps as a test.
  • Narryn - a parent that raises one of their offspring instead of leaving it in the care of a community creche, equivalent to mother/father. Does not imply all their children were raised this way and only applies so long as they are raising a child or children in this way, but children raised in this manner always refer to their parent by this title.
  • Negra - raised by one's sibling, equivalent to a nephew/niece.
  • Narrya - raised by a dedicated parent, equivalent to son/daughter.
  • -yn- - Honorable appellation denoting military and government service, given to a very few including the original Protectors.
  • -ag- - Appellation denoting military service.
  • -ne- - Appellation denoting government service.
  • -'n - Suffix denoting one who was raised by a dedicated parent rather than raised in a community creche.

Asexual Singular Pronouns

Naming Conventions

Every Llranni chooses their name once they become an adult and have little need for using it themselves other than in messages where their identifying scent cannot be effectively communicated or a rare first-time meeting where they have no one to introduce them.


This species was created by Cy83r K0rp53 in December 2010 and approved by Wes on June 3, 2011.

sensory organs, nervous system, circulatory system, and other specialised organs
PDS occurs when areas of the circulatory system attain localised pockets of high or low pressure due to one or more hearts falling out of beat with the others, leading to numerous negative effects, including fainting, embolisms, acute musculoskeletal pain or 'the bends', and in extreme cases death; uncommonly, PDS can occur due to a prolonged localised spasm in the arterial walls and is much harder to treat
see Circulatory System

species/llranni.1699914032.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:42 (external edit)