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Artemis/Orion Type Artificial Nepleslian

Classed together, Artemis (females) and Orion (males) Type Artificial Nepleslians are named after ancient myths involving the hunt and wilderness. Made in YE 45, these individuals are adapted for survival in wilderness and rural environments. Their progenitors were survivors of Kennewes where they were marksmen that turned to hunting on Fujiko IV (then Ukmirt III) for the fun and to supplement the food supplies of the Reds. In addition to hunters, they make good scouts for the Reds.

YE Production Began YE 45
Designers Athena Foundation
Manufacturer Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Nomenclature NRM-AN7-1A
Used By Nepleslian Reds
Availability Mass Production
Price 500 KS


A subtype of the Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslian created at the urging of the Fujiko Development Corporation when they started looking for more personnel experienced in exploration and survival situations. With the Raijin being a generalist and most common type of artificial Nepleslian, pulling up old results of the Raijin project and tweaking them for the task at hand.


Both the Artemis and Orion Types are tailored towards operating in wilderness environments with minimum technological requirements to survive. Known as Liezu when their genetic template is applied to Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian.

Average Stats
Male Height 200cmcm
Female Height 170cm
Male Weight 110kg
Female Weight 75kg
Build Athletic
Measurements 86C-76-88 (in centimeters)

Genetic Engineering

Their metabolic rate is uniquely adaptable, increasing in response to cold environments. This feature allows them to maintain optimal body temperature and energy levels even in harsh, cold conditions, ensuring their survival and operational efficiency in diverse climates.

With a combination of upregulating genes related to osteoblast activity (cells that build bone), myogenesis (muscle formation), and adjusting the expression of growth factors like IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1); these individuals' musculoskeletal system is 1.75 times denser than the baseline human. The muscles themselves are a mixture of fast and β€œmedium” twitch muscles which are more efficient at using oxygen to generate energy for continuous and extended contractions. Their muscles also have a greater oxidative capacity of muscle fibers.

They also have an enhanced cardiovascular system with a stronger heart that operates at an efficient 54 beats per minute at rest thanks to modifying genes responsible for cardiac muscle function to contract more efficiently and greater strength. The sinoatrial node, the heart's natural pacemaker, has also been modified to ensure a steady heart rate while active. This translates in males being about to lift 1.75 times their body mass while females can lift 1.5 times their body mass (despite their denser muscles), but capable carrying great loads for long periods of time.

Their metabolic rate is uniquely adaptable, increasing in response to cold environments by enhancing their genes responsible for thermogenesis pathways and an enhanced thyroid. Their bodies retain a greater number of brown adipose tissue (BAT) that the body can activate and deactivate to ensure enough body warmth for the body to function in the cold. Though the process is not instant, requiring individuals to always be mindful of their environment.

Compared to the baseline human, Artemis and Orion Type Artificial Nepleslians have a cluster of special cones and rods that grant them better night vision. While not as great as a Nekovalkyrja's sense of perception, it allows them to visually detect obstacles and threats in poorly illuminated environments such as moonlight with ease. The internal structure of their ears has also been modified to process a greater amount information in sound waves, enabling them to detect in a slightly wider frequency.


Artemis/Orion Type Artificial Nepleslians typically do not receive cybernetic or nanite augmentations during their manufacturing period. of sound waves,


The Artemis and Orion Types, with their unique physiological and genetic adaptations, are designed for specific roles that capitalize on their enhanced capabilities. These roles span across various operational and environmental settings, aligning with their namesakes' attributes of hunting, wilderness survival, and tactical reconnaissance.

  • Scouting and Reconnaissance: Given their improved sensory acuity and enhanced endurance, both Artemis and Orion Types are ideally suited for reconnaissance missions. They excel in gathering intelligence, surveying uncharted territories, and navigating through challenging landscapes, making them invaluable assets for strategic planning and territorial assessment.
  • Hunting and Resource Procurement: Their exceptional physical strength, coupled with heightened visual and auditory senses, makes them adept hunters. They can efficiently track and procure resources in wilderness settings, contributing significantly to the sustenance and material needs of their communities or units.
  • Tactical Wilderness Operations: In military contexts, these types are deployed in operations that require a deep understanding of natural environments. Their robust physiques and adaptable metabolism enable them to endure harsh conditions, making them effective in guerrilla warfare, search-and-rescue missions, and long-duration patrols in remote areas.
  • Environmental Monitoring and Research: Their ability to adapt to various environmental conditions also makes them suitable for roles in ecological monitoring and field research. They can operate in diverse ecosystems, collecting data and samples crucial for environmental studies and conservation efforts.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/11/23 23:06.

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species/artificial_nepleslian/artemis-orion_type.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/04/16 09:08 by demibear