
The Swamp

The Swamp is a maximum security, underground, mega-prison belonging to the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. It is manned by the National Police Force of Nepleslia and contains hundreds of thousands of the sectors most hardened and dangerous criminals not currently housed in the Intelligence and Pacification Group's Abjection facility. It is based on the planet of Poison in the system of Freebeer


The swamp was designed in YE 30 after the formation of the NPF. The facility was designed to house an influx of crime that began to spread due to the turmoil of Nepleslia's independence. The desired outcome was for a massive underground facility housing millions of cryo units to keep a burgeoning prison population on ice for an extended period of time while draining minimal resources from the newly formed NPF.

Construction would not begin until the system of Freebeer was re-integrated into the DIoN in YE 36, and the world of Poison was discovered and passed for colonization due to its toxic ammonia-rich atmosphere. The world was ceded by petition to the, at the time, acting National Commissioner by the Nepleslian senate and declared as a penal colony and off-limits to the general population.

Due to the hyper-lethal nature of the world and the issues with construction the facility was manufactured in orbit and carefully lowered to the planet into a massive hole created by starship-grade weaponry. The facility was sealed over by plaster-bombing the surface around the installation and allowing manufactured materials to cover over the entire installation with the exception of a single lift on the surface.

Surface material, bedrock, dirt, and gravel were then moved over the plaster through the use of gravity-manipulated tractor beams and pre-fabricated structures, bunkers, and fortifications were deployed planetside over the installation as the finishing touches.

The NPF took over the facility propper and runs it as of YE 37. The facility has since become a household name for any would-be criminal or dissenter throughout the DIoN as a cautionary tale and worst-case scenario for any and every criminal throughout the Kikyo Sector before considering crossing or wronging the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.


The swamp is made up of several levels and tiers that make up its whole. Each one is considered to have more security than the last and is twice as hard to break into (or out of) than its former. The entire facility stretches over 3km underground from the surface to its lowest level.


The surface of the swamp is positioned on a man-made hill. It is comprised of several pre-fabricated structures, each climate-controlled and sealed off from the toxic ammonia outside. A large, main building takes up the center of the compound and is part administration, part processing, and part fortress. This main building houses the only elevator shaft to the underground facility.

The main facility also contains an underground garage with armored vehicles and powered armor like the Impulse Powered Armor that lead to the outside using a rapid-airlock system.

Other buildings include a surface barracks that can house hundreds of officers, a hangar that can fit a single Cobra Gunship and up to ten Corona Heavy Gunship, a supply depot with enough supplies to keep the surface facility operational for months on end, administration buildings, multiple armories, landing pads for shuttles and deliveries, tertiary generator banks in armored hangars, etc.

The surface also contains a large beacon tower that transmits the only approved route for shuttles to enter the planet and approach the facility. The tower works as a lighthouse and beacon; Guiding shuttles through the thick ammonia-rich atmosphere that limits visibility to only sensors. This beacon lines up perfectly with the Bulwark-class Military Outpost in orbit at all times. If any craft deviates from the established route multiple anti-starship grade ground batteries and missiles will shoot it down.

The outside perimeter of the surface establishment has multiple manned and environmentally sealed mega-bunkers with anti-air cannons, mounted remote-operated grenade launchers and heavy machineguns, and powerful sensors making each one capable of defending its perimeter from invasion or attack. Each bunker is the size of a large building, can house and is staffed by fifty officers, and can survive a direct hit by light starship grade weaponry. These bunkers are connected to the surface installations by underground tunnels that can be sealed at either end and can be flooded by the planets surface ammonia-rich atmosphere to kill off intruders.


An elevator shaft large enough and strong enough to fit and lower a Cobra Gunship extends several hundred meters from the surface to the underground hangar space. The elevator travels extremely slowly as multiple armored bulkheads must open, close, and be pressurized with a stable atmosphere along the route. The elevator is powered by and functions of a gravity generator and not a traditional motor and conveyor system.

Underground Hangar

A conveyor can move storage, a Cobra gunship, shuttles, etc. From the elevator into a large hangar-space where supplies and prisoners are offloaded and processed into the larger facility. The elevator can be stopped either here or at the surface level in case of attack or emergency.


A barracks containing several thousand officers exists under the hangar space and behind layers of sealable and shielded bulkheads. The barracks is independent of the rest of the prison with its own food, supply,medical, weapon, and life support stores, and systems and can seal itself off; Cutting intruders and escaping prisoners alike from leaving the facility.

The barracks contain all the amenities of daily life and entertainment enough to keep long-term officers sane and happy despite the importance and stress of their daily lives.

Prisoners are moved through a corridor in the outer barracks that never connects with the barracks propper but can be accessed from the inside of the barracks through sealed airlock-style bulkheads and is always manned by officers at security points.

Cryo Cells

Under either side of the barracks and accessible via hundreds of meters of tram tunnels on either side of the instalation are two massive towering cylinders of cryotubes. Tubes are stacked on top of one another for hundreds of meters high and low in a cylinder that is maintained by robotic systems and monitored at all times by an Advanced Command/Combat Executive AI.

Prisoners are loaded into cryotubes and frozen before being placed in unmarked slots only known to the ACE and authorized officers. When a prisoners time has been served his tube is removed and transported to an NYRDs medical facility on the same level that will resuscitate him or her and prepare them mentally and physically for civilian life. This facility is also used as a surgical and preparation area for the penitent damned' by injection of nanites and micro-bombs into recruits.

Penitent Damned Billet

The mustering and training area for the condemend Penitent Damned division. Lacking a unit number or designation Here the NPF's jurisdiction becomes a gray area where officers seldom are allowed or willing to travel. This section is sequestered off from the rest of the installation and cannot be unlocked from within and not unless the Penitent Damned are unfrozen and deployed.

Members of the SMDIoN are incarcerated here for moderate and severe crimes and can be unfrozen and put back into active service temporarily into penal companies to shave time off their sentences. Each prisoner of the PD has a microbomb placed in their head, underneath their Cerebral chip that if going awol or insubordinate will detonate via ACE or JANE command or by rehabilitated former prisoners serving their final years while being prepared to be re-introduced to society.

The billet contains gyms, medical facilities, mess halls and kitchens, training facilities, and armories with weapons but no readily availiable ammunition which is kept in seperate bunkers.

With the exception of new recruits being indoctrinated and trained, none of the PD is unfrozen save for a small handful of command-level officers, upper enlisted, clerks, maintenance, and engineering staff.

In YE 43 The Penitent Damned was deployed to Ukk as a spearhead force to soften NMX defenses. While it was not the entire deployed force and has replenished slightly as SMDIoN marines and sailors committ crimes to be incarcerated the PD was wiped out to a man after its commander, Colonel Hargraves was assassinated mid-operation by the IPG agent Locust causing a collapse in the chain of command when storming an NMX ship on the ground.

The resulting destruction of the ship caused a sub-atomic explosion of its already crippled Aether reactor, wiping out the entire already destroyed city and almost the entire division except for those wounded too injured to fight that had been left behind at the rally point.

Penitent Damned Cryo Cells

Much like the prison's cryo-cells but on a deeper level. Recruits for the PD after undergoing training, indoctrination, and implantation of their nanites and microbombs are frozen and stored here for their sentence duration or until the division is to be unfrozen and deployed.

The Vault

Hidden beneath the feet of fifty thousand convicted soldiers and almost a million of the sectors most dangerous criminals is a secret cryo vault known only to the Nepleslian senate, the National Commisioner of the NPF, a few within the IPG, the warden of the swamp, and the colonel of the PD is a secret bay of cryo vaults that hold special-circumstance prisoners.

The vault is sealed away and hidden to the point that only the National Commissioner of the NPF and the Head of the IPG actually know where the entrance is and just who and what is truly sealed away inside and how they get there.

Nobody ever sealed away here has ever come out and is rumored to simply be sealed away forever without any chance of parole or freedom until their minds get freezer burned and melt away over decades.

Known or suspected individuals currently locked up inside the vault cryo cells:

  • The decapitated head of former emperor Jim Blackman
  • Former Spymaster for Jim Blackman Abigail Kilgee
  • Unhinged cybernetic super assassin of the IPG Locust
  • [REDACTED] - Former dictator of the OSO Historical Article and high traitor of Nepleslia.
  • A former Lianjia Emperor of the former Nepleslian Star Emperor.
  • No less than 17 former Nepleslian Senators that were condemned for treason.
  • Members of the early YE 40s IPG purge
  • Undocumented political prisoners of significant importance.
  • [REDACTED] Also known as the “Taxman of Funky City”.
  • Unspecified crew members of the ships: NSS Interregnum, ISS Scythe, and some members of the NSS Sledge-Mama who defected to [REDACTED] in YE 39
  • Confirmed or suspected members of SAINT captured within DIoN borders.
  • List continues…


The only way to the swamp is by following a specific flight-plan starting at the bulwark starbase in orbit and to the facility proper on the ground. This route is covered by both the bulwarks guns and anti-starship batteries on the ground. It is impossible to find the facility without picking up and following the signal on this path.


Prisoners, officers, convict-marines, and more prisoners. The combined population sits around 1.5 million with a heavy majority on the prisoners.


Nothing found

RP Opportunities

  • Prison RP.
  • Breaking into/out of the swamp.
  • Stopping prison breaks in the swamp.
  • Penitent Damned RP

Local Rumors

Political prisoners, high-value targets for assassination while incarcerated, overflow from Abjection, unhinged operators from the IPG to be kept away from the rest of the group, super-terrorists, the former star emperor Jim Blackman, Suspected but unconfirmed SAINT operatives, corrupt and incarcerated senators, dictators of failed states, extremely dangerous freespacers, and the likes are all rumored to be hidden away in The Vault but were never confirmed. All rumored to be sat on top of a fusion bomb powerful enough to wipe the entire facility and surrounding land completely off the map.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg Dufrain created this article on 2021/05/11 16:08 using the namespace template.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/09/091).

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places/the_swamp.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/24 07:37 by wes