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Creating A Theradactan Character

<WRAP center round important 60%> This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon. </WRAP>

Creating a Character

This guide will help you create a character to play in the Star Army setting. It is focused on making a character page on the wiki for your character and getting that wiki page approved as part of the site's Canon. Note that characters do not have to be on the wiki to appear in Open Roleplaying Forum threads, but for elsewhere in Star Army RP, they do.

Choose a Faction

First, you should look at the current playable factions and decide which one your character inhabits. The current playable factions are:

Flag Faction Description
anansi_republic Liberal democracy that positions it against the Neolathians
neolath_regency Conservative theocracy built on the backs of slaves.
robertin_empire Conservative monarchy that has fallen far from their height.

A Purpose

This section deals with your character's job and role.



New characters typically start at the Seaspider rank. This is standard.

Officer Cadet

You may also apply to start your character as an officer beginning at the rank of Ensign. Only officer applications of a high quality level are accepted.

Prior Service

If you are a SARP if your previous character died (permanently), you have the right to make a new one at a rank equal to the one you lost.


Your character's occupation will determine the role she plays in your crew; please take this into account. Consider if you want your character to stay on the ship most of the time or to be part of away missions to planets. A helm or trumpetspider may stay behind during planetary missions, while a marine would get to go on missions, but may have little to do other than damage control during starship combat. Most of the time, a surgeon will not have any patients to work on. If you have a particular plot in mind, look at the type of action in it and/or talk to the game master and let that help guide your decision. If you pick an occupation with higher-than-average downtime, you may want to make your character more sociable and eager to help other crew members with their tasks.

Available Occupations

The following occupations are recommended for new players with Theradectan characters:

Occupation Star Army Equivalent Description
Rigger Technician Installs, maintains, and repairs machinery and other technology
Gunner Weapon Operator Assembles, maintains, repairs, operates, and tests ship borne weapon systems
Helmspider Starship Operator Directs the ship's travel in both regular space and through wormholes. Also responsible for all of the customs, honors, and other military traditions on the ship
Trumpetspider Starship Operator Sends and receives messages to and from other ships, spacecraft, starbases and planet-based facilities via various electronic equipment
Surgeon Medic Responsible for keeping up the health of the crew, treating sick and injured ship’s personnel, preventing disease and promoting good health ship-wide
Agent Intelligence Operative/Scientist/Advisor Gathers, catalogs, analyzes, and distributes information, providing briefs and debriefs, in-flight aids, and all other combat information to the rest of the ship
Weaver Information Technology Creates computer programs and keeps the ship's computer system working
Airspider Fighter/Bomber Pilot Flies the wing of fighter craft, based on larger ships and starbases
Marine Infantry Provides infantry support for naval operations

For a full list of occupations, see the faction pages.

Skill Areas

You can find more skills and skill information here: Character Skill Areas

A Look

This section covers your character's appearance.


Chitin Color

Area of Birth Colors (Most common to least common) Size Differences
Anasansi Dark Brown, Dark Green, Yellow, Black
Neolath Black, Grey, Yellow, White (Royalty Only) White females smaller than average, except for their oversized heads. Males smaller than average.
Roberti Bright Green, Light Brown, Yellow, Red (Most likely royalty) Red males larger than average, with especially long legs and pincers.


Hair colors and styles


An Identity

This is the most important section of this guide and it will probably take you the longest to complete. It requires imagination and consideration to answer this question: Who is your character?



Family and Creators



The current year is 1023 AR. You can find historic events on the faction's pages.

New Enlisted Characters

A Nekovalkyrja's history should not be long. Basically, she is created, given her three-year enlistment contract, programmed, and then sent to 30 days of socialization training and testing where she develops the first bits of her personality. Nekovalkyrja are created as adults and it is common for them to receive training for a year after creation before being assigned to a regular military service. See Star Army Training Methods and Times.

Officer Cadets

Cadets will have trained for three years at kyoto_war_college or another school.


Try to describe what you you imagine your Nekovalkyrja is like. Is she friendly? Shy? Cool and collected?

Nekovalkyrja might generally be manufactured but they do have very real and human personalities. Emotional disorders caused by stress of being at war (i.e. Anxiety during conflict or depression after being brought back from a back-up are common) or from abuse do occur but it is rare that a newly created NH-29 Nekovalkyrja is a mindless, heartless being bent on only destruction. Incredibly disturbed personalities are very rare in newer Nekovalkyrja.

Here's one of the various character archetypes Nekovalkyrja are programmed with for their “starter” personality:

Random Generators

Here's some neat (off-site) resources you can use for inspiration:


Just because you're young doesn't mean you can't have big dreams. Maybe your neko wants to become a starship captain. Perhaps she only longs to die in glorious battle. Maybe she wants to start her own family. It's up to you!

Nekovalkyrja goals tend to be advancing their careers, obtaining their ships or furthering their quest for knowledge. They also tend to have fairly human goals, although the ideal of monogamy might be lost on them, since they do not need to mate for life if at all to advance their species (but they may like the idea of having a life partner being as they are generally living in a state of war).

You could also roll for some random goals: Random Character Motivation Generator

Likes and Dislikes

In the “likes” and “dislikes” sections you can list some of your character's most and least favorite things. Perhaps your Nekovalkyrja has an aversion to certain foods or a passion for a certain type of music. This is up to you.

Gear and Finances

Standard Issue

As a member of the Star Army of Yamatai, your character will receive a set of Standard Issue Items that they keep as long as they are in the military. A link to the standard issue page will suffice. Here's the wiki code:

  * [[stararmy:standard_issue]]

Using this may actually be better, as the standard issue can change over time as new items are added and old items fall out of use.

Personal Possessions

It is likely that your Nekovalkyrja will have few, if any, personal belongings. If you want to include some in her biography, put them in your character's inventory.


All characters start with 3,000 KS or the equivalent. In the roleplay, this is your character's enlistment bonus. If you want to start with additional possessions, their value should be deducted from your starting funds.

OOC Notes

acewing13 created this article on 2016/07/30 07:13.

guide/creating_a_theradactan_character.1477924981.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:49 (external edit)