The “PunkBuster” class of battlecruiser is Nepleslia's newest and most modern cruiserweight capital ship in its recent history as of YE 41. It serves a premier role as a powerful anti-starship platform with considerable ground support capabilities and command ship for admirals and task-force commanders.
The PunkBuster was designed by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions in YE 34 as a competitor to the Orca class of Battlecruiser. And introduced into the NSN in YE 41 as one of its replacement to phase out the sheer logistical challenge that was the retiring former cruiser class.
Originally built as a replacement for the Orca class of nepleslian battlecruisers and considered the moderate competitor to what was considered an implausible and unsaleable concept in the Orca in favor of a faster and more mobility dependant and ground support providing platform against the mishu and their infestation on neplelian worlds. While the concept lost to the orca, it wouldn't be forgotten long as the NSN, witnessing the start of the Kuvexian War that its neighbor and rival, the Yamatai Star Empire was engaging in found the orca possibly threatened by the technological superiority of a hostile entity almost as advanced as yamatai.
Looking at its own vessels in its fleets slowly becoming outdated, and the sensing the looming threat of a future enemy as strong as, if not stronger than Yamatai in some instances, many admirals put in petitions and requests for modernization, augmentation or outright replacement of some of the core assets of their fleet; The primus battleship and orca battlecruiser reluctantly included. The most in favor of these changes being the 3rd assault fleet and their primarily hit and run guerrilla doctrines that didn't favor the slow primus. And its natural opponent being the mighty 1st assault fleet and its ability to project force en-mass.
NAM, Hearing these pleas submitted a series of unused prototype designs to both the grand admirals of the assault fleets and the sky marshal himself for input.
After all comments and concerns were addressed by NAM the final approval was given by sky marshal Sanders for the manufacturing and trials of the already field-tested PunkBuster from years before under the conditions that it fills the role as more than just a replacement to the Orca, but as an example of Nepleslian might and mettle no matter where, or under what conditions it is encountered.
Building off the only admirable flaw of the orca in its severe lack of speed that often hindered the swift ships that accompanied it, The PunkBuster was a general upgrade to its predecessor. With less (but upgraded) armament scattered across the thick belt of the larger warship, the PunkBuster offered a different advantage to the orca as it offered the usually restrained ships accompanying a heavy ship into combat and equally swift and agile platform that could almost keep up with it while still throwing out a deadly amount of firepower.
The PunkBuster in trials was boasted to be largely considered as arguably possibly the fastest cruiser weight capital warship in the sector for its class. And many of its designers naturally argue in favor of Nepleslian engineering over what “A bunch of cats thinks makes a real warship”.
Final trials and berthing for the PunkBuster finished in late YE 40. And the first round of PunkBuster's reinforced the assault fleets in late YE 41 starting with its main benefactors in the 3rd Assault Fleet just after the start of nepleslias entry into the Kuvexian War. The PunkBuster is set to slowly replace the Orca as the primary battle cruiser of the four assault fleets by YE 45 when the orca's refit and rearm cycle is due to be addressed.
The PunkBuster is a considerable anti-starship and ground support platform with unchallenged mobility for a capital ship. It can also act as a troop transport due to its sheer size and available space. Carrying equipment, vehicles, and armor for a large group of NSMC marines. Though it is not as suited to this task as the Na-AC-02a Shaika Assault Carrier.
The PunkBuster is no change from the standard nepleslian Thick design. Large and bulky is a throwaway to the aesthetic possibilities and the time to sculpt them into a simple, brutalist design of bulky armor and noticeable weaponry. The weapons are plain and apparent without sleek coils or covers and without the possibility of failure possible from obscuring the ships great canons in weapon bays with massive dual rail-cannon gun barrels visible protruding from the Spine, Belly, and side of the ship. Everything about the ship speaks of simplicity if not a deadly design created to inspire awe at the blatant display of raw power when encountered.
The PunkBuster is much faster than other warships of its class considering nepleslias advantage in speed compared to most other factions.
Class: | Na-BC2 |
Type: | Battlecruiser |
Designers: | Nepleslian Arms and Munitions |
Manufacturer: | Nepleslian Arms and Munitions |
Production: | Mass Production |
Fielded by: | Star Navy |
Crew: 1,000 max, 300 minimum required to operate the ship
Crew: 800 operators are recommended, 300 are required.
Maximum Capacity: | There are accommodations for 4,000 people. About 8000 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped and operations would be severely hampered. |
Length: | 1,200 meters (3937 feet) |
Width: | 500 meters (1640 feet) |
Height: | 400 meters (1312 feet) |
Decks: | 22 (3 meters each) |
FTL: | Continuum Distortion Drive |
Sublight Engines: | Plasma Impulse Drive, .360c |
Distortion Field: | 17812.5c (2 ly/h) See Star Navy of Nepleslia Starship Speeds |
Hyperspace Drive: | 374,740c (0.70 ly/m) |
Range: | 75 LY |
Lifespan: | 10 years or more, with regular refits. |
Refit Cycle: | Annually or when seriously damaged |
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.
Hull: | T-13 Light Capital Ship |
Shields: | T-13 Light Capital Ship |
The PunkBuster contains a downscaled Standard Capital Starship Bridge buried deep within the core of the ship, this room is actually rather small for a vessel of the ships size. Its walls are lined with a solid wall of vidscreens and monitors, which the AI is capable of dividing into an almost infinite number of smaller screens upon request. As such, the crew stations are usually simply a desk with a semi chair set up against the station, with workspace being set aside on demand by whoever happens to be working. The floors are carpeted in the standard green of the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, with the DIoN's emblem stamped in the middle of the lower section of the room. The higher section, however, contains only the captain's seat overlooking all stations, a posh green seat with a neural interface link similar to those found in many NAM power armors that the captain may use to more directly interface with the ship. The AI, however, only will allow the registered captain or executive of the vessel to access this function.
A central armory is positioned near the Power Armor bays in the lower decks on the ship. It contains enough firepower to arm a small army. It is here that Marines and sailors alike gather to maintain, service and store their weapons. Navy armorers tend to both services' needs and are assisted by junker drones. While the weaponry stocked may vary from ship to ship, depending on how each Captain chooses to equip it, there is a standard inventory available for both the marine contingent and crew.
The Armory would contain the following:
Amount | Type |
600 | M3 Rifles & ammunition |
400 | Styrling Auto Twelve & 12 gauge ammunition |
300 | Close Quarter Weapon, 12 Gauge & 12 gauge ammunition |
200 | Styrling Ripshot & ammunition |
50 | M115 SPAID |
25 | Na-w3301 Scout Cannon |
25 | Designated Sharpshooter Rifle, Model 1 |
50 | Styrling Silver Special .45 Caliber |
20 | ESG "Easy Sub-Machine Gun" |
20 | Na-W/P-08 Heavy Automatic Sidearm |
20 | HHG ‘High Hybrid Gun’ |
The main armory also contains the following:
600 | EM-G7 Emrys Environ suit |
55 | Disrupter Flight Suit |
NAM Infantry Grenades | |
Utility Combat Knife M01A | |
Marine Combat Axe Model 01c | |
Golem Assault Armor |
In addition to the central armory, there are multiple weapons lockers located near vital locations such as the bridge, engineering, Power armor bays and weapons batteries. These simple lockers are placed to arm crewmen who aren't close to the central armory in case of a boarding action. Each locker contains the following:
30 | Close Quarter Weapon, 12 Gauge & 12 gauge ammunition |
20 | Styrling Auto Twelve & 12 gauge ammunition |
20 | Styrling Ripshot & ammunition |
40 | ESG "Easy Sub-Machine Gun" & ammunition |
Three captains_suite are installed. One for the ship captain, one for the executive officer and a spare often used for VIPs. These rooms are located close to the bridge for the senior officers' convenience.
This suite is installed on all warships.
The Captains Suite is the premium room on any ship. It is akin to a small suite-style apartment with two to three rooms depending on the size of the ship. these rooms come stocked with many amenities
Upon entering, one comes into the captain's private office. This is where the captain meets with crew members privately and does office work. It comes with an ornate wooden desk with several drawers, a desk lamp, a luxurious rolling chair, and two regular chairs. Simple wall hangings and decorations are provided since not every captain in Nepleslia can readily provide furniture and decorations. These can all be replaced if the officer has sufficient personal funds.
Behind this office is a door that leads to the captain's bedchamber. It is a grand room, usually lined with gaudy decorations and cheap purchased imitations of famous artwork. All bedrooms come with wooden flooring as well as a few simple rugs and carpets. The main highlight of the bedchamber is the large, four-poster bed that could easily accommodate two or more occupants.
These decorations can all be replaced at the captain's personal expense.
A small weapons locker is provided for the often expensive personal weapons and armor of a high ranking captain.
Off to one side of the bedroom, usually, the far right corner is a small private bathroom. A shower, sink, mirror, and toilet are all that is provided.
The Admirals suite is similar to the captains_suite in most respects to the Captain's Suite except that it is larger in size and it installed on all PunkBuster class Battlecruisers so that any flag officer might claim the ship as their flagship without having to evict a captain from their quarters.
There are six cargo holds at the bottom of the ship, each one can hold a huge standard container's worth of cargo. This space is usually given over to food and other perishable supplies. To keep food fresh, all of these cargo holds are refrigerated and kept in a vacuum until they are needed. Replacement parts and mechanical components are also stored in airtight containers.
The PunkBuster has 1,000 crew cabins for its crew to bunk in.
Crew Lounges are scattered across the ship but are most common on the decks nearest the crew's cabins. There are a total of ten crew lounges and three for exclusive use by officers. In addition, Two large Wardroom are adjacent with the mess hall to act as meeting halls and recreation in the form of large attendance movie viewings and as an emergency triage.
Two mess halls border a considerable galley in this ship. The first being meant for enlisted crew and can seat several hundred at a time for needs of daily meals, large briefings, and triage. Nearby but far enough so as not to get in the way of a rush of hungry enlisted is a more private and compact officers mess containing a single long hardwood table for the officer cadre to sit at and discuss. The officers' mess is segregated from the enlisted mess by a set of double doors and soundproof walls and have a private entrance from the kitchen to receive food without having to wait in lines.
Both the officer and enlisted mess halls contain several screens showing relevant data and information transmitted by the ACE AI as well as holographic projectors to manifest the ACE in holographic form when the need arises.
A sizable and impressive kitchen is present in this ship able to house individuals trained in the culinary field at numbers no more than forty. Large island tables for work surfaces, Entire walls of ovens, Steamers, Kettles, Tilt Skillets, Fryers, Stoves, and other such culinary devices are present with dishwashing and sanitary spaces enough for a number of washers to keep up with the pace of a thousand hungry souls daily. As well as the utensils required to cook and prepare them.
In addition, Several freezers and coolers are present and labeled for their purposes from deep freezing perishable rations to coolers and produce chillers to even a wine cooler for officers and enlisted alcohols.
Finally, a deep berthing space is allotted under the kitchen for emergency rations and storage and is temperature-controlled. In case of disaster or emergency, this space and those of the other temperature-controlled spaces in the galley can be used to store the dead until they can be cloned in the medical bay.
The PunkBuster features a large engineering section located in the rear of the ship behind the bridge but with quick and easy access to all parts of the ship's main corridors and thoroughfares. The ship's engineers are responsible for the maintenance of the ship's mechanical and electrical systems as well as the AI. Damage control teams also congregate here for assignments during battle.
Maintenance conduits run through the ship and are only accessible through sealable bulkheads. These conduits can either be really hot and stuffy or extremely cold and possibly airless. As a result, most crewmen wear EVA suits where possible into the cold areas. However, for access to the hot and humid areas, most crewmen choose to strip down.
The PunkBusters medbay is located in the center of the ship for the convenience of the crew. It borders on the main mess-hall in case of emergencies to hold and triage wounded and use the tables for operating theaters.
Three Twinmaker cloning vats are adjacent on either side of the medical bay for six total bays to allow dedicated cloning to deceased marines or personnel.
The PunkBuster features standard hallways. These can be sealed off in sections with airtight doors.
The PunkBuster features standard hallways. These can be sealed off in sections with airtight doors.
Each power armor bay contains the following to outfit its marine security detail and any additional marines it carries:
The large hangar is located to the front and top of the ship and takes up three decks. Two decks are used for vehicle storage and maintenance while the last is for arming, preparations and launch. When the craft are ready to launch, they are moved into a large elevator for takeoff. The elevator leads to the spine of the ship that works as a natural takeoff and landing strip.
The exterior elevator doors are indistinguishable from the rest of the hull until they part.
Though there is absolutely nothing revolutionary about the PunkBuster due to being designed years before its berthing, it is considered as the most electronically modern capital warship fielded by Nepleslia due to the inclusion of most of the current generation of electronics that could be included and upgraded.
A by-product of antigravity (repulsion) technology, the damper shield has been heralded as the best defense against scalar electro gravitational pulse weaponry, which is notorious for their ability to destroy ammunition, electronics, and organic life forms. While scalar EM waves penetrate conventional shielding because they can travel wherever gravity can go, the damper field uses a low-power antigravity field that negates the force of gravity and consequently provides an effective shielding system against scalar EM weapons systems.
While not nearly as heavy as the Primus, The PunkBuster matches its heavyweight cousin in armor class through two thick angled layers of Nerimium armor plating on its exterior over critical sections of the ship and beneath that armor is a layer of Durandium Alloy that has been treated to absorb damage from the likes of energy weapon blasts that may have passed through its nerimium skin. And finally after that; the ship's superstructure is reinforced by a combined Nerimium/Durandium framework that runs through the ship. This frame allows the ship to absorb more kinetic force and gives it more durability under fire as compared to other armor layouts.
A NAM Nano-Constructor System is installed in the hull and is capable of repairing or reinforcing critical areas of the ship's hull. Like any repair system, it cannot be at full capacity everywhere at once. Its most important role is to close any hull breaches created during combat.
Multiple armor sections of the ship also contain hidden pods of Junkers drones that when damaged will traverse the inner armor and exterior of the ship to provide quick and hasty repairs until the ship can be set to drydock and repair.
The ship's exterior is equipped with twelve rapid-launch bays, which are forcefield-contained openings in the hull. The bays make it possible for powered armor to fly out into space at their convenience. The bays also open out which slope down and touch the ground when the ship is landed, allowing troops to disembark.
Unidirectional Gravity Plating plating on the roof emits a pseudo-gravitational field that is attracted to the plates on the floor pushing everything on the ship 'down'. This creates the false sense of gravity that permeates the ship.
The ship contains a very easy to produce communications systems on the front hull. While not as sophisticated as those on most military vessels, they cover the basics (subspace and radio) and provide an acceptable amount of security. In an emergency, the communications system can act as a low-resolution sensor system by using the receiver to pinpoint radio or subspace transmitters much in the same way that human ears pinpoint sounds.
Communications | |||
System | Transmission Type | Range | Interceptable |
Radio | EM | 230,000 KM | Yes |
Laser | EM | 1.25 AU | No |
Subspace | Subspace | 170 LY | Difficult |
S-Transceiver | Subspace | 330 ly | Very Difficult |
The Buster has an AI core housing a powerful Advanced Command/Combat Executive AI unit. The ACE serves to compliment the crew and conduct cyberwarfare against enemy vessels.
The ACE AI can project a physical sprite by the use of multiple holographic projectors in various parts of the ship.
The PunkBuster is powered by a powerful quad set of Na-ZPER-02b Hyperspace Tap Reactor. It likewise also possesses a pair of Na-HFR-01a Heavy Fusion Reactor as secondaries and backups for emergency use or to augment the hyperspace tap reactors.
Subspace mass sensors instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 1 AU (93 million miles) distant from the ship. The readings are used both for early warning and navigation when traveling at sublight speeds. The readings are not very detailed and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg.
A black veil is installed on the Buster' to help with its electronic protection and detection from hostile ships and forces.
Designed for a quick inspection of ships the multi-dimensional density scanner takes precise gravitational readings at various points in space using a combination of a gravity sensor and the ship’s own hyper pulse drive. The result is a quick 3d mapping of an object or planet surface with density measurements displayed.
Radiation Shields: The ship is equipped with a Mercurite shielding system, which is capable of blocking most forms of electromagnetic radiation. This is useful for blocking electromagnetic pulse-type weapons.
Tachyon Scanners detect the disturbances in the gravitic characteristics of normal space caused by the passage of ships traveling through hyperspace. Tachyon scanners also reduce the effectiveness of enemy missile jamming systems.
The PunkBuster boasts a fire management system for damage control and numerous escape pods and shuttles for evacuation and/or escape.
Likewise, the ship contains a considerable amount of Na-EP-01a "Scapegoat" Escape Pod across the ship's inner hull and enough to evacuate 70% of the crew if all are undamaged.
Finally, compartmentalization throughout the ship allows the ACE or individuals to seal any compartment, hall, or otherwise location with seal-able blast doors to stop air leakage, breaching, boarding, or fire. In the case of the latter; Fire, emergency equipment is always on hand to deal with non-ammunition or plasma-based fires with the two exceptions often needing air to be vented from the compartment to staunch.
The ship is able to generate and recycle its own air throughout the ship and can house its own interchangeable atmosphere that can be changed to suit individual species depending on the compartment or room. When cutting off the ship often retains enough breathable air for 69 hours due to its sheer size and oxygen content if none is exposed to vacuum. Emergency generators, however, ensure that emergency power and air are always the first things to stay online in the case of reactor damage unless that power is otherwise required for shields, weapons, or communications.
The ship has an efficient dual shielding system to guard it against all forms of known warfare., relying on a teardrop-shaped spatial distortion to warp space around it and alter the course of laser, missiles, etc. that are headed for the ship. A second system, called “the spike” only protects the front of the ship, acting as a giant cone. It protects the ship from collisions during high-speed flight. Both of the shields can take a lot of damage but are not infallible.
Several powerful and varied nepleslian built fabricators are installed around the ship and stored with appropriate materials on hand to suit their needs. Such fabricators and their uses are installed in the following and limited to:
Engineering | Parts, tools, utilities, etc. |
Armory | Casings, batteries, weapon parts, armor parts, etc. |
Vehicle Bay/Hangar | Vehicle/craft armor and system repairs, etc. |
Maintenance | Varied. |
Med Bay | Surgical and medical tools and utilities. |
Galley | Utensils, china, glasses, knives, culinary tools, and devices. |
Any other fabricators are installed on a case by case basis and their uses are situational. In the event of an emergency, engineering can unlock the restrictions on any fabricator for repairs on the ship so so long as the proper materials are on hand to draw from.
The PunkBuster has a powerful amount of broadside and wide-angle firing weapons for flying circles around other capital ships and dismantling them from out of its reach.
With a turret on either side of the ship, The NAM "Perun" Main Battery Railcannon MBR-01a is the main flank battery and heaviest hitter that the ship carries. The two on the bottom are placed so that it can easily provide strategic bombardment planetside when called upon. All three turrets have the ability to traverse and fire in a 360-degree circle around them with the exception of being able to aim at the ship itself.
With a limited amount of firing time and a long reload time, The quadruple turrets housing NAM Plasma Lance Cannon are positioned with a single dual turret on the top of the ship and two on the bottom for optimal planetary lancing and 360-degree firing of intense proportions to cripple or remove threats from the fight while the main armament can focus on larger threats and targets.
Based on tubes in the ship's upper prow. Sixteen devastating curbstomper torpedo tubes fire away from the ship at a range up to an astronomical unit away the curbstomper is a staple of nepleslian long-range weaponry able to break the back of even a battleship if it can score a hit.
A staple weapon of nepleslian ships, The MPA covers the flank and belt of the ship and allows for a massed broadside of anti-ship or even anti-fighter force.
Several OI-V9-W3600 Heavy Pulse Laser Vulcan are installed on the ship to provide for point defense needs.
The PunkBuster carries a large vehicle complement, mostly starfighters for anti-fighter operations.
The PunkBuster carries 22 shuttles and 5 Corona Heavy Gunship for marine use.
The PunkBuster carries the following assortment of fighter and bomber craft in its holds.
Charmaylarg created this article on 2019/09/11 17:08.
Products & Items Database | |
Product Categories | starships |
Product Name | Punkbuster Battlecruiser |
Nomenclature | Na-BC2 |
Manufacturer | Nepleslian Arms and Munitions |
Year Released | YE 41 |
Approval Thread | Link |