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Vonaijyaon (Society)

The Poku Saeruo Degonjo is a faction of people who have survived multiple a devastating losses. Over the centuries, they have recovered from disasters and reshaped their culture, while retaining certain core tenets of behavior and practice. The Vonaijyaon, or 'people rules' are foundational rules and attributes of the Poku'vonai society.

Childhood and Youth

These are the practices common to the early lives of young people in the Clan.

Ages 0 - 4

A Poku'vonai baqli (child) typically stays with its mother, or less commonly with a father, until they are weaned; this takes about six luai (months). The first four years of life for a weaned child are spent with family; the child spends these formative years learning basic social etiquette and language. Children are encouraged to be curious and inquisitive. Trips away from the ruo (home) are often both educational and recreational.

Ages 5 - 15

At age 5, the young Poku'vonai's life changes. They begin formal education at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies) where they undergo a regimen of meditation, physical fitness, classroom sessions, social and team activities as well as unarmed and armed combat training. Students spend about nine hours a day at Academy. All academies are co-ed, with Poku'vonai of all sexes receiving the same training.

During the 14th and 15th year of their life, a Poku'vonai will participate in 3-4 Internships hosted by the various Sects. The internships serve to help young people further explore possible Occupations that they can fill once they pass the Baqnor (move from youth).

Education continues until the baqli turns 16 and takes the Baqnor (move from youth).


Hidden Sun Characters The Baqnor (move from youth) marks the start of adulthood. The typical Poku'vonai seeks out a position/occupation within their chosen sect. They spend their first several years of service seeking to earn distinction. Adults of the Clan are encouraged by most members of Society to get married and start a Family.


Poku'vonai normally do not get married until their mid-twenties. For most members of the Clan who passed the Baqnor at 16 years of age, this means they have approximately ten years to establish themselves and their reputation before they seek a partnership with one or more suitable mates. While rare, it is not unheard of for Major Houses to arrange a marriage between influential families. The ritual for Marriage is the Sumanâpa Punla (Making Family) ritual.

Sexual Behavior

Outside of the stigma about children outside of wedlock, the Poku'vonai are generally open-minded about sexual activities between married adults, and/or between unmarried mature individuals.

Pre-Adult Sexual Behavior

Poku'vonai become sexually mature between 16-17 years of age. Families of young adults begin giving their youths anti-conception drugs which prevent unwanted pregnancies. This is done because the society believes that children are an important responsibility, and should not occur outside of wedlock.

Children Outside of Wedlock

Romantic couples who are not married and who find themselves expecting a child sometimes become married quickly in order to avoid social stigma.

Same-Sex Pairings

In a culture where population control has been a recurring concern, same-sex pairings are accepted as a normal option within the Clan.


Like all sentient beings, the Poku'vonai have a need for recreation. The forms of recreation available vary depending upon where the individual lives. Obviously those at the Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station) have the most options. The following are some of the common forms of recreation:


Most of the sports played by Poku'vonai are team sports.

  • Conquer the Field - A variant of capture the flag. Three teams of eight take the field and are armed with Pugil sticks. Only one member is allowed to stay near the flag; this flag keeper defends the flag against challengers, but also is the only member on the team who can move the flag. He must plant the flag before fighting. The playing field is octagonal, 50 meters across, and has between 6 and 8 tiny hills where the flag can be planted. Taking out the flag keeper while they are moving the flag causes that flag keeper's team to lose. Members of a team can defend their flag in the event the keeper is taken out while the flag is planted.
  • Maze War - Six teams of three enter a large maze armed with a 'bean bag' gun. Each player has three shots initially but can gain more from recharging stations, or taking them from a fallen opponent. Strategy and cunning play decisive factors in these competitions.
  • Kamu'ka Âdaho'te (Sport Dueling) - See Âdaho'te (Dueling). Duels are frequently held at Pubs.


  • Hatakur'a Jujal (Hunter Prey) - A strategy board game, the object is to capture your opponents pieces by position three of yours along side of it.


The members of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo enjoy a variety of card games. Some are for solitary play, others for group, with and without gambling.


Dancing for the Poku'vonai is almost an athletic event and is done to many varieties of music, preferably performed live by professionals. Some forms of music currently popular in the last decade are comparable to Trance music. Poku'vonai give themselves over to the music and dance until they need to rest. This activity is common with all age groups, but establishments usually are created for a target audience.

Related Articles:

Art & Literature

The Poku'vonai have an extensive collection of Art and Literature. In fact, all members of the culture are exposed to these things during their education, and a number of Occupations are solely devoted to the arts. Members of the Clan are encouraged to explore creative outlets.

Poku (Clan)

Prior to the Norka (The Exodus), the Poku'vonai had many Poku (Clans). These Clans were differentiated by major unique factors of their lives, such as where they lived, or their predominant means of making a living. The Norka altered this Clan system; the former Clans were all absorbed into the modern-day Sect system.

Religion, Death and Reincarnation

The Siama Kâur (Divine way) is the predominant religious belief in the Clan, and it influences Clan beliefs with regard to death and reincarnation.

Other Cultures

View information on how the Poku Saeruo Degonjo sees other Kâurvonai (Cultures).

OOC Notes

faction/hidden_sun_clan/society.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 16:34 by hollander