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Gamjie Corporate Zone

The Gamjie Corporate Zone is an independent entity of the Gartagen Union's colonies in the Gamjie System. It is run primarily by Dietrich Starkwerk with the purpose of allowing private interests to pursue research and industry out of sight of governments whom would otherwise interfere.

About the Corporate Zone

The Corporate Zone occupies the space around Gamjie II and III, and has stations, bases, and industries both on and above these planets. The immediate security force is Dietrich Starkwerk, but it has a small compliment of Gartagen forces intent on protecting Gartagen interests in the system.



Identification example: “CZ-000-C” Corporate Zone-Station/Base Number-Base or Station-Planet-Purpose1)

  • CZ-001-S-2-C “High Command” (DSW Command Station)
  • CZ-002-S-2-D “Proctor One” (DSW Defense Station)
  • CZ-003-S-2-D “Proctor Two” (DSW Defense Station)
  • CZ-004-S-3-D “Proctor Three” (DSW Defense Station)

Security Forces

  • 3 Defense Stations;

Gamjie Corporate Zone Charter

This charter is a binding contract between the government and Dietrich Starkwerk. Its purpose is to form the foundations of a strong economic free zone in Gartagen space through which all may benefit2). This charter was written in ye_33 by a team within Dietrich Starkwerk that was versed and experienced in international laws. It was ratified in ye_33 by the government's ruling body.

Goals of the Charter

This charter was written with the purpose of creating a privately-owned area in which persons of any nationality can meet and negotiate things of economic, technological, or political import. It is meant to be a neutral zone that is not subject to the laws of any one state, and instead takes international economic laws3) as its only legislation. The Corporate Zone's borders and rights are protected by the government and various private interests. Within the Corporate Zone all things regarding industry and research are unrestricted. As well, the privacy of all parties affiliated or residing within the Corporate Zone is respected and will be protected by all means available to Dietrich Starkwerk and the government.

The Charter

  • The government swears to uphold the safety, rights, and privacy of the Corporate Zone alongside Dietrich Starkwerk.
  • Dietrich Starkwerk swears to inform the government of all things that may threaten the sovereignty of the Union, including threats regarding its territory, property, economy, and regime.
    • Dietrich Starkwerk will also inform the Union of new technological developments it learns of so long as it would not violate the privacy of the Corporate Zone.
    • government will be provided 1,000,000 KS every year to afford the Corporate Zone.
  • The Corporate Zone is the immediate area in, on, and around Gamjie II and III, as well as 12,000 square miles on Gamjie I.
  • Dietrich Starkwerk will ensure the continued survival of Gartagen colonies in-system by providing supplies, material, and protection so long as doing so would not endanger the Corporate Zone or unwilling DSW personnel.
  • All private interests will pay a membership fee of 500,000 KS to Dietrich Starkwerk for 5 YE Years of membership.4)
    • The government may offer vouchers for any private interest, allowing free membership for every year the Union vouches for them.
  • All private interests must not endanger others' property, and in the case that such an event occurs must pay all legal and reparation fees.
  • Dietrich Starkwerk reserves the right to create additional items to the charter, so long as they inform all parties and the government a month before they come into effect.
  • Dietrich Starkwerk in the interest of safety in the Corporate Zone, DSW reserves the right to search and seize all property within the corporate zone.5)
C for Command, D for Defense, and RI for Research/Industry
hereafter known as the Corporate Zone
not including slavery, rights, cloning, and other laws that are deemed detrimental to continued scientific and economic progress
This fee can be spread out over the course of their membership.
All items (including data) seized must either be returned within a yamataian week, or must have their full value paid.

faction/abwehran_star_empire/economy/dsw/gamjie_corporate_zone.1477925230.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:35 (external edit)