
Lune'ctre'esss Bombing Module

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
Class: Module
Type: Module
Designer: Lune'ctre'esss Uiii'ashe
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy
Production: Depend on fleet
Price: 138,000 Rn
Crew: None
Emergency Capacity: 19
Length: 16 meters
Durability and Maintenance
Service Lifespan: thirty years
Refit Cycle: When needed
Damage Capacity
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.
Hull: 15
Shields: 20 (Threshold 4)
Unique Systems Information
Propulsion 2x Class 1 Luxiton Gravitic Engines
Weapon Type
Uses all Bombs

This serves as the primary bombing module for the Lune'ctre'esss Bomber.

About the Lune'ctre'esss Bombing Module

The bombing module for the Lune'ctre'esss houses all of the bombers heavy ordinance along with the ammunition used by the crew modules two railguns. The module has its own reactor core and two engines, modest armor plating give it a decent survival rate when in combat although at a moments notice the module can be jettisoned; either due to damage, ammunition being spent, or even if the crew decides to stop the module entire payload onto a single target. The module has side mounts for up to twelve torpedos, this is default as it gives the bomber the ability to engage enemy starships.

The modules modest interior actually makes it useful as an evacuation platform, but only in extreme cases, as the module lacks its own life support system and must have oxygen provided by the main crew module.


This lists the bombers features

  • Modest storage
  • Bomb Launcher
  • Torpedo Launchers
  • Ammo storage

Internal Compartments

The following details the modules internals

Bomb Bay

Located on the bottom of the module is its bomb bay, the bomb is large enough to house up to forty small bombs, or twenty large. The bay is shielded by a reinforcement blast door that protects the bombs from external weapons fire such as flak or even enemy starfighter weapons. Bomb Chutes located on the sides give a bombing crew the ability to drop bombs either in a specific pattern.

Torpedo Bay

Found on the sides of the module, the torpedo houses the bombers twelve anti-ship torpedos. The torpedo bay's twelve launchers will also be able to later fire Torpedo Bombs.


A rather small reactor room is located toward the rear of the module, it is accessible via a maintenance hatch that leads from the room to the front of the module and connects to the crew module.


A small engine room is connected directly behind the reactor room, this houses the modules two engine assembly

wip_2023_or_older/faction/neshaten/lune_ctre_esss/bombing_module.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 15:37 by