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Project Kyasshu - Kanmon

The Kanmon or (Gateway) was created as part of the Scientific Studies Service (SSS) Project Kyasshu it came online in YE 31.

At the start of YE 35 the project was closed with the NMX threat neutralized. Stations were redeployed.

About the Kanmon

The Kanmon is the stopping point for all vessels proceeding to the stations in the Project Kyasshu. Or returning to Yamatai Star Empire space. It is a key component in the security protocols implemented to protect the Kyasshu. These protocols came about due to concerns about saboteurs, and zombies.


The main components of this module came from the canceled fourth Kisaki-class Starbase. It has the Bay Control Station and three of the repair bays. The bays are only capable of docking and basic service. There is no repair or construction components.


The Kanmon is a facility that all Tansaku-class Science Vessels must pass through. This is part of the Security in place for the Project Kyasshu. Only select individuals are authorized to know the current location of the stations. Personnel with a need to know fall into these categories.

  • Tansaku crew: Captain, First Officer, Chief of Security
  • Directors of: Tanken, Gakuin, Tansaku


The Kanmon is located on the surface of the first planet in the SX-03 system.


Personnel Screening

All ships entering the Kyasshu arrive at Kanmon and dock in the bays. All personnel are then escorted off the vessels and taken to a holding area. The personnel are then run through a battery of exams and biometric scans. One complete they are allowed to return their vessel. Biometric scans include EEG baseline pattern which are unique to each individual and are create when personnel first come into the SSS

Flight Plan

Personnel from the facility come on-board and load an encrypted flight plan to the vessel's destination. They provide the Captain, First Officer, and Chief of Security with the appropriate access code to decrypt the destination. The MEGAMI of the ship takes care of navigation to the destination coordinates. The navigator console will not display the destination data. No vessel that has not been through Kanmon is allowed to dock with any of the Kisaki-class Starbase.

Ship's Exiting

Ships leaving the Kyasshu must stop at Kanmon and personnel come on board to wipe sensor and navigation logs to ensure the location remains secure.

Statistical Data

Organization Using item: Scientific Studies Service (SSS) Class: Kisaki-Module Nomenclature: Ke-H4-M3102x Type: Security Designers: Ketsurui Fleet Yards, (SSS) Manufacturer: Ketsurui Fleet Yards

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 90

  • 20 Crew
  • 20 Technicians
  • 20 Medical
  • 30 Security

The Kanmon has permanent accommodations for 90 personnel.


Ship Bays

  • Length: 492 meters ( 1,613.76 feet)
  • Width: 246 meters ( 806.88 feet)
  • Height: 92 meters ( 301.76 feet)
  • Decks: 23 (4 meters each)

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Hull: 30 (Per module) Shields: 30 (Threshold 2)

Unique Attributes

The Kanmon has most of the features of a Ship bay section of a Kisaki-class Starbase.

For increased security all shutters on the Kanmon have been replaced with Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors

The following are unique aspects of the Kanmon:

Ship Bays 1 & 2

These are structurally the same as the ones on the Kisaki-class Starbase. The personnel staging areas are uses as quarantine holding areas where the personnel undergo medical examination by Kanmon personnel. These bays have none of the repair and manufacturing equipment found on the Kisaki-class Starbase.

Ship Bay 3

The green ship bay is Bay 3. The outer portion of the repair bay has been converted to a large shuttle bay. The facility being immobile maintains a group of T7 Shuttles to evacuate the facility.

The rest of the module consists of:

Bay Control Station

The only changes to the Bay Control Station is the installation of a CIES computer, communications array and sensors.

Vehicle Compliment

The Kanmon has a group of shuttles for emergency use.

OOC Notes

Authored by nashoba and approved by soresu on Dec 26, 2009 1)

faction/yamatai/sss/kyasshu/kanmon.1581208278.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:45 (external edit)