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Sky Guard

The USO Sky Guard is the spacy, or space navy, of the OSO. It uses land and air mecha in conjunction with rapid deployment troops and starships. It was founded in YE 39 after a damaged ship landed in the desert of Planet Osman.

About the Sky Guard

A town named after the crashed landed ship Sybio soon sprang up, and when alex and some Ragnarok troops approached, they made contact and alliances were made. After Alex defeated an ex-mecha-pilot in a mecha sparring match, the pilots on the ship, as well as technicians, agreed to learn to pilot the new U-1 Production Model Variable Mecha.

Soon, locals from the planet became interested, as did offworlders, and the ranks swelled. The Sky Guard soon made use of up to present unused Broadsword class light cruisers and became the systems primary force of security.


The Skyguard was founded in YE 39 to defend Osman. It enjoyed great successes in this endeavor against overwhelming foes due in part to the leadership of its Sky Warden, alex.

A quarter of the way through YE 40, the Skyguard began to fall apart as the Skyguard's second fleet deserted after concerns arose that the OSO was incredibly corrupt and practically an oligarchy or some sort of dictatorship. The Sky Warden was unable to prevent this group from leaving and soon afterwards a clique of corrupt, high ranking Skyguard fleet officers began to plot to remove him from power, throwing him in prison without a trial with the plan to have the prison guards and other prisoners slowly beat him to death.

However, this plan did not end up working and so they began plans to move him to an independant prison ship which would hopefully get him out of their hair. Permanantly.


The sky guard don't have many official policies, however in general their stance is to not attack until provoked, and even then to attack and deal a swift, decisive blow with as few casualties on both sides as possible to disable the enemy force. Prisoners are debriefed in a courteous manner then dropped off at the nearest port. Sky guard pilots and gunners are trained to do damage not to kill their enemies, but to disable their combat potential.

Size of combat groups


  • Flight: A flight is composed of five fighters.
  • Squadron: A squadron is composed of four flights.


  • Squadron: A Squadron is five or more starships under a single overarching commander.
  • Task Force: A Squadron is two or more squadrons under a single overarching commander.


The Sky Guard has few actual ranks, those being reserved for those with a fixed place within the command structure. Instead it has Classifications,


The basic enlisted rank in the Sky Guard, Guardsmen make up the infantry and mechanized infantry of the Guard.


Squires is one of the broadest classifications in the Skyguard. These individuals are specialists in their field, be it mechanical, medical or otherwise. They are often technicians, starship crew and medical practitioners.

Sky Knight

Sky Knights are vehicle operators. Whether those be tanks, fighters or shuttles, Sky knights serve as the specialists in vehicular operation wherever they're posted.

Sky Captain

One of the ranks given to those in charge of the starships of the Sky Guard, a Sky Captain is the lowest rank available to those given command of a starship. They are the absolute authority on their ship barring orders from a higher up. Sky captains have command over the fighters based upon their ships.

Task Force Commander

The only rank higher than a Sky Captain, a Task Force Commander is the rank given to anyone put in charge of five or more starships working together. They have authority only over their subordinate Sky captains to prevent inflexibility.

Sky Warden

Sky warden is more of an honorific than a rank. They are responsible for organizing task forces when necessary, and are widely regarded as capable individuals, and the suggestions of one are usually listened to. They often serve as pilots or ship captains.


The Sky guard currently has a fleet composed of 40 Broadsword Light Cruisers standing by in orbit of Planet Osman. These ships can be split off into task forces at any time.

There recently was a deal made with the The Wire Guided to provide the OSO and sky guard with 25 Don Quixote class ships. 1 additional ship is being made a month in exchange for 5 percent of the Algaeia on Planet Osman per month.

In a large battle to protect the Cavalon system, the 25 ships from the wire guided were lost. However, 7 replacement ships were waiting in the wings to replace them, and 9 more have been constructed since then, bringing the skyguard's total count of them to 16. An additional ship is going to be completed each month.

However, after the Sky Warden was Imrisoned, this deal fell through as the new leadership didn't want to make deals with anyone, and keep all ship production in house.


faction/independent/exodus_fleet/sky_guard.1554315794.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:41 (external edit)