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Type 1 Gravitic Weapon System

NovaCorp's first foray into the use of gravitic weapons was also its most powerful by way of requiring a colony ship size gravitic engine to power - in the case of the Destiny one capable of moving 23km of ship through space. The system uses such a gravitic drive as an offensive weapon. It can create extraordinarily powerful gravity fields, that can crush a ship, or simply crush all the crew. It can create gravity spikes, and simply knock ships away from it. It can vary the amount of damage it does between light and heavy. As such it is an enormously variable weapon.

Location: The Gravitic Weapon system runs off the gravitic drive, located deep in the ship Primary Purpose: Anti-star ship Secondary Purpose: Anti-star fighter Damage: 1-8 Range: Can effect ship within 1 AU Rate of Fire: The Gravitic Weapon System can effect hundreds of vessels at the same time, or half a dozen with great power Payload Unlimited as long as the gravitic drive is functioning

corp/novacorp/type_1_gravitic_weapon.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:57 by