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The Lazarus Consortium/LSDF "White Rhoi" (E12/Fury)

Located in the Beta Rhoi system (designated E12), the White Rhoi facility is located near within Fury, a supermassive gas-giant; more specifically Rhoi 128, a break-away asteroid from the E-10-III malformed asteroid cluster – chosen for its primary consistency of Zanarium-like materials, making it particularly difficult to scan and incredibly hardy against the gas-giant Fury itself, which White Rhoi sits in low orbit of just inside its atmosphere.

More about White Rhoi

Used as a base of research for the Lazarus Consortium, the facility is constructed of several massive spherical domes and large shaft like towers able to withdraw beneath the ground for their own protection. The asteroid has been hollowed out, its central operations interior a closely guarded secret.

The complex is said to be used primarily as a base of advanced particle and physical research, taking a more hands on approach than the simulation based approach the consortium primarily relies upon.

The complex is comprised of two main types of construction:


Due to the location, construction, and composition of the facility, discovery and approach would normally be a nearly impossible task even for friendly ships that know of its existence. To this end approaching ships are required to communicate with the White Rhoi facility via Lazarus Quantum Modem. When the signal is confirmed the facility deploys temporary guidance buoys to signal the location of the facility with a brief gamma radiation burst which allow the visiting ship and the base to calibrate directed mono-directional radio frequency pings allowing for the initial approach to the facility to be made.

Due to the hazardous environment, pilot-craft are also dispatched to guide the visiting vessel in conjunction with the deployed buoys through the atmosphere of Fury. This otherwise redundant step is necessary to ensure that visiting vessels arrive at the facility due to the high electromagnetic interference, coupled with frequent unexpected atmospheric events within the gas giant's upper atmosphere that without the additional guidance would likely result in the loss of the vessel.


Hexagonal modular stack subterranean sky-scrapers are used as an advanced communications and scientific sensor array but also as a deep monitoring system for Fury. They double as the primary habitable areas of the complex, interconnected underground by tunnels, with an opening both on the outside of Rhoi 128 and the hollow interior. Each features a positron rocket system, doubling as a massive escape pod or emergency in the event of an emergency. Each can be self-destructed using a positron detonation system in order to destroy any possible contaminant.

Each tower also includes two hangers for shuttle craft, allowing for the transfer of goods and materials given many towers contain automated factories. These towers are modular and new towers are built as time goes on, further expanding White Rhoi.

The central shaft of each tower is a hexagonal microgravity environment, with doors on all three walls with three service elevators which are used to deliver industrial sized goods from to room, linked to the interconnecting tunnels, allowing any tower to exchange personnel or goods with any other tower provided authorization is given.

Each tower is 2.2 kilometers in length, with 98% of its construction buried beneath solid rock. The entire tower moves on a rail system, up and down through the rock.


Each differing in purpose, domes contain highly isolated environments through the use of advanced insulating and redirection modular plates composed of quasicrystals, this energy which would interfere with experiments actually powering the complex like a sort of radiation solar panel.

The interior of the domes differs from application to application, though the majority are used to store, experiment and refine monopoles for the purpose of manufacturing aura-style aetheric devices. In terms of construction, each dome is two spheres with an interconnecting cross-feed, forming a truncated capsule.


Beneath Rhoi 128's surface is a 1000 kilometer six stage torus knot particle accelerator built around the spherical hollow mined out interior of the asteroid, the construction of which doubles as a massive gravitic centrifuge, used to alter the orbit of White Rhoi.

Visual Description

An otherwise unremarkable rock, Ross 128 itself is electromagnetically diffusive, meaning any scans issued to its surface and secondary layers beneath are distributed through its interior rock formations before escaping. The result is an asteroid with very little in the way of light, the floor seemingly invisible as many frequencies of light fail to return.

A thick fog coats the complex both inside and out of the gasses collected from the gas giant it orbits, with elements of White Rhoi looming out of the fog with sparse loose construction and pylons. Gravity on the asteroid differs vastly depending on the current operating configuration of the centrifuge but is usually 1/3rd that of most starships.

Exterior and interior of White Rhoi, respectively.

corp/lazarus/white_rhoi.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:57 by