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Galactic Horizon PA Accessory List

A basic list of weapons, equipment and other addons made by Horizon for use with either their own powered armours or any other PA which can accommodate them.


If a suit is capable of swapping out its helmet for another then this list is available to all suits configured for roughly humanoid sized and shaped heads.

Helmet Description Price
FourSight Helm A sturdy, multi-function helmet with enhanced optical and communication capabilities 500KS

Shoulder Mounted

If a suit is capable of having equipment mounted to its shoulders then the items in the following list can be used easily, some may require some modification of the shoulder bracket depending on the size of the suit.

Shoulder Equipment Description Price
FiveR Missile Pod A five capacity missile mod designed to be mounted to a Power Armour or vehicle 1 500KS
Hyper-Shift Rotary Chaingun A chaingun that fires either laser or kinetic rounds, for use with heavy PA or mounted to a vehicle or structure 5 000KS

Wrist/Gauntlet Mounted

If a suit is capable of having equipment mounted to its wrists or having gauntlets replaced then the items in the following list can be used easily, some may require some modification of the bracket depending on the size of the suits' arms or gauntlets.

Wrist/Gauntlet Item Description Price
The Shank Gauntlet A simple and relatively low tech telescopic sword gauntlet for use with PA 1 000KS
Sonic Defender Gauntlet A gauntlet weapon designed to replace an existing gauntlet of a suit of power armour, primarily used as a last resort 1 500KS

Leg Mounted

If a suit is capable of having equipment mounted to its legs then the items in the following list can be used easily, some may require some modification of the leg bracket depending on the size of the suit.

Leg Equipment Description Price
Spare Cores The standard power source for many GH products 100KS
Spare Shield Gens A portable insta-shield device that can be used in combat and other dangerous events 500KS

Handheld Equipment

Handheld weapons and equipment designed for PA's is listed here as well as some high powered infantry weapons for variety, although any handheld equipment that a soldier can use is plausible for use.

Handheld Gear Description Price
Gauss Rod-Rifle An anti-armour gauss chaingun intended for use with strength-enhancing power armour 1 000KS
Trike Compact Assault Shotgun A compact assault shotgun capable of firing anti-personnel and anti-armour shells 550KS
BreachaNova Heavy Shotgun High powered breaching shotgun configured to use 10cm shells 1 250KS

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2018/09/14 23:41.

corp/galactic_horizon/gh_pa_accessory_list.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:57 by