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NAM-E10-7 Training Marker & NAM-Ar10-7 Plate

The E10-7 system was developed as part of the NAM Guisarme Project to test the strategic combat capabilities of the NAM-NTD-R07-X 'Gendarme' Networked Tactical Deployment Robot. The system consists of a variable-configuration, low-power laser marker, an EM-sensitive version of the R-07-X's Level Zero Tactical Plating, and a Radio Beacon that monitors all of the deployed assets. A lightweight powersuit can be worn by flesh-and-blood participants.

E10-7 Modular Radiation Marker

The E10-7 can be equipped with five different barrel shrouds that change the weapon's beam characteristics. Each shroud mocks a certain weapon in design and it is more appropriate to say the E10-7 is just the trigger and reciever while the barrel shroud is the rest. The locking mechanism between the shroud and E10-7 presses a small microchip programmed with the weapon's performance data into a reception slot on the marker. Holding a small button on the underside of the marker's grip for the listed “reload delay” resets the fire capacity limiter. All markers emit a low-frequency, bass warble audible to the human ear at long distance when it is fired, each shroud subtley alters the sound the marker puts out.

E10-7 Personal Marker

An E10-7 without a shroud operates like a pistol and can be carried as a sidearm on wargames.

  • Effective Range 20yds
  • Maximum Range: 100yds
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: 120RPM Semiautomatic
  • Fire Capacity: 12 shots
  • Reload Delay: 5 seconds
  • Mass: 2lb

E10-7-A1 Strategic Marker

This long barrel shroud focuses a small beam on the target and is equipped with a scope. This version mimics an antimateriel sniper rifle.

  • Effective Range 704yds
  • Maximum Range: 3520yds
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: 120RPM Semiautomatic
  • Damage Rating: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor2)
  • Fire Capacity: 4 shots
  • Reload Delay: 10 seconds
  • Mass: 35lb

E10-7-A2 Strategic Marker

This long barrel shroud focuses a small beam on the target and is equipped with a scope. This version mimics a bolt-action sniper rifle.

  • Effective Range 458yds
  • Maximum Range: 2290yds
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: 20RPM Single-Fire
  • Damage Rating: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel3)
  • Fire Capacity: 8 shots
  • Reload Delay: 6 seconds
  • Mass: 16lb

E10-7-B Assault Marker

A submachinegun analogue, this marker is the lightest barrel shroud.

  • Effective Range 26yds
  • Maximum Range: 130yds
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: 300RPM Automatic
  • Damage Rating: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel4)
  • Fire Capacity: 30 shots
  • Reload Delay: 6 seconds
  • Mass: 7lb

E10-7-C Tactical Marker

An assault rifle analogue, this marker has two firing modes: pulse-burst; and bomb. Bomb mode uses reflective radiation to simulate an explosive blast. To recharge or use one firing mode, it must first be selected via a small lever on the shroud itself.

Pulse-Burst Mode

  • Effective Range 160yds
  • Maximum Range: 800yds
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: 360RPM Three-Pulse Burst
  • Damage Rating: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel5)
  • Fire Capacity: 20 shots
  • Reload Delay: 7 seconds
  • Mass: 14lb

Bomb Mode

  • Effective Range 50yds
  • Maximum Range: 250yds6)/500yds7)
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: Single-Shot
  • Damage Rating: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel8)
  • Burst Radius: 6yds
  • Fire Capacity: 1 shot
  • Reload Delay: 10 seconds
  • Mass: N/A

E10-7-D Support Marker

This heavy machinegun-analogue barrel shroud is weighted to promote static use and awkward transportation.

  • Effective Range 500yds
  • Maximum Range: 2500yds
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: 500RPM
  • Damage Rating: Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel/Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel9)
  • Fire Capacity: 200 shots
  • Reload Delay: 20 seconds
  • Mass: 73lb

E10-7-E Juggernaut Marker

This shroud mocks a minigun in design and is used as a special-case weapon to challenge the opposition with a mobile heavy weapon.

  • Effective Range 330yds
  • Maximum Range: 1650
  • Velocity: 1c
  • Rate of Fire: 1200RPM
  • Damage Rating: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel10) suppressive fire; damage accumulates faster when focused on individual targets
  • Fire Capacity: 400 shots
  • Reload Delay: 60 seconds
  • Mass: 23lb

E10-6 Marker Grenade

Similar to the E10-7-C in Bomb Mode, this thrown sphere simulates an explosive blast.

  • Effective Range 10yds
  • Maximum Range: 50yds
  • Velocity: Thrown
  • Rate of Fire: Thrown
  • Fuse: 3~5 seconds
  • Damage Rating: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel11)
  • Burst Radius: 4yds
  • Fire Capacity: 1 shot
  • Reload Delay: 3 minute automatic
  • Mass: 1lb

Ar10-7 Radiation-Responsive Tactical Plating

The Ar10-7 are bulkier versions of the R07-X Gendarme's Level Zero Tactical Plating system, they transmit impact data to a remote monitoring station which then sends a shut-down command to any R07-X unit that has taken a sufficient number of hits to disable the robot according to the scenario being run. The RRTP, or RRoot-Tap, also records the frequency of the marker beam that tagged it, identifying the shooter and keeping accuracy and kill tallies in conjunction with with the remote monitor.

Structure Points: against lethal ammunition, RRTP does not have any SP, but against E10-7 or similar radiation markers the plating can have an effective SP equal to any amount the scenario commander desires.

PA10-8 Radiation-Responsive Tactical Powersuit

A version of the Ar10-7 designed for flesh-and-blood infantry, joints in the armor are designed to lock when a kill signal is sent to the suit.

Structure Points: to prevent injury when the powersuit locks, the Ar10-8 has a small gravitic generator that slows falls to nonlethal levels and the hard-shell, locking joint design prevents skeletal injury from even the most awkward landings. PSP112)

RMS10-7 Remote Monitoring Station Beacon

The RMS10-7 feeds and receives data from RRTP systems, noting which weapon it was hit by, how much damage was sustained, and if the armor system should be deactivated. Homing beacons and radio stations can be used as objectives in lieu of a total annihilation scenario, activating or tuning into the proper frequency for a specific amount of time can trigger the win condition if the scenario has been programmed for it. Additionally, this device may be manned by personnel who can monitor the activity and determine by their own judgement if a win condition has been achieved.

This is a simple radio receiver/transmitter that can interface with any compatible computer system. All programming is in the device and will automatically install when plugged in. The scenario program can be easily altered and most options are intuitive to set up. The beacon can handle up to 40 separate channels at a range of 20 miles including putting other RMS beacons on one channel to create a larger networked playing field and/or support more participants. A commercial variant, RMS10-7c, is available with a range of only 4 miles and can support only 21 channels.


Cost per Unit
E10-7 Marker 300 DA
E10-7 Shroud Set13) 600 DA
E10-6 Marker Grenade14) 600 DA
Ar10-7 RRTP 200 DA
PA10-8 RRTPS 2,400 DA
PA10-8ys RRTPS15) 2,900 DA
RMS10-7 Beacon 500 DA
RMS10-7c Beacon 200 DA
1) , 2) , 3) , 4) , 5) , 8) , 9) , 10) , 11)
game damage only
direct fire
indirect fire
does not affect “in-game” SP
contains one of each barrel shroud
Youth Size

corp/nam/guisarme_project/nam-e10-7_training_marker.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:21 by