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Gemstone Orchid

The Gemstone Orchid is a beautiful piece of decoration that was developed by Mining Guild in YE 45.7.


The Gemstone Orchid is a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and elegance of nature. It features a dazzling combination of diamonds and amethysts, carefully crafted to resemble the delicate beauty of an orchid. The stem of the orchid is meticulously crafted from sparkling diamonds1) The delicate petals of the orchid are created using exquisite amethysts, carefully chosen for their vibrant purple hues. 2) The petals are intricately shaped and arranged to mimic the natural grace and elegance of a real orchid. The center of the stem of the flower features a vibrant amethyst gemstone, adding a touch of elegance and color to the piece.

The Entire Gemstone Orchid is encased in a clear epoxy resin, protecting fingers from the possibly sharp edges of the petals, while also creating a glossy finish. The shape was oval, almost eggshaped, while at the bottom, was more square, to allow it to stand up. The materials used are capable of capturing the light and creating a mesmerizing display.

Materials used

The Gemstone Orchid is made of three specific materials.

  • Diamonds
  • Amethysts
  • Epoxy Resin


Most of the items, (the stem, and the pieces that the petals rest on) are composed of processed, precious diamonds. Which had been reshaped to the desired shape and appearance. These were also polished carefully to capture their inherent brilliance.


The petals of the plant, as well as the center of the stem, are adorned with a lustrous amethyst gemstone, chosen for its enchanting purple hue and symbolic significance.

Epoxy Resin

To protect the delicate diamonds and amethyst, the entire flower is encased in a high-quality epoxy resin that provides a smooth and durable finish.

Gift Intention

Original purpose of the gift was to follow the tradition of bringing gifts to hosts. They also created the Gemstone Orchid as a promise of continued friendships which has been established by the Mining guild, Yugumo Corporation, and their Motoyoshi Clan Owners. They created the first Gemstone Orchid as a heartfelt gift for that fact.

The choice of diamonds symbolizes the enduring bond and unbreakable foundation of friendship, while the amethysts represent the calm and soothing nature of the relationship. The orchid is symbolic of the beauty, grace, and elegance that represents the value of friendship and the desire to nourish it.

In addition, the original creator had heard of the special title that its intended recipient had, that of the Orchid, and they also chose the Amethysts for their color((used by the mining Guild, and Yugumo Corporation.

Symbolism and Sentiments

The Gemstone Orchid carries several symbolic meanings and sentiments:

Continued Friendship: The gift represents a commitment to maintaining a strong and lasting friendship. The choice of diamonds and amethysts signifies the desire to keep the bond between friends strong and unyielding.

Beauty and Elegance: The orchid sculpture captures the beauty and elegance of the natural world, serving as a reminder of the cherished qualities within the friendship.

Appreciation and Gratitude: The gift expresses gratitude and appreciation for the friendship shared between individuals, and between businesses. It serves as a meaningful token to convey deep appreciation for the presence and support of a dear friend.

Gift of Enduring Friendship: The Gemstone Orchid is often chosen as a special gift to honor a cherished friend or to commemorate a significant milestone in a friendship. Its majestic presence conveys the message of unwavering loyalty, trust, and the commitment to remain connected, even in the face of challenges. This beautiful orchid serves as a reminder that friendship, like the delicate petals of a flower, requires nurturing, care, and understanding to bloom and thrive.

Presentation and Care

This extraordinary creation is a testament to the craftsmanship and artistry of the artisans who brought it to life. The Gemstone Orchid is not only a stunning decorative piece, but also a heartfelt expression of friendship and lasting bonds.


The Gemstone Orchid is encased in a sealed case of epoxy resin. The epoxy resin has transparent surfaces, which showcases the intricate details and exquisite beauty of the piece allowing it to be visible to the naked eye. Its display area should be in a well-lit area, away from direct sunlight and excessive heat or humidity.


It is recommended to clean the Gemstone Orchid gently with a soft cloth and store it in its display case when not in use. Any chemicals that can destroy epoxy resin should be kept away from the Gemstone Orchid. Likewise should the exposure, to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures to prevent damage to the diamonds and amethysts the Gemstone Orchid is made from.

Availability and Ownership

Due to the intricate craftsmanship and the use of precious materials, the Gemstone Orchid is a expensive item. It is typically available through high-end jewelry stores, curated art galleries, or Mining Guild Stores. Each piece is meticulously crafted and may be custom-made to suit personal preferences. Ownership of the Gemstone Orchid signifies a discerning taste for fine art and an appreciation for the exquisite fusion of nature's beauty and precious gemstones.

Ever since Tsukimi YE 45, the Mining Guild is a creator, and has a division that makes these and other kinds of items from Gemstones.


When the rest of the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet were invited by Katsuko, Kali and their escort Captain Tammo Sheath chose to take part. According to an ancient custom, Kali wanted to bring along a present for the Hosts, so she had an AI painstakingly manufacture the Gemstone Orchid in time for their arrival. Kali made the decision to offer the Gemstone Orchid and several other similar flowers to the Mining Guild's consumer store, however she will wait to see whether it is a success before doing so.


The fabrication device used in creating this masterpiece was specifically designed to bring imagination to life. It combined advanced 3D modeling technology with precise material manipulation capabilities. The customization options allowed the artisan to create a uniquely-styled and one-of-a-kind piece that perfectly captured the essence of the orchid flower.

Creation Process

The Gemstone Orchid Flower was meticulously crafted using a specialized fabrication device intended for custom creations. The process involved the following steps:

  1. Design: A detailed design was created, capturing the intricate details of an orchid flower and ensuring the precise placement of diamonds and the amethyst.
  2. Diamond Stem, Amethyst Petal Crafting: The artisan carefully selected and prepared the diamonds, shaping them to resemble the stems while doing the same to Amethysts to resemble delicate orchid petals.
  3. Gemstone Setting: The amethyst gemstone was expertly positioned at the center of the flower, secured in place to ensure its longevity.
  4. Epoxy Resin Encasement: The entire flower was meticulously sealed within a clear epoxy resin, which was applied in layers to create a smooth and protective surface.
  5. Finishing Touches: Once the resin had cured, the Gemstone Orchid underwent careful polishing and detailing to enhance its shine and bring out the natural beauty of the diamonds and amethyst gemstone. The first was then taken to make their visit, and would be later mounted on a display stand or encased in a transparent box.


  • Diamonds cost 15,000 KS per carat
  • Amethysts cost 100 KS per carat
  • Together the price of the Gemstone Orchid would cost 15,100 KS

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2023/09/29 14:15.

  • Art by Wes and Charaa using Midjourney and copilot

approved 2023/09/30

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesmiscellaneous
Product NameGemstone Orchid
ManufacturerMining Guild Emporium
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)15 ,100.00 KS
representing strength and longevity
symbolizing tranquility, compassion, and harmony, embodying the qualities of a strong and enduring friendship.

corp/mining_guild/product/item/gemstone_orchid.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/12 14:10 by charaa