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Mining Guild

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Expedition Team



Mining Guild Property





    • Ironskin Settlement
    • Mount Venture Settlement
    • Astral Settlement
    • Tundra plains Settlement
    • Freezy Land Settlement

Space Station

Mobile Settlements


The Mining Guild has its own Shipyard




AI and Technology


Systems Owned

Mining Guild Contingent

Shared Control


Mining Operations

This is a subarticle of Mining Guild.

About Mining Guild Operations

Below is a list of Mining Operations that the Mining Guild is currently operating in, these are split into locations that the Guild owned and the Star systems.

Currently there is only one Star System owned by the Mining Guild, and that's the Draco Eridanus System.

Planetary Operations

Sirris VI

Twin Springs Valley Mine

Twin Springs Mine was the very first mine established at the outskirts of the New Dusk Conclave-controlled green zone, approximately 5 km away. It was located in a natural depression, often referred to as a valley, which stretched for about a kilometer in length. Within this valley, a spring-fed water pond provided a vital water source for the newly formed Twin Springs Settlement.

To this day, the Twin Springs Mine remains operational and is situated in the southeast direction from Obsidian City. The establishment of this mine was a significant milestone, marking the beginning of extensive mining operations in the region. As the demand for resources grew, the need to open more mines became apparent.

Astrid Kurosaki, the CEO of the Mining Guild, chose to remain at the Mining Guild Headquarters to oversee the expanding operations. In her stead, she appointed their childhood friend and former refugee, Alara, to manage the Twin Springs Mine. Alara, having shared a long history with the Kurosaki siblings, was entrusted with this responsibility due to her competence and the trust placed in her by Astrid. Under her leadership, the mine has continued to thrive, contributing significantly to the region's economy and development.

Ore Found

  • 90 percent Bauxite ore
  • 80 percent Gemstones 1)
  • 40 percent Titanium

Ironskin Mine

Ironskin Mine derives its name from a small, docile creature native to the area. Unlike Twin Springs Mine, Ironskin Mine's nearby water source is contaminated, necessitating the Mining Guild to develop water filtration systems to make the water potable. Ironskin Mine was the second mine established by the Mining Guild, strategically located in the opposite direction of their first mine. It lies to the northeast of Obsidian City, just like Twin Springs Mine, at the edge of the New Dusk Conclave (NDC) controlled area, approximately 5 kilometers away.

The responsibility of managing Ironskin Mine was given to Codra, a trusted and capable individual within the organization. Under Codra's leadership, the mine has developed into a productive operation, contributing to the region's mining output. The settlement that has grown around Ironskin Mine is known as Ironskin Mine Settlement. Despite the challenges posed by the contaminated water source, the settlement has thrived, thanks to the community's resilience and the Mining Guild's support in providing the necessary infrastructure and resources. The settlement, like the mine, is named after the Ironskin creature, symbolizing the community's strength and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Ore Found

  • 90 percent Iron ore
  • 80 percent Copper
  • 40 percent Gemstones 2)

Obsidian Depths Mineshaft

This particular mine, unlike the others, was established closest to Obsidian City, diverging from the usual directional pattern set for the other mines. Its proximity to the city was a deliberate choice, primarily because many of the miners and the Overseer had families, including young children, whom they needed to return to frequently.

The mine's Overseer is Achilles Slither, a refugee from the Separa'shan species. Achilles Slither, known for his leadership and commitment to his team, was chosen to manage this mine due to his experience and reliability. His background as a refugee has instilled in him a deep understanding of the importance of stability and security, both for his family and the families of the miners under his supervision.

Achilles has ensured that the mine operates efficiently while also prioritizing the well-being of the workers. The closeness of the mine to Obsidian City allows miners to maintain a better work-life balance, ensuring they can return home to their families more easily than if they were working at the more remote mining locations.

This mine's strategic location has not only fostered a strong sense of community among the miners but has also contributed to the overall productivity and morale of the workforce. The ease of access to Obsidian City provides additional benefits, such as better access to supplies, medical facilities, and educational opportunities for the miners' children, enhancing the quality of life for the entire community.

Ore found

  • 90 percent Durandium. 3)
  • 80 percent Sapphires
  • 10 percent traces of tin.

Astral Mine

The Mining Guild had been keen on locating traces of the abundant energy source, Aether, to either contribute to the New Dusk Conclave (NDC) or utilize for their own purposes. This interest led to the establishment of Astral Mine, situated to the north of Obsidian City. Some less knowledgeable members of the Guild initially speculated that this mine could be a potential source of Aether. However, this assumption proved to be unfounded.

Despite not finding Aether, the discovery at Astral Mine turned out to be even more lucrative. The mine was rich in valuable materials, particularly gemstones, with crystals abundantly scattered throughout the site. This unexpected find significantly boosted the Guild's resources and added another layer of prosperity to their mining operations.

Astral Mine is managed by a synthetic being known as Overseer Unit 1. This advanced overseer, along with a dedicated security team, ensures the smooth operation of the mine and prevents any unauthorized access or trespassing. The presence of these security measures underscores the importance and value of the resources extracted from the mine.

The surrounding community, named Astral Settlement, has flourished thanks to the wealth generated by the mine. The settlement benefits from the economic stability provided by the gemstone extraction, contributing to the overall development and growth of the region. The Astral Settlement, like the mine it supports, is a testament to the Guild's ability to adapt and thrive, even when initial expectations are not met.

Ore Found

  • 0 metal ore
  • 100 percent Gemstones 4)

Mount Venture Mines

Mount Venture, with its rocky terrain and significant elevation, earned its designation as a mountain, making it an ideal location for a mine. The Mining Guild decided to carve the mine into this mountainous area after locators discovered that it was rich in bauxite ore, various gemstones, and other valuable metals. This abundance of resources led to the establishment of the Mount Venture Mines.

The mine was affectionately named Mount Venture Mines, reflecting the natural grandeur of its mountain location. This mine is managed by Jason, who is the brother of Alara, the overseer of the Twin Springs Mine. Jason's appointment as the mine's manager was a testament to the trust and competence shared within their family, ensuring that the mine operates efficiently and effectively under his leadership.

Adjacent to the mine, a settlement known as Mount Venture Settlement has developed. This settlement serves as the home for the miners and their families, providing a close-knit community that supports the mining operations. The proximity to the mine allows for a convenient commute for the workers and fosters a sense of camaraderie among the residents.

Mount Venture Settlement has thrived due to the economic stability brought by the mining activities. The extraction of bauxite ore, gemstones, and other metals has significantly contributed to the region's wealth, enhancing the quality of life for the settlers. The settlement is equipped with necessary amenities and infrastructure to support its inhabitants, making it a vibrant and sustainable community.

The combined efforts of Jason and the dedicated workforce at Mount Venture Mines have ensured that the mine continues to be a productive and prosperous endeavor, contributing to the overall success and expansion of the Mining Guild's operations.

Ore Found

  • 90 percent bauxite ore
  • 80 percent Gemstones 5)
  • 50 percent metal ores that can be made into Durandium, or Steel.

System Operations

These are the systems that the Mining Guild has gone to continue mining operations, and also water collection. The First is the Sanctum system, then its Nephis, and finally Draco Eridanus.



Crystaria, an ice giant in the Sanctum System, shares this celestial neighborhood with Sirris 4, home to the capital of the New Dusk Conclave. As the Mining Guild approached the later part of its second year of existence (YE 42), it embarked on a significant initiative to enhance its operations and expand its reach to this icy frontier.

Recognizing the unique challenges posed by the extreme cold environment of Crystaria, the Guild undertook a comprehensive upgrade of their equipment and certain ships, tailoring them specifically for cold weather conditions. This modernization was crucial to ensure the efficiency and safety of mining operations in such a harsh climate.

The upgraded ships were equipped with advanced thermal insulation, heating systems, and reinforced hulls designed to withstand the frigid temperatures and icy conditions prevalent on Crystaria. These modifications enabled the ships to transport materials and personnel reliably, even in the most severe weather.

In addition to upgrading their fleet, the Mining Guild also invested in enhancing their settlements. These upgrades included the installation of state-of-the-art heating systems, improved thermal insulation for buildings, and the development of robust infrastructure to ensure the well-being of the settlers. The settlements were designed to provide a comfortable living environment despite the extreme cold, featuring amenities such as heated communal spaces, energy-efficient housing, and reliable power sources.

The Guild's commitment to adapting to the unique environment of Crystaria exemplified their dedication to expanding their mining operations while ensuring the safety and comfort of their workforce. This proactive approach not only facilitated successful resource extraction from the ice giant but also contributed to the overall growth and stability of the Mining Guild.

As a result, Crystaria became a valuable addition to the Mining Guild's portfolio, further solidifying their presence in the Sanctum System and enhancing their reputation as a resilient and innovative organization capable of overcoming environmental challenges. The successful integration of these cold weather adaptations demonstrated the Guild's ability to evolve and thrive in diverse and demanding conditions.

Tundra plains

Tundra Plains is a region on Crystaria named by the Mining Guild, marking a significant milestone in their expansion efforts. This area, characterized by its vast, icy expanse, posed unique challenges due to its extreme cold and harsh environmental conditions. However, the Mining Guild saw potential in the region and leveraged advanced technology to establish a settlement here.

The establishment of the Tundra Plains Settlement was a testament to the Guild's innovative spirit and adaptability. They utilized cutting-edge technology specifically designed for cold weather environments. This included advanced construction techniques to build insulated structures, energy-efficient heating systems, and reliable power sources that could operate effectively in the frigid conditions of Crystaria.

One of the primary objectives in the Tundra Plains was to secure a sustainable water source. To achieve this, the Mining Guild employed specialized equipment to break through the thick ice layers. After successfully penetrating the ice, they began extracting water, which was then processed and made potable using state-of-the-art filtration and purification systems. This not only provided the settlement with a vital resource but also demonstrated the Guild's ability to harness the natural elements of Crystaria for their benefit.

The Tundra Plains Settlement was designed to support a thriving community despite the extreme environment. The buildings were constructed with materials that provided maximum insulation, and the infrastructure included communal heating systems to ensure that all residents could maintain a comfortable living temperature. The settlement also featured advanced communication systems, ensuring that the inhabitants remained connected with other Mining Guild operations and the wider New Dusk Conclave network.

Moreover, the settlement was equipped with all necessary amenities to support daily life and work, including medical facilities, educational centers, and recreational areas. This holistic approach ensured that the settlers not only survived but thrived in the challenging conditions of the Tundra Plains.

The success of the Tundra Plains Settlement highlighted the Mining Guild's commitment to exploring and exploiting new frontiers. By overcoming the challenges presented by Crystaria's icy environment, the Guild solidified its reputation as a pioneering and resilient organization. The Tundra Plains became a symbol of the Guild's ingenuity and determination, showcasing their ability to adapt and innovate in even the most inhospitable regions of the Sanctum System.


When the NDC expanded to the Nephis system, the Mining Guild, like imprinted baby chicks instinctively following their guardian, promptly followed suit. This strategic move was a natural progression for the Guild, as their operations had always been closely aligned with the interests and expansions of the NDC. By accompanying the NDC into the Nephis system, the Mining Guild aimed to capitalize on new opportunities and support the Conclave's growing infrastructure.

Upon arriving in the Nephis system, the Mining Guild wasted no time in setting up exploratory teams to survey the most promising sites for mining. They employed their latest technology and equipment to conduct thorough geological assessments, mapping out potential resource deposits with precision.

As new mines were established, the Guild constructed settlements nearby to house their workforce. These settlements, equipped with the latest in cold-weather technology and insulated housing, mirrored the successes of their previous endeavors on Crystaria. The Guild also implemented comprehensive support systems, including medical facilities, educational institutions, and recreational areas, ensuring that their communities were well-rounded and sustainable.

Arcadia Mines

Arcadia Mines, strategically located in close proximity to the New Dusk Conclave’s newest Arcadia Settlement, reflects a pattern reminiscent of the establishment of Obsidian Mine. As the NDC continued to expand its influence, the need for resource extraction and support for the burgeoning settlement became a priority.

Situated near the Arcadia Settlement, Arcadia Mines was designed to serve dual purposes: supporting the settlement’s immediate resource needs and contributing to the broader objectives of the Mining Guild. The mine was established with careful consideration of its location, ensuring it would facilitate efficient transportation of materials and integration with the settlement's infrastructure.

The decision to position the mine so close to the settlement was driven by several factors. The proximity allowed for streamlined logistics, reducing transportation time and costs for both workers and resources. It also meant that the settlement could rely on the mine for a steady supply of essential materials, which was crucial for its growth and development.

Similar to the setup at Obsidian Mine, Arcadia Mines was equipped with advanced mining technology and infrastructure. The Guild implemented state-of-the-art equipment designed to optimize resource extraction while minimizing environmental impact. The mine’s design incorporated features that ensured safety, efficiency, and adaptability to the specific geological conditions of the Arcadia region.

The settlement itself was planned to complement the mining operations. Arcadia Settlement was built with modern amenities and facilities to support the miners and their families. It included housing, medical services, educational institutions, and recreational areas, fostering a thriving community that could sustain itself while supporting the Guild’s operations.

Arcadia Mines and its associated settlement symbolized a well-coordinated effort by the Mining Guild to integrate new mining ventures with the expansion of NDC territories. By mirroring the successful model established at Obsidian Mine, the Guild demonstrated its commitment to supporting the NDC's growth while ensuring the prosperity of its mining operations. The close relationship between the mine and the settlement reinforced the Guild's role in the development and stability of the New Dusk Conclave's expanding frontier.

Crystal Caves

The Crystal Caves of the planet Daichi in the Nephis system were the first location targeted by the Mining Guild during their expansion into the new system. Under the leadership of branch head Nicola Walker, the Guild embarked on this exciting new venture with the expertise of her dedicated mine locator employees.

Nicola Walker, known for her strategic vision and hands-on leadership style, directed the initial explorations with a keen focus on uncovering valuable resources that could significantly benefit the Mining Guild. Her team, equipped with advanced surveying and exploration technology, scoured the planet's surface and subterranean layers for potential mining sites.

The discovery of the Crystal Caves was a momentous occasion for the Guild. The caves, hidden deep beneath Daichi's rugged terrain, were filled with luminescent crystals that emitted a soft, ethereal glow. The mine locators, trained to identify unique and valuable geological formations, quickly realized the potential significance of these glowing crystals.

Intrigued by their properties, Nicola and her team began speculating about the crystals' possible applications. One of the most exciting prospects was the potential use of these crystals as an alternative source of light. The natural luminescence of the crystals suggested that they could be harnessed for illumination, providing a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing light source. This discovery sparked a wave of research and experimentation within the Guild, as scientists and engineers collaborated to understand the properties of the crystals and how they could be effectively utilized.

The Guild established a research outpost near the Crystal Caves, where they conducted extensive studies on the crystals. They examined the composition, durability, and light-emitting properties of the crystals, seeking to determine the best methods for harvesting and integrating them into practical applications. The potential for these crystals to serve as a renewable energy source or as a key component in advanced lighting systems was a promising avenue that the Guild was eager to explore.

In addition to their practical applications, the Crystal Caves themselves became a point of fascination. The natural beauty of the glowing crystals attracted interest not only from the Guild but also from the broader scientific community and potential investors. The unique environment of the caves offered opportunities for tourism and education, as visitors could experience the otherworldly glow of the crystals firsthand.

Rocky peak

Due to having just arrived, the Mining Guild doesn’t have too many mines, but this location was noted as possible locations by Mine Locator Personnel.

Below Zero

Below Zero is the name of the location in the North and Southern pole area of the planet Daichi in the Nephis System. The Mining Guild will be coming here once their other Mines are set up.

Systems owned

There is one System location owned by the Mining guild and its a Asteroid field called Draco Eridanus System

Freezy Land

Ruby, Emerald, and to a lesser extent Diamonds
Or rather Materials that can be used to make Durandium
Ruby, Emerald, Diamonds, Sapphires, Garnets
Various kinds

corp/mining_guild/mining_operations.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/19 22:53 by charaa