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Thunderer Ammo

The 14.9x76mm Ammunition of the Thunderer Heavy Rifle is a large caliber rifle round. It went into mass production in YE 45.

History and Background

The Thunderer Ammunition was put into production when Albert Steiner brought the Thunderer Heavy Rifle into service in YE 45. The additional ammunition types were developed through the use of prototypes during YE 44, ranging from armor-piercing ammunition to munitions laced with radioactive material to add some additional flexibility to the weapon, though the caliber is still fairly limited due to its size and power.

General Information

The 14.9mm comes in a variety of ammunition types and is fairly heavy.

Thunderer Heavy Rifle Ammo
No Image At This Time
Year Introduced Prototypes YE 44, Full Production YE 45.
Class/Nomenclature IC-W1-W4500 to IC W1-W4503 (Current Production Version)
Alternative Nomenclature 1-T-IC(K)
Designers Iron Company
Manufacturer Iron Company
Fielded By Iron Company
Damage Rating (Version 3) Ammunition Type Dependant
Production Mass Production
Pricing See Pricing List Below

Ammunition Stats

General information and statistics on the Thunderer Ammunition.

Ammunition Stats
Damage Rating Tier 2-4
Size 3.710 in
Caliber 14.9×76
Effective Range 950 meters
Muzzle Velocity 2,460 ft/s
Muzzle Blast A large dull yellow cone, four inches in diameter
Recoil Heavy Recoil, dampeners are mounted on the rifle
Energy Source Chemical Propellant

14.9x76mm Standard

The standard cartridge of the Thunderer Heavy Rifle, the round uses oddly enough a square tip-meant to stop a target dead in its tracks, be it a dangerous animal or a charging ID-SOL. Though ballistic performance does degrade a little quicker over longer distances, it is still a large, heavy round traveling at fairly high speeds and maintains most of its kinetic energy on impact. Upon impact, the round punches through the hide, body armor, and flesh alike, shattering bone and causing major cavitation through a target's body as it tumbles end over end, and on a glancing hit can amputate limbs. In the event the target does have armor or a hide that can prevent penetration-the square tip acts like a hammer, causing severe blunt force trauma and stunning them. Tier 3- Product ID: IC-W1-W4500

14.9x76mm LV

The 14.9 LV, or low velocity, is primarily a training round but is occasionally used in urban environments, though over-penetration is still a concern. The round uses a ball tip and simply punches a big hole through a target. A non-penetrating shot is capable of shattering bone. Tier 2- Product ID: IC-W1-W4501

14.9x76mm INCSLAP

The Incendiary Sabot Light Armor Piercing, or INCSLAP, is a small, needle-like projectile, usually Tungsten with a white phosphorus core, with a plastic case around it. Upon being fired, the round sheds its case and flies at a target at extreme velocity This round is designed to counter most types of light power armor, as the tungsten projectile is able to penetrate most common models. Upon impact, the projectile causes massive cavitation inside soft tissue as the round fragments after penetrating armor.Tier 4 Secondary injuries such as burn trauma, phosphorus poisoning from its payload, and shrapnel wounds from the target's armor are not unheard of. Product ID: IC-W1-W4502

14.9x76mm “Beast Killer”

The beast killer is an odd round, as it seems to resemble the 14.9x76mm LV, albeit with a large, rounded black tip filled with an alkaline solution able to emulsify flesh. Hitting as hard as the Standard, the round punches a nice big hole through the target's body, while the black tip breaks and releases the chemical mixture into the wound. While effective, it has the unfortunate side effect of ruining the meat as well. Tier 3- IC-W1-W4503

14.76mm Radiation Munition

An extremely dangerous round issued to Drudge squad units, the bullet is composed of extremely dense materials and is laced with a combination of radium and thorium. This is meant to bring down genetically engineered creatures. Upon impact the round splinters and disperses fragments around the target, causing maximum cavitation and dispersion of its payload through a target's body. This is to ensure maximum lethality while minimizing exposure to friendlies. Tier 4- Product ID: IC-W1-W4504


Thunderer Ammunition Price Quickchart
Type Price (100 Round Box)
14.9x76mm Standard 50KS for 100 Rounds
14.9x76mm LV 25KS For 100
14.9×76 INCSLAP 75KS For 100 rounds
14.9.76 “Beast Killer” 200 KS for 100 rounds
14.9×76 Radiation Munition 250 KS for 100 rounds

OOC Notes

Commissar Farzi created this article on 2022/06/10 19:09.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

corp/iron_company/ammuntion/thunderer_ammo.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/31 15:20 by commissar_farzi