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Volumetric Display Module

The Volumetric Display Module, more commonly known as the VoDiM, is a high-quality and high-resolution volumetric projection device designed and manufactured by Galactic Horizon in YE 40 that, similar to the Rip-Pod Parachute System, was made to be yet another easy-to-implement component prior to becoming commercially available to the general public.

Designer: Galactic Horizon
Nomenclature: GH-U9-5Y


The GH-U9-5Y Volumetric Display Module began life as a component in the majority of Galactic Horizon's computers and meeting rooms. It was just something they knew how to make well and would have stayed purely in-house if not for Donvan Black asking the big question of:

”Dad, why don’t we try selling this?”

Function and Design

Each Volumetric Display Module is a 15cm long by 15cm wide x 10cm tall Durandium Alloy four-sided pyramid with a flat top that its volumetrics are projected from, while the bottom of the unit is lined with a series of data and power hook-ups. A VoDiM unit is capable of projecting volumetric displays that are up to 20ft (6.06m) long, 8ft (2.43m) wide, and 8.5ft (2.59m) high or solid volumetric constructs of various consistencies that are 5ft (1.52m) long, 5ft (1.52m) wide, and 7ft (2.13m) high - and can produce both types at a resolution that is indiscernible from the real deal.

There is a 1cm taller version that features an internal fusion battery; additionally, Volumetric Display Modules are usually embedded into surfaces such as ceilings, countertops, desks, floors, and walls - as only the topmost face of the unit needs to be exposed in order for it to function.


The VoDiM is a small four-sided pyramid with a flat top that glows white when the unit is active; each is constructed out of Durandium Alloy and typically colored gunmetal grey.


The Volumetric Display Module is available from Galactic Horizon directly, their approved associates and affiliates, and most hobbyist electronics stores.

*Disclaimer: No matter where the unit is sold or fabricated, the components have a Galactic Horizon watermark engraved into them.

OOC Notes

SirSkully created this article on 2018/09/09 13:48; frostjaeger approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/09/10 21:20.

corp/galactic_horizon/gh-u9-5y_volumetric_display_module.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:57 by