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Dusklight Cigarettes

Dusklights are cigaretted made in the New Dusk Conclave, from locally grown fauna. They have been designed for better benefits, and fewer negative effects, as well as lessened health risks over traditional cigarettes.


Created in YE 43, by the lab personnel at Black Wing Enterprises, as a locally made commodity consumable. Made for recreational relaxation, as well as to give small and drawn out boosts of energy to the user on use. It was common for those who came from other nations, to take part in the age old tradition of smoking, which is even cultural in nature for some. However, most modern cigarettes are rather unsafe after prolonged use, with significant health risks for little gain. BWE decided to use the unique properties of local flora on Sirris VI, as well as much more refined manufacturing methods.

Taking the basic design of a cigarette, and reworking it from the ground up, with safety and usage in mind. It was made from materials that degraded very easily, and also did so very naturally for the most part. It has been proven safer, and with far fewer side-effects, albeit with some still present for the obvious usual reason. That being said, the lab guys made sure that you'd have to be intentionally mass consuming to even get to the negative side-effects. BWE has begun selling them with pride within the borders of the NDC, and has already seen optimistic sales on the new product.


Made from local fauna found in the NDC, much of which has been found to have intriguing properties. Using a local vine that have been found to have similar chemical properties, as the nicotine found in traditional tobacco. The nickname given to such plant is Glovine. It has been proven safer, and at the same output of effect in desired effects on users. It has a rather dark orange filling with a very faint luminous glow, from the plant material used from the Glovine itself, as mentioned. The paper is a local fibrous material that is somehow sturdy, yet burns well, with a distinct reddish smoke, and degrades rather well when burned. The reddish smoke varies in Opacity, the longer one inhales the deeper red the exhaled smoke would become. The filter is an aerogel laced stiff foam, and separated by a graphene cross laced mesh from the filler.


How the drug/medicine takes effect:

  • stimulant, effects of this plant will give focus, and energy to the person taking part in the consumption of the vine as an inhalant.
  • relaxant, the vines properties are also medicinal in, that they relax the muscular system of the animal inhaling or ingesting the plant itself.
  • Smoke vapors from using this product, emit as a red smoke when lit and puffed.

Side Effects

Possible side effects of this drug/medicine

  • Mild irradiation from the local Fauna used in this product otherwise known as Glovine causes Saliva to take on Bio-luminescent qualities.


What happens when too much drug/medicine is administered

  • If smoked in excessive amounts, the Glovine will cause radiation poisoning if exceeding 1000 cylinders per day. Also reports of lingering bio-luminescence have been seen within the users skin, after extensive use of the vine.

OOC Notes

Jack Pine created this article on 2021/04/08 03:06.

Approved by Andrew on 05/07/2021.1)

corp/bwe/items/dusklight_cigarettes.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:20 (external edit)