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Maverick Belmont

Maverick Belmont is a NPC In Use By GM or FM played by Spaceeye and SirSkully.

Maverick Belmont
Species & Gender: Male ID-SOL
Organization: Belmont Clan
Occupation: CEO
Rank: Head of State
Current Placement: Belmont Clan

Physical Description

Maverick Belmont stands at an intimidating 7’6” and while not the tallest of his kind it is certainly deceptive just how much power is packed into the man’s bulging muscles, usually clearly visible through most clothing this bear of a man wears – usually suits and smart-looking attire to help reinforce his position as the clan’s head of state. Maverick is a shining example of Nepleslian masculinity, a wide neck holding up the man’s square-jawed and tanned face, sometimes a light stubble dancing across his face though Maverick prefers to remain clean-shaven whenever possible – his bright blue eyes standing out against the man’s shoulder-length blonde hair, usually left in a half-up-half-down ponytail that blows in even the faintest of breezes.


Maverick is a proud, gentlemanly figure who speaks politely even when you can see the fires of war raging behind his calm and relaxed expression, given he is an IDSOL married to an Elysian one would assume he is the dominant one in the relationship – they would be wrong, Seraphina has Maverick wrapped around her little finger, the two are still madly in love after all these years but behind closed doors it is easy to tell who the top dog between them is.


Maverick Belmont was born 20日 4月 19 on Planet Nepleslia. Maverick was the classic tale of a vat-born super soldier doing his bit to flood the already saturated market of mercenaries in Nepleslian – it was the standard affair, gaining scars and ripping apart tanks as an IDSOL does best until one fateful job in YE 22 got ugly between a few teams, leading to a certain Elysian named Seraphina dropping a building on the charging blonde giant to make him stop chasing her.

Seeing that the man did indeed not die in the process and given that her ride out of the hellish hole they were stuck in was now a burning pile of twisted metal, she waited him out and had a proposal for the brutish man – they get out of there together and then sort things out, taking the name of a the man who raised Maverick from the moment he popped out of that tank.

Eventually the two married in some independent space-station with a shitty climate system that made it always that little bit colder than it needed to be, tying the knot as they drifted past the planet’s moon and some time between the Third Elysian War and Fourth Elysian War the two defected to Yamatai to start their new life together. Maverick having an extensive background in all things fighting and war did well to move up in the ranks during his time within Star Army. By the end of his career he had managed to reach the rank of Chusa. At the asking of his wife he stepped away from the army to live out a normal life. Though his lasting connections within Star Army would stay.

With funds from their various years of hard work and bloodshed the two purchased a sizable plot of land and began to create connections alongside raising a veritable horde of a family but all their hard work was demolished when the Fourth Elysian War rolled through.

Never ones to fall easily though, the remains of their clan rebuilt, turning those ashes into the Belmont Clan as it is known today, a clan with the intention of making the world a more peaceful place.

Skills Learned

Maverick Belmont has the following notable skills:

  • Hand to hand combat
  • Star Army history (Knowledge)
  • Law in the Yamatai Star Empire (Knowledge)
  • Public speaking (Leadership)
  • Logistics
  • Business Major
  • Combat Analytics
  • Flight Training
  • Officer Training
  • Hair that is always blowing

Social Connections

Maverick Belmont is connected to:


Item Description Reason Date
Conquest Award This soldier is recognized for conquest of Elysian during 4th war. YE 25

Inventory & Finance

Maverick Belmont has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Maverick Belmont currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by spaceeye on 10, 31 2023 at 09:38 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? No
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? No
Character Data
Character NameMaverick Belmont
Character OwnerSpaceeye
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM

characters/yamatai/maverick_belmont.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/23 10:08 by fiverr_helper