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Itatski Suzume

Itatski Suzume (Suzume: 雀 Yamatigo for sparrow) is a player character played by Charmaylarg.

Suzume Itatski
Species & Gender: Nekovalkyrja, Type 33A Female
Date of Birth: YE 40
Organization: Star Army Intelligence
Occupation: Star Army Intelligence Operative, Medic
Rank: Ittô Hei
Current Placement: Operation La Prossima

Physical Description

Suzume is a tomboy and looks the part, With a very lean and muscular frame that tops out at roughly Five foot eleven (5'11“) tall with a good deal of visible muscle mass on her extremities and abs, But not enough to erase any trace of femininity she might have she is attractive yet imposing. Her hair is usually short and black, kept spiked out at the sides, Her eyes are a faint orange in color, And her skin is a tanned olive tone that is smooth and glistens slightly in the right light. In tune with her more feminine features Suzume has well-toned hips and a modest C+ cup bust that look smaller due to her height and build.


Suzume is overprotective and level-headed most of the time, with a deadpan facial expression and nonplussed attitude unless she is provoked by somebody which is remarkably easy to do with her short temper and sense of morals and problem-solving. She uses her great strength to deal with anyone who troubles her or her comrades and has a simple, Stalwart thought process that makes her easily influenced by others. She rarely knows what's going on or what to do in most situations, So she often acts on instinct or spur of the moment decisions with a cool, calm, collected demeanor even if she is completely out of her depth and terrified on the inside. Because of this, Suzume rarely speaks long sentences. So anything she does say often carries extra weight. If left before a problem without a simple solution Suzume will often attempt to solve it much like like attempting to blunt-force trauma her way through a starships hull until a better solution comes along.

Art by Ametheliana

Her hobbies include:

  • Sparring
  • Training
  • Caligraphy
  • Exercise
  • Collecting cute things

Suzume also goes by the nicknames of Sparrow(Trade), and Beni/Benisuzume.


Suzume was born in early YE 40 as the second daughter to itatski ichika and a distant kai sagara as an NH-33 nekovalkyrja. She spent a three month period maturing, Stories of a distant father's adventures, and an unmet older sister following loosely in his footsteps. This connection to an unmet part of her family began to fill Suzume with her own patriotic dreams and desires and upon maturing saw her joining the Star Army Of Yamatai.

During this time she was able to transfer into a 33A body and what she would largely consider her ideal form as a much taller and well filled out body. Learning a love for training and physical exercise she was able to mold her new form into a well-defined figure all her own.

After her time training, Suzume considered her career options. To either follow the footsteps of her family or break trail on something new… By this point in time the kuvexian war had come full swing into a major conflict as the kuvexians invaded the kikyo sector in force and all the new countermeasures against them responded in kind with a fresh need for new bodies to send into the fray.

One of these was the newly formed ranger regiments whose ideals and doctrine resounded deeply with the young neko eager to prove herself, Who responded in kind by putting in to transfer into the new force straight out of training. Eager for bodies and recruits to act against the kuvexian threat, Suzume was accepted and after an extended period of additional training for her new billet and its specialties, Suzume could proudly call herself part of the first generation of the star armies rangers.

In late YE 40, Not even a full-year-old, Suzume Itatski deployed as part of the rangers Unconventional Regiment against the kuvexian threat.

Yss Shiroyama

For almost two years Suzume took part in operations on the planet of Terra Multa and its surrounding space in-system as part of the 109th Imperial Ravens Unconventional Regiment against mercenaries backed by the Kuvexians. Such actions included a training mission to a formerly abandoned ship in-system that had coincidentally been infiltrated by Kuvexian backed mercenaries where she took severe and almost life-threatening injuries in a crossfire, Deployments planetside on multiple occasions to disrupt infiltration and covert activities of similar groups, and proving instrumental to stopping numerous kuvexian plots to seize Terra Malta's resources or cripple the YSS Shiroyama on one occasion. Her time spent on these missions helped fill a large gap of experience the young neko lacked and forged her into a brutal and resourceful veteran despite only reaching the rank of Nito Hei by the time of her departure due to her still tactical inflexibility and clear lack of emotional definition.

During these missions she was accompanied by her niece and ward; Itatski Sachiko, a young but brilliant daughter of Suzume's older sister who in later days of the Shiroyama would prove significantly smarter and more competent than Suzume and would more often than not end up being the guiding force for the pair despite Suzume still playing the part of the younger neko's protector in name only.

Ye-43 Through YE-46

After dying horribly multiple times onboard the Shiroyama and its missions Suzume took part on a brief stint onboard the YSS Artemis Plot for rescue mission to save her sisters, Itatski Kyoko, and Itatski Setsuya as well as others captured by the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia in YE-43. With the help of her neice Sachiko, some others of the Itatski and Belmont Clan and the help of a pair of former Kuvexian slave twins the operation was semi-sucessful though Suzumes sisters were paticularly traumatized.

Moving forwards from there, Suzume became the temporary Supreme Matriarch of the Itatski clan in name and served the remainder of the Kuvexian conflict as a part of the Star Army Reserver at Fort Victory Reserve Center, Tending to her familys mental health as she was able.

For the next couple years after that Suzume spent her time regretfully out of combat doing training, wrestling in inter-company bouts, and fighting against much of the anxiety and restless young neko do out of combat. Feeling paticularly useless and bordering on depressed she began requesting active duty assignments again. But with billions of her peers currently moving off of a war footing with the end of the Kuvexian conflict she found no sucess until the start of the newest conflict with the Mishhu re-activating combat units and moving reservists back into active duty.

Having already a rather impressive resume despite never remembering half of her deeds from her poor luck in almost always dying near the end of most of her missions as well as her training and service record, Suzume went into training to become a Star Army Intelligence Operative; Hoping to offer both her experience as a medic, and that of a semi-accomplished ranger to a higher standard and move towards standing as peer once more to her idols.

Social Connections

Suzume Itatski is connected to:

Skills Learned

Beyond that Suzume has the following she is proficient in:

  • Communications - Yamataigo/Trade
  • Physical/Fighting
  • Survival and Military
  • Humanities
  • Medical
  • Search and Rescue
  • Tracking/Stalking/Scouting

Inventory & Finance

Suzume Itatski has the following items:

+3,000 KSStarting Money3,000 KS
-90KSPlushies2,910 KS
+36,000 KSTwo years pay38,910 KS
+79,000 KSThree years pay117,910 KS



Suzume has a set of weapons for use both In and Out of power armor that relies on her strength and ability as a brawler.


Despite her outward personality Suzume is a collector of all things cute. She owns a series of plushies bought from the Doki Doki YSA! brand of cafe and otherwise. Her favorite of her collection is the Irim plushie who Suzume will often confide her thoughts and fear into and refers to the doll as “Irim Sama”.

  • Chibi Hanako Plushie
  • Chibi Irim Plushie with bonus butcher knives
  • Chibi Yui Plushie in school girl uniform
  • Mr. Bear plushies with Hinomaru emblem shirt
  • Chibi Kotori Plushie in kawaii kimono
  • Chibi Minato plushie
  • Chibi Sharie plushie
  • Chibi Opal Plushie
  • Chibi Chiharu Plushie
  • Custom-order plushie of Setsuya Itatski
  • Magical Girl Shasta Plushie
  • +/- 200 more assorted Plushies, stuffed animals, and dolls.


Sparrows Mindy Loadout

Left Shoulder Dorsal Right Shoulder
SAR Utility Arm Ke-M2-W2704 Nodal Support Bit Launcher Shoulder Weapon Mount1)
Leg Pods utility/cargo Handheld
Ke-M2-W2908 Offensive Augmentation Pods> CFWEP Package,KE-M91 SAR Conversion Type 41 Turbo Aether Plasma Shotgun
Left Waist Wings / Tail Right Waist
Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol Durandium Combat Knife

OOC Notes

Art by Banzz2).

Second art by Ametheliana.

In the case Charmaylarg becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I am gone for a year? No. I would rather you write your own interesting stories with your own characters than try to adopt mine for whatever reason and play her with some new personality and not knowing how she acts and thinks and feels.I would rather her remain as a footnote in history than be taken over by someone unrelated to her and how she has been played. Some stories end and some go unfinished. If that is her fate then I'm glad to have played her for so many years.
Character Data
Character NameItatski Suzume
Character OwnerCharmaylarg
Character StatusActive Player Character
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusReserve
SAOY RankNitô Hei
SAOY AssignmentFort Victory Reserve Center
Ke-m4-w4000 Power Automatic Rifle as a spare
Im aware of little details that are off in the uniform, Ie the cuffs, Patch on the wrong side and boots, Etc. But he put such detail into them that i felt no desire to have them changed after the fact. I highly recommend Banzz as an artist for his professional demeanor and quality art at good pricing.

characters/yamatai/itatski_suzume.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 13:41 by charmaylarg