
Antibody Hollowpoint Five Seven 57 8449-2815

Species: Type Four Freespacer
Gender: Male
Position: Head Of Starship Construction
Organization: Shasta No Sekai

A NPC controlled by Primitive Polygon who designs space vessels and has a rather controversial past.

Character Summary

“Elongated chrome limbs bristled with firearms and missile pods, and it had all sorts of tubes and metal antlers sprawling from an angular three-eyed head. A knitted synth-wool sweater suggested this machine was once embellished with some form of affection, but a thick coating of blood on their steel fists also said it might have been somewhat misplaced.”

A formidable 7ft machine being who is highly proficient in several armament projects, not least the Nomad-Class Solarfoil Corvette. They have highly militarized goals for a Freespacer, influenced by a long history of personal loss and constant conflict.

History and Relationship Notes

A YE 25 The Free State original, Hollowpoint was an active part of the Wired Rovers, and then the Independent Worlds League during the YE 30 war with the Yamatai Star Empire. They lost most of their organic body in a spacecraft battle during the battle of Halna, and became the large, heavily armed cyborg known today.

Going underground was necessary because of their connections, but they eventually resurfaced as the pro-Nepleslian Star Empire faction Viridian Array, running the arms manufacturing station PH-417b in the Port Hope system.

During the YE 38, repeated hacking attacks by an unknown faction sent the facility into complete chaos. The Skeleton Ensemble responded to a neutral call for help, but almost helped the attacker (who was acting as an impostor for Hollowpoint) to gain access to the inner network. The real person ended up being decapitated, but was saved in a drastic action which eventually ended with them ascending to a true type four.

As of this point in history, Hollowpoint's reputation took a severe beating, as well as finding their exact allegiance in question. The Wire Guided took up the bankroll for the Viridians in the following months, and Hollowpoint was left in the political wilderness for several years. In order to retain their organization's independence, the new type four began looking for more and more extreme solutions to give them an edge against their political enemies, which included dealing with some particularly war-like alien races.

The reaction was mixed; A large degree of Viridians were getting used to Nepleslian luxuries, and saw Hollowpoint's stance as political isolationism. The Kuxevian war was also now in full force, and it wasn't beyond the possibility that the Intelligence and Pacification Group might turn up and assassinate Hollowpoint simply to keep the Viridians on side…

In the end, Hollowpoint simply chose to disappear, and instead began gifting their technical skills to the semi-piratical and truly independent organization Shasta No Sekai, who had set up a small industry in the ruins of Freehold Factory.

Skill Areas

  • Communications: Fluent in Trade, Six-Cog and Freefolk.
  • Weapons Engineering
  • Spacecraft Engineering
  • Cybernetics Engineering
  • Ambush And Sabotage
  • Firearms Combat
  • Genetic Engineering (Minor. Tends to be involved more in the administration, rather than actual experiments.)
Character Data
Character NameHollowpoint
Character OwnerPrimitive Polygon
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Current LocationFreehold Factory

characters/npc/hollowpoint.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/14 23:09 by nakshatra