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Bounty List

The following chart lists who has one or more in-character bounties on them in the setting. It is meant to be used as a reference for assassins, bounty hunters, and mercenaries.

  • Target Name: The person(s) and/or organization(s) being sought.
  • Wanted: The target’s desired status. Can be Alive, Dead, or Unharmed.
  • Amount: The reward offered.
  • Offered By: The person(s) and/or or organization(s) supplying the reward. Cannot be anonymous.
  • Claimed By: The person(s) and/or organization(s) who have officially declared their intent to pursue the bounty. Cannot be anonymous.
  • Reason: The reason(s) the target got a bounty on their head.

The List

Target Name Wanted Amount Offered By Claimed By Reason
Lazarus Alive 10,000,000 AR Barachiel Valeria Unclaimed Slaughtering a child of the Lord.1)
Leo Gerrick Dead 5,000,000 AM Frontier Service Corporation Unclaimed Economic terrorism.
Joshua Bates Dead 3,500,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: high treason, manslaughter, theft of restricted military equipment, sexual assault, desertion, destruction of military property, and conspiracy to commit high treason.2)
Hidetsugu Mizuki Dead 3,000,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: high treason, manslaughter, theft of restricted military equipment, desertion, destruction of military property, and conspiracy to commit high treason.3)
Alex Yoshinaga Dead 2,000,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: high treason, manslaughter, theft of restricted military equipment, desertion, destruction of military property, and conspiracy to commit high treason.4)
Ava Riggs Dead 2,000,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: high treason, manslaughter, theft of restricted military equipment, desertion, destruction of military property, and conspiracy to commit high treason.5)
Ellena Frost Dead 2,000,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: high treason, manslaughter, theft of restricted military equipment, desertion, destruction of military property, and conspiracy to commit high treason.6)
Phoebe Rackham-Cayne Dead 2,000,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: high treason, manslaughter, theft of restricted military equipment, desertion, destruction of military property, and conspiracy to commit high treason.7)
Thame Sra'Kiraten Dead 2,000,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: high treason, manslaughter, theft of restricted military equipment, sexual assault, desertion, destruction of military property, and conspiracy to commit high treason.8)
Oswald Tyson Dead 1,000,000 DA Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Unclaimed Multiple crimes, including but not limited to: treason, manslaughter, theft of government property, destruction of government property, and conspiracy to commit treason.9)
Miles Gunn Alive 1,000,000 KS Yamatai Star Empire Unclaimed Treason; destruction of government property.
Corporate plans or technology of Osman Heavy Industries Unharmed 500,000 AM Frontier Service Corporation Unclaimed Deliberately sabotaging the economy of Uso’s Star Organization.
soreta Unharmed 200,000 DA Intelligence and Pacification Group Unclaimed Impersonation of a government official; treason.
iemochi_seinosuke Alive 100,000 KS Iemochi Innovations & Sales Unclaimed Illegal reproduction; usage and distribution of patented weaponry.
John Kennedy Alive 10,000 KS Yamatai Star Empire Unclaimed Theft of military property ("Raccoon" Transport Shuttle).
Mike Crosby Dead 10,000 DA 'Valkyrie' Unclaimed Interfering with mission.

OOC Notes

wes created this article on 2008/04/18; frostjaeger updated this article on 2018/07/08 16:03 after receiving approval from wes on 2018/07/08 14:28.

WARNING: This heathen is suspected to be highly armed and dangerous. Extreme caution is advised when apprehending this target.
2) , 3) , 4) , 5) , 6) , 7) , 8)
WARNING: This individual is suspected to be highly armed and dangerous. They may attempt to impersonate IPG and/or NSN and/or NSMC personnel. Extreme caution is advised when eliminating this target.
WARNING: This individual is suspected to be highly armed and dangerous. They may attempt to impersonate government and/or NPF personnel. Extreme caution is advised when eliminating this target.

bounty_list.1531113342.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 14:59 (external edit)