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NAM SMA-01a Space Mobility Attachment "Glorywing"

While most Nepleslian Power Armors such as the Hostile and Aggressor are designed with a majority ground usage in mind, the Nepleslian Military has seen its marines forced more and more to operate in spatial conditions, where a relative lack of agility and acceleration has left them essentially sitting ducks. The problem isn't entirely speed: The Hostile is capable of accelerating up to a relatively decent top speed on its own with enough time. The problem lies in two main areas: Acceleration and Maneuvering, where in Acceleration is the rate at which the armor can accelerate while Maneuvering is the rate at which the armor can can change its direction of travel and orientation.

NAM Terratech, in that traditional show of Nepleslian spirit and innovation, took a jury rigged space kit created by a young marine after his time on board a Lorath vessel, and re-engineered it into the formal SMA-01a Glorywing, a self contained space propulsion system that attaches to the back of the currently supported Neplelsian Power Armor models: The Hostile, The Aggressor, and the VOID.

The initial model made by the young marine was a simple rounded cylinder, filled with three major internal components: The UCF-04a used to power the unit, a pair of PID-01a's taken from an Aggressor and mounted to a pair of 360 degree rotating mounts on opposite ends of the cylinder and the necessary ionized fuel tanks, and a Compact Gravimetric Drive CGD-01a powered with fully 70% of the reactor's output.

Suffice to say, the initial model did more or less what the creator set out to do with it. While it did grant some increases to the top speed of any armor mounting it, the real benefit came in the form of increased range, due to a reduced use of fuel; and increased agility in space combat situations thanks to the amount of power the Glorywing could devote to its CGD-01a and the ability to provide auxiliary thrust in almost any direction thanks to the rotating mounts of its plasma impulse drives. There was, however, a problem with the design: the mounting got in the way of backpack mounted equipment and existent propulsion equipment on some armors, thus a new design would have to be found when NAM adopted the basic concept.

The revised production model does away with the long barrel form of the initial model, replacing it with an X-shaped array of long booms, each wider than they are tall. Each boom is capped with two PID-01a's facing in opposite directions on a mount capable of rotating 180 degrees; the booms themselves contain fuel ionized hydrogen tanks used to feed the fusion rockets, and can retract or extend to a minimum and maximum length of X feet. The central assembly to which all the booms are mounted contains a UCF-04a and a CGD-01a; as well as a connector mechanism to latch it firmly to the back of a Hostile (between the two large thrusters on the Armor's backpack), Aggressor(between the two large thrusters on the Armor's backpack), and VOID(Just below and between the GAFM mounts) and allow the armor and suit to feed each other fuel, power, and commands.

This new model backpack not only allows the pack to operate in conjunction with an armor's systems, but actually improves upon it's designed role of improving space performance. However, it wasn't quite Nepleslian enough: it needed more boom for its buck, so the two upper booms were enhanced, sacrificing some fuel storage to attach two "Eel" Seeker Missiles on external racks each..

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Hull: Tier 3, Heavy Personnel
  • Shields: Uses the shields of the parent machine.

Statistical Information:

  • Length:
  • Width:
  • Height:
  • Mass:
  • Sublight Speed Boost: +0.010c, increases max acceleration and maneuverability in 0g environments.
  • Airspeed Penalty: Reduces planetary speeds, depends on the size of the armor. Larger armors are hit with a lessened speed penalty.
  • Maintenance: After every mission, overhaul every YE.
  • Lifespan: 5 Years

Weapons Systems:

Main Weapons

The Glorywing only has a single weapon system, intended to soften up targets before engaging in close quarters combat in space.

(4x): NAM 'Eel' Seeker Missiles:

  • Location: External racks on the two upper booms
  • Purpose: High-Agility Dogfight Missile
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Power Armor Missile
  • Damage: Tier 7 (Tier 8 versus Shields)
  • Area of Effect: 50m
  • Range: 750km in atmosphere, theoretically unlimited in space
  • Payload: 4x externally carried missiles

Systems Descriptions

1. Hull

Durandium on Diamond Nanotube frames

The Glorywing is constructed simply and cheaply, and is not intended to be a heavily armored component that can survive extensive damage: heavy armor would ruin the entire purse of the glory wing. Thus, the unit is made from a number of discrete pieces of Durandium on a Diamond Nanotube frame, locked together when fully assembled.

2. Power

One Ultra Compact Fusion Generator UCF-4a

The Glorywing, with its relatively lower power consumption requirements as compared to a full Power Armor, requires far less power in general and can devote much more of that power to propulsion. Thus, it utilizes a single tried and true UCF-4a generator to provide power to the Compact Gravimetric Drive. With the limit nearly reached to the precision and power of the NAM Compact Fusion Generator, new measures had to be taken to increase the power output on a single powered armor. Instead of spending countless time and resources developing a new way to generate power, however, the Hostile utilizes two state-of-the-art UCF-4a generators to provide ample power to the armor systems, as well as substantially increase the endurance of the shielding.

3. Propulsion

Compact Gravimetric Drive CGD-01a

Using similar design techniques as those utilized in NDI gravimetric drives, NAMs version allows for high acceleration with almost no inertia. However, due to the smaller reactor size, the drive is not quite as potent as those found in NDI armors, but is still quite fast and very efficient. The normal antigravity method has been integrated into the CGD-01a, and now remains the mainstay of antigravity methods for the Hostile powered armor. These gravimetric drives are mostly used for acceleration methods, however, and not top-speed. The PID-01a is meant for that department.

The Glorywing's CGD-01a has a higher output than the same system would on a Power Armor, due to the greater amount of power available to it.

Variable Impulse Magneto-Plasma Drive System PID-01a

The NAM Plasma Impulse Drive PID-01a utilizes rather ordinary technology to generate a powerful propulsion system. Drawing ionized hydrogen into a magnetized chamber, the ionized Hydrogen is then super-heated using microwave radiation. At the same time, Radio waves are passed through the plasma to impart a very powerful charge. Shortly after, it is expelled through a nozzle using a magnetic channeling system. It should be noted that the plasma expelled from the armor is extremely hot, and may cause heavy damage or death to those in close contact to the device. When combined with the gravimetric drives present on the Hostile, this makes acceleration and top speed substantially higher than what has been seen so far on Nepleslian armor technology.

There are four pairs of thrusters present on the Glorywing, two on a rotating mount at the end of each boom, for a total of eight.

4. Boom Actuation


The Glorywing uses NAM Nanomuscles to actuate the movement of the booms in their mounts inside of the core unit, as well as to expand and retract the length of the booms themselves.

5. Propellant/Fuel

Ionized Hydrogen Tanks

These specialized fuel tanks house the hydrogen necessary for the Plasma Impulse Drive system. The Glorywing has four such tanks, one in the base portion of each boom.

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/08/13 18:09.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

wip_2023_or_older/glorywing.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/27 13:59 by wes