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Luminex Exquis

The Luminex Exquis is the first Noval-made pistol, designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and highly responsive to the user's needs. Gel ammo (β€œglammo”) allows it to switch firing modes on the fly, letting it fire trackers, paint, piercing rounds, and so on.

First sold in YE 46.

About the Luminex Exquis

Designed to cater to the needs of savvy spies and fashion-conscious bodyguards, this weapon combines functionality with style allowing its users to maintain an air of sophistication while ensuring their personal safety.

Its gel-based hybrid ammo gives it an impressive ammunition capacity and opens up the possibility of ammo β€œmix-ins” that can change the functionality of the Luminex on the fly.


The Luminex Exquis was created by a team of skilled engineers and designers within Noval Heavy Industries. The primary objective was to develop a weapon that seamlessly blends into high-end environments without compromising on performance. The gel-like ammunition was specifically chosen for its unique properties, offering both versatility and reliability.

The gel pistol has gained popularity among the elite clientele of Noval Heavy Industries. Notable figures from the intelligence community and high-profile individuals seeking personal security have embraced this weapon as a symbol of both fashion and functionality. Its stylish nature and superior performance have made it a trusted companion in various critical situations.

Nomenclature Information

  • Year Created: YE 46
  • Designer: Noval Heavy Industries Research and Development Division
  • Manufacturer: Noval Heavy Industries
  • Name: Luminex Exquis
  • Nomenclature: NH-W1-4600β€β€β€Ž
  • Type: Pistol
  • Role: Personal defense, covert operations
  • Length: 7.5 inches
  • Weight: 0.8 pounds (0.36 kilograms)
  • Production: Limited Production


The Luminex Exquis' appearance is designed to make two simple statements: that you are very fashion conscious and that you are not someone to be messed with. It features elegant detailing, typically in metallic gold, with tactical black accents, all cased in a glossy white body. It is a beautiful weapon to behold, with sharp angles and careful styling that is still surprisingly comfortable in hand.

A brassy selection knob sits at the back of the weapon, near where a hammer might be found on other guns, allowing the user to switch between different firing modes and mix-ins.

Its aesthetic appeal is enhanced by fine detailing and a variety of available finishes, allowing users to personalize their weapon to match their style.

Discharge Information

  • Muzzle Flash: The Luminex Exquis produces a minimal muzzle flash upon discharge. The flash appears as a faint, quick burst of light, barely visible in low-light conditions.
  • Retort: The Luminex Exquis emits a suppressed electronic sound when fired, ensuring that the weapon remains quiet and unobtrusive. (This around 50% volume)
  • Projectile Appearance: A blue plasma sphere with a solid material core.
  • Effective Range: The Luminex Exquis' effective range is approximately 30 meters, making it ideal for close-quarters engagements.
  • Rate of Fire: The Luminex Exquis has a semi-automatic firing mode, allowing for precise shots with a rate of fire of up to 3 rounds per second.
  • Recoil: The Luminex Exquis boasts minimal recoil, thanks to its advanced internal mechanisms and the gel-like nature of its ammunition. The recoil pattern is designed to minimize muzzle rise, ensuring accuracy and ease of handling.


Gel-Ammo (β€œGlammo”) used by the Luminex Exquis is primarily for personal defense, offering a balance between stopping power and minimizing collateral damage. It is classified as Light Anti-Personnel, suitable for neutralizing threats while reducing the risk of overpenetration.

  • Ammunition: Gel-Ammo
  • Purpose: Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel. Gel ammo mix-ins can be used to modify the rounds' purpose.
  • Round Capacity: The Luminex Exquis magazine can hold 300 rounds of Gel-Ammo in gel form or 3000 rounds in powder form. Additional magazines are available for quick reloading.

Weapon Mechanisms

  • Firing Mechanism: The Gel-Pistol operates using a semi-automatic firing mechanism. After each shot, the pistol cycles and prepares the next round for firing, allowing for rapid follow-up shots.
  • Loading: The Luminex Exquis is loaded by inserting a cartridge containing Gel-Ammo into the grip. The magazine is easily detachable for quick reloading.
  • Mode Selector: The Luminex Exquis features a Mode Selector Knob located within easy reach of the user's thumb. The selector allows switching between safe, semi-automatic, and other available firing modes. It is a brassy knob that, thanks to the amount of force required to rotate it and the clever design of its surroundings, is nearly impossible to change by accident, while still being easy enough to use in the moment.
  • Firing Modes: The Luminex Exquis primarily functions in semi-automatic mode, enabling precise shot placement. Certain mix-in types will change the firing mode to single shot by default, such as the tracker.
  • Safety Mechanism: The safety mechanism is located above the trigger on the gun's right-side body.
  • Weapon Sight: The Luminex Exquis is equipped with a simple sight setup and a laser β€œdot” that can be activated by pressing a black button near the upper back of the weapon.
  • Attachment Hard Points: The Luminex Exquis does not come with built-in attachment hard points. However, it features a rail above the barrel, allowing users to customize or replace the pistol's sights.

The Luminex Exquis can be purchased in a left-hand variant that moves the Mode Selector Knob and the Safety to the left-hand side of its body instead.


Luminex Exquis: 900KS / 3600DA

Replaceable Parts and Components

  • Barrel Assembly: 300 KS
  • Grips: 300 KS

Optional Attachments

  • Compact Laser Sight: 450 KS


Gel-Ammo Price Quickchart
Type Price
Gel-Ammo (Gel) 100 KS
Gel-Ammo (Powder) 300 KS

Powder cartridges include a small water reservoir and a passive atmospheric reclamation system.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2023/05/30 10:40.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

wip_2023_or_older/corp/noval/luminex_exquis.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:29 by wes