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Farah Andules

Farah Andules is a player character played by Biesecker.

Farah Andules
Species & Gender: Androgynous Iromakuanhe
Date of Birth: 24ๆ—ฅ 5ๆœˆ YE 02
Organization: Independent/Galactic Horizon
Occupation: Scientist and Engineer
Current Placement: Horizon Expeditionary Force

Physical Description

Farah is quite short for an Iromakaunhe, standing at only 5'4โ€œ and with a slender frame save for wide, full hips. Their straight blonde hair is cut short in a bob, framing their soft-looking, pale, roundedly-angular face. Their eyes are a strikingly bright blue. They have long, thin horns that rise straight up from their temples, but taper inward near the top.

If Farah has any preferred gender identity, it's hard to tell from looking. They are always groomed in an androgynous fashion, and their voice is soft and high, and heavily accented. Even their clothing varies from feminine skirts and dresses to masculine lab coats and formal wear. All of their outfits, however, are of impeccable quality.


Farah's mood tends to shift between two extremes of cheerfully outgoing to reserved, even depressive indifference, with no clear cause for either beyond an apparent emotional disorder. In their better moods, they're very interested in socializing with others. During their depressive phases, they prefer to seclude theirself to private study.

As an Ivuori, they are fascinated by scientific fields of all kinds. Rather than truly specializing in one subject, they throw theirself into everything at once. While this leads to a wealth of knowledge about all kinds of things, the process can be extremely overwhelming even to their genius, causing them to shut down for a time and halting all progress for an extended period without careful guidance from an outside party.

Farah is not particularly courageous. They shy away from conflict of any kind, and will typically not argue with anyone even to stand up for theirself or something they believe in. This extends to violent altercations. Farah is not a natural fighter, and is far more likely to run or hide than to harm another even in self-defense.

Farah is usually very friendly. They have a strong interest in individuals, and their natural curiosity extends to getting close enough to learn the inner workings of others. As well, Farah inherited their mother's libido, having a penchant for forming casual sexual relationships, though not opposed to an emotional attachment with the right partner(s).


Farah's life, until recently, was by all accounts boring. They were born to a single mother, Amal Andules, who worked as a teacher within a small Ivuori enclave. Farah never knew their father, as Amal took on many sexual partners to sate her physical needs, but was never interested in a personal relationship. Farah's upbringing reflected this emotional distance, growing up with access to a wealth of knowledge, but no parental affection to speak of. Their early life was thus spent learning and putting knowledge to practical use, but stunting growth of interpersonal skills.

Shortly into their second decade, Farah was recruited by Solan Starworks and joined their Starforges division. Here, away from the relatively introverted nature of the Ivuori, Farah finally began to interact with others on a personal level and developed an interest in socialization, along with sharpening their already-matured scientific knowledge. Farah spent the next 13 years with the corporation, assisting with the design and testing of weapons and personal equipment until the whole thing started to feel boring for the still-young scientist.

In YE 39, Farah learned of a planet being explored and colonized by the recently-formed Uso Star Organization. The idea of an upstart faction making their own place in the galaxy fascinated them, causing them to delve more into information on these strangers outside of Commonwealth space. In short order, this lead to Farah finding the freelance company Galactic Horizon, resigning from Solan, and being assigned to the newly-established Horizon Expeditionary Force as a science officer, eager to learn everything about this new world and finally live an exciting life.

Skills Learned

Engineering: As a long-time R&D specialist, Farah is naturally proficient at designing and building technology of all kinds, including vehicle and ship subsystems, personal devices, and especially weaponry.

Mathematics: Farah is well-versed in physics and quantum mechanics, and is able to calculate variables and solve equations as well as any mathematician can be expected to.

Technology Operation: Though very familiar with Astral Commonwealth computer systems, Farah has only recently begun learning the technology used by the greater galaxy. Even so, they are a natural study on the subject, and can operate the strange systems reliably well, only sometimes requiring help for more complex tasks.

Fighting: After spending days worth of hours testing weapons against targets in laboratory environments, Farah is an excellent shot with most types of firearms. Unfortunately, they are not psychologically prepared for combat, unwilling to harm or kill another living being unless forced to, which thankfully has yet to come up. In addition, they are physically frail and unable to put up a real fight without a ranged weapon of some kind.

Chemistry: Farah knows all there is to know about the elements of the universe and their interactions with each other. This knowledge is useful in inventing new substances or identifying existing ones and their properties, or understanding the natural sciences involved in planetary goings-on, such as weather and terraforming theory. They can also create simple explosives using natural elements, though not with the precision or reliability of a proper demolitions expert.

Communications: Farah is, naturally, fluent in their native Iromakaunhe language. However, Trade was almost entirely unknown to their people until very recently. Having only been learning the language for less than a year, their grasp of the tongue is tenuous at best. They can communicate simple ideas well enough, but more complicated concepts can take more thought and time to convey, and they sometimes forget words they don't often have cause to use. Thankfully, they are a quick dedicated learner, and they are making significant progress.

Knowledge: Farah has a great deal of general knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, even in fields they don't specialize in, and they have an excellent memory for all of it. Though much of this is in relation to their past in Astral Commonwealth life, some of it is still relevant outside of it, and Farah is always learning new things, big and small. If there is something they don't know, they know how to find out.

Social Connections

Farah Andules is connected to:

Amal Andules (Mother, Educator)

Inventory & Finance

Farah Andules has the following:

1 [[faction:iromakuanhe:laiz_pistol]], with recharger kit and black holster
1 [[faction:iromakuanhe:irocom]]
1 IroCom carrying case
3 IroCom memory cards

Farah Andules currently has 2040 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by biesecker on 07, 16 2018 at 18:33 using the Character Template Form.

In the case biesecker becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Yes
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? No

wip_2023_or_older/characters/farah_andules.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 15:18 by wes