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NAM Fluctuating Pigmentation Coating "Snakeskin"

Easy to apply and use, 'Snakeskin' is produced by NAM for use by the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia to camouflage power armors and other systems. It was originally introduced in YE 31.


Designed as an easy to use, spray on camouflage, Snakeskin visually blends the user into the environment around them in the visible and infrared spectrums, with some degree of ultraviolet camouflage as well. Controlling it is very simple if the object it is applied to is compatible, and is done through whatever interface is at hand. Despite its low production cost and ease of use however, it does have a number of shortcomings. The most notable one is that shadows are still produced by objects using it. Additionally, the material must have a source of energy to function beyond its initial 10 hour span without recharging. Additionally, if its thermal camouflage systems are used on platforms without adequate temperature control, overheating can become a major issue depending on the situation as it traps heat. Though more effective while the user is moving, higher speeds can produce flutter or artifacts in the display.


  • Provides concealment in visible and infrared spectrums
  • Provides some camouflage in the ultraviolet spectrum
  • Objects coating in it still cast shadows
  • Operates for 10 hours before needing recharge/energy supply
  • Traps thermal emissions, potentially causing overheat
  • Effective while on the move
  • Higher speeds may produce image flutter and artifacts


Although the prevalence of infantry-carried sensor systems have left full dependency on optical camouflage an unwise decision, the versatility of simple optical camouflage is a benefit that NAM scientists were hesitant to pass up. The ability to disguise infantry from foes without proper means of detection still held merit, and to that end Terratech was spurred to develop a simple, affordable measure of stealth.

Development teams were quick to pull up an old, mothballed innovation from early armor designs dubbed the Snakeskin Fluctuating Pigmentation Coating. The project brought about a prototype sprayed coating comprised of small, simple nanomachines that were able to effectively reciprocate the color pigmentations of the area surrounding them and, while effectively communicating with each other over a small radius, were able to create a measure of optical camouflage that were able to quickly match environments, even when the object under the influence is on the move.

While at the time of the conception of the Snakeskin coating Nepleslian nanotechnology was still relatively new and somewhat expensive to produce, the advancements of YE 31 and the eventual development of the NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit – β€œHostile” and Aggressor Heavy Assault Armor powered armors spurred production of Snakeskin for application to infantry armor.

Older variations of Snakeskin prior to YE 37 did not mask thermal signatures, and in addition, had control issues where the signal to activate or deactivate could be received from another unit with Snakeskin nearby. The latest versions now thermally camouflage objects it is applied on by either insulating or radiating heat by changing its own conductivity. Unfortunately, this means that units without appropriate temperature control systems or heat dispersal methods can become incredibly uncomfortable after a short period of time with the Snakeskin active. Additionally, the reaction and processing speed is increased, allowing it to function far more efficiently when the user is on the move or in high-activity areas.

OOC Notes

  • This article was updated/overhauled on 2015/08/20 19:27

technology/nepleslia/snakeskin.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:03 (external edit)