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Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 46
Last ReviewYE 46
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesmiscellaneous
Product NameKe-P8-R4600 Teleportation Pad
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)1โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000.00 KS


The Jui'varen Star System is one of many systems that the kingdom_of_neshaten have been actively exploring, it has two habitable planets and four ice planets. The system is fairly close to the Neshaten's home system and has been tagged as a place for both agriculture and medical development.

System Data

The following is a list of planets and the sun, along with any additional information.

K1 V Orange Main Sequence

The main star of the Jui'varen star system, it is an orange star.

  • Radius: 6.11 x 10 km (0.88 x sol)
  • Mass: 1.47 x 10 kg (0.74 x sol)
  • Temperature: 4700 K
  • Luminosity: 1.24 x 10 W (0.32 x sol)

K1 V Blue Main Sequence

A companion star to the main star, both orbit one another. Unlike the first one which is orange, this star is actually blue, giving off a rather unique glow to the system and the planets that orbit them.

  • Distance: 2.27 x 10 km (0.15 AU)
  • Radius: 2.54 x 10 km (0.37 x sol)
  • Mass: 4.54 x 10 kg (0.23 x sol)
  • Temperature: 2900 K
  • Luminosity: 1.74 x 10 W (0.05 x sol)

New Jui'varen

The first planet of the star system and one that resides within the sytems habitable zone. The planet has only recently been surveyed.

  • Type: Terrestrial, forested world
  • Orbital Radius: 8.07 x 10 km (0.54 AU)
  • Period: 3.52 x 10 hours (0.40 earth years)
  • Physics: Standard iron/silicate
  • Gravity: 12.13 m/s2 (1.24 x earth)
  • Hydrosphere: 41 % water, 12 % ice
  • Atmosphere: Breathable
  • Civilization: none currently
  • Special: Very dense planetary rings

Jui'varen II

The second planet of the star system, but one that is also locatedi n another habitable zone. This planet has yet to be surveyed.

  • Type: Terrestrial, forested world
  • Orbital Radius: 1.11 x 10 km (0.74 AU)
  • Period: 5.66 x 10 hours (0.65 earth years)
  • Physics: Small ocean
  • Gravity: 7.42 m/s2 (0.76 x earth)
  • Hydrosphere: 98 % water, 69 % ice
  • Atmosphere: Breathable
  • Civilization: none currently
  • Special: Dense cloud cover

Jui'varen III

J-3 is a rocky planet that has a toxic atmosphere and is heavily radiated.

  • Type: Rock Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 1.76 x 10 km (1.18 AU)
  • Period: 1.13 x 10 hours (1.30 earth years)
  • Gravity: 12.22 m/s2 (1.25 x earth)
  • Special: 5 small moons, heavy radiation

Jui'varen IV

J-3 is a rocky planet that has a toxic atmosphere and is heavily radiated.

  • Type: Rock Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 2.84 x 10 km (1.90 AU)
  • Period: 2.32 x 10 hours (2.66 earth years)
  • Gravity: 9.89 m/s2 (1.01 x earth)

Jui'varen V

J-5 is an ice planet, one of the few surveyed when the Neshaten entered the system.

  • Type: Ice Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 5.35×10 kms (3.58 AUs)
  • Period: 6.00 x 10 hours (6.87 earth years)
  • Gravity: 12.74 m/s2 (1.30 x earth)

Jui'varen VI

J-6 is another ice planet, it is unique for having several moons.

  • Type: Ice Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 1.07 x 10 km (7.18 AU)
  • Period: 1.71 x 10 hours (19.52 earth years)
  • Gravity: 9.08 m/s2 (0.93 x earth)
  • Special: Crashed unknown ship, four large moons.

Asteroid Belt

A dense asteroid belt that is currently being explored for rich minerals.

  • Type: Dense Asteroid Belt
  • Orbital Radius: 2.03 x 10 km (13:58 AU)
  • Period: 4.44 x10 hours (50.83 earth years)

Jui'varen VII

J-8 is the third ice planet of the star system, it is noticably bigger than the others.

  • Type: Ice Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 3.90 x 10 km (26.08 AU)
  • Period: 1.18 x 10 hours (135.24 earth years)
  • Gravity: 14.12 m/s2 (1.44 x earth)

Jui'varen VIII

J-9 is the last planet of the system, unique in that it has a complex ring of ice asteroids.

  • Type: Ice Planet
  • Orbital Radius: 8.01 x 10 km (53.53 AU)
  • Period: 3.48 x 10 hours (397.74 earth years)
  • Gravity: 15.07 m/s2 (1.54 x earth)
  • Special: Ice Rings

system/juivaren.1582888507.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:02 (external edit)