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Jaspis III

A large world with high amounts of radiation in comparison to Abwehrans norms1), Jaspis III holds a few mining facilities over all. However, radiation levels are quite fine for Freespacers.

Planetary Statistics


  • Type: Large iron/silicate
  • Radius: 8289.24 kilometers
  • Surface Area: 8.63 x 10^8 square kilometers
  • Mass: 1.41 x 10^25 kilograms
  • Density: 5.93 grams per cubic centimeter
  • Composition:
    • 35.8% iron
    • 19.5% oxygen
    • 19.5% silicon
    • 16.1% aluminum
    • 9.1% other metals
    • trace other elements


  • Gravity: 13.67 meters per second squared (1.40 Gs)
  • Escape Velocity: 15.05 kilometers per second

Rotation and Revolution

  • Period: 31.91 hours
  • Axis Tilt: 5.66 degrees
  • Orbiting: Jaspis Prime
  • Orbital Radius: 5.10 x 10^8 kilometers (3.41 Astronomical Units)
  • Orbital Period: 6.24 x 10^4 hours (7.14 standard years)


  • Water: 0%
  • Ice: 2%


  • Type: Dense Toxic
  • Pressure: 135.79 kiloPascals
  • Composition:
    • 88.6% sulfur dioxide
    • 11.4% carbon dioxide
    • trace other gases


  • Type: Standard
  • Minimum Temperature: 234 Kelvins (-39 Celsius)
  • Average Temperature: 295 Kelvins (22 Celsius)
  • Maximum Temperature: 304 Kelvins (31 Celsius)


Population Statistics

Due to high levels of radiation on the planet, the population of the facility is kept to a minimum and rotated off world monthly. Facilities on Jaspis III are expensive due to the high amounts of lead used it their construction as well as the thickness of the facility walls.

Average Variable Population: 100

Major Facilities

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/06/01 12:24 by Abwehran Commander.

which means extreme amounts when compared to Nepleslians

system/jaspis/jaspis_iii.1700312922.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:54 (external edit)