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Located in the Iruotl System, Hlarai has the second highest population after the home planet. Its seasons are very well defined, and most of the land ranges from temperate to desert like at points around the equator. Because of this settlement was easy, and there are many agricultural exports to other systems of plant life with unique property. It could be called a forest world, but it also has a vast system of oceans with many large islands. Hlarai is often a holiday destination for many elite in the government.


Eyr Ranr city-airships are denoted with HAS (Hlarai AirShip). Sund Wakir from Hlarai are known as Saea Wakir.

Dreamer's Point


The capitol of Hlarai, Lahru is a giant, sprawling metropolis seen nowhere else on the planet. Situated on a giant artificial bioorganic island. Problems arose when a dietary change caused the island to sink three stories into the ocean. The Hlaraians just built bridges between the buildings and started using boats and GE Lifter-equipped vehicles to traverse the streets. Due to an archaic city ordinance that's never been repealed, there is no space port in Lahru. The closest one is in Anuta, almost a hundred miles away. Public transit routes are available to ferry travelers, but a lot of first time visitors expecting to go to the capitol are often surprised at the lack of direct service from space.

Ether River Region

The “Ether River” is the area of the stratosphere where the Hlaraian Eyr Ranr city-airships usually travel.

HAS Aotearoa

For the wealthy among the Iromakuanhe, the Aotearoa is the ideal spot to have a home, vacation home, or retirement home. The very top of the line in creature comforts can be found here. Major corporations on Hlarai often have their headquarters located here, or at least a token office so as to hobnob with the Hlaraian elite.

HAS Kikinui

The cruise ship of the Hlaraian city-airships. One of the more popular tourist spots especially among Off-world Eyr Ranr and Iromakuanhe from the Space Colonies. The Kikinui is probably the least Hlaraian city-airship, filled with multitudes of “ethnic” stores and restaurants, it promises the entire Hlarai experience without touching the planet's surface, but in reality it's just a bunch of commercialized tourist traps. The Quodr tours around the planet are nice and scenic, for example, but the routes traveled hardly give a view of the planet's real beauty.

HAS Macek

The oldest of the Hlaraian city-airships, the Macek is the home of the MBARI (Macek Beneficial Advancement Research Initiative) which is actually a think-tank of some of the best Iromakuanhe minds. The MBARI headquarters is the Hlarai Historical Museum, which contains pictures, video and memorabilia from Hlarai's past.

HAS Roggeveen

The newest city-airship, the Roggeveen completed construction only 58 years ago. It's a popular youth destination, with all the hot new fads and technologies ending up there first, before disseminating throughout the rest of Hlarai.

Bismarck Region

The location of the crashed city-airship, the HAS Bismarck, and the surrounding islands.

HAS Bismarck

The largest city-airship to have ever been constructed, tragedy befell the behemoth over 100 years ago when it crashed into the ocean, devastating a couple of islands part of a nearby archipelago. Rumors abound to the reason of the crash. Official word was a cascade of unforeseeable mechanical failures, but rumors abound about it really being some sort of terrorist action, an experimental weaponized space-compression accident, or as a warning to some secret society that used the Bismarck as its home base. Half of the ship still functions as a now planet-based city, but the ruins of the old ship are now a crawling ghetto.


Home to one of the largest fisheries on Hlarai, Kumara seafood is renowned all over Iruotl as some of the very best tasting. They claim that their product is not genetically modified and that it's the natural flavors that far exceed any designed taste, but there are skeptics that believe otherwise.

Urhal Isles

The name of the Urhal Isles is somewhat of a misnomer. While there are small islands off the coast of the land mass Urhal sits on, they are relatively small in comparison.

Lap Inkka

Though one twentieth the size of the main landmass, Lap Inkka is the largest of the surrounding isles. Ruins left by the Makuori make it popular with tourists, though Saea Wakir make a large effort to keep the sacred area clean and Ivuori are often studying the significance of the structures left behind. It's easy to imagine that these three groups believe they work at cross-purposes and tensions can be high.


A city that rose around a large center for processing of agricultural products bound for the major star ports. Urhal has extremely large cultivation lands surrounding it in all directions, and the city touts itself as a sort of place to go when someone wants a slice of the old life, or that it is more in tune with the nature of the land. Several agricultural concerns are headquartered in the city proper, and what started as a small collection of tents as a market has become a weekly attraction at the main exhibition building to the western side of the city.


An inactive undersea volcano, Tikopia also refers to the surrounding islands which are inhabited.


A Saea Wakir village that's little more than the Space Port located there and the nearby employee housing. The Saea Wakir marketplace is where native Hlaraian Iromakuanhe from all over Hlarai travel to when they want to trade for off-world goods due to the lack of taxation there, given that the marketplace is run by the Saea Wakir themselves and not the Astral Vanguard.

Lap Laputa

The largest of the Makuori ruins on Hlarai, the Astral Vanguard has closed this region off to all but the Saea Wakir caretakers and the Ivuori researchers who find it in their best interests to work together to preserve the site for the good of all Iromakuanhe

Reflections of the Stars Garden


The largest city on Hlarai, Matai is characterized by its massive artificial waterfalls and vine-like gardens that cover the buildings.

Green Reach

A large forested region, relatively untouched by the Iromakuanhe, the few villages and towns that do dot this lush landscape are simple affairs.

10,000 Nightmares

A mountainous volcanic region where the mixture of volcanic activity and the inland ocean seas combine to provide a rather inhospitable atmosphere.

Corboona Research Station

Set up by the Astral Vanguard to study the volcanoes, Corboona contains a massive planetary drill that's used to study the planet's core.

Markley Hot Springs

A hotel on the edge of the region, an intrepid entrepreneur set up one of the heated lakes as a tourist destination. Though, the necessary protective fence and walls around the buildings and lake do seem to be a deterrent to many visitors.

Whaizat Jungle

The central part of the Bayan Continent, the larger of the two main bodies of land on Hlarai.

Caal Sze

The most inland canal-city, Caal Sze was built on the banks of the Kabirh River, one of the widest on Hlarai. While most of the canal-cities are located on the Gollarde Coast, the size of the Kabirh was enough to necessitate the intricate system of waterways and flood gates.

Fort Tapir

Most Astral Vanguard recruits spend some time at Tapir, due to its extensive training facilities.

Gollarde Coast

Long, sandy beaches typify this western part of the Bayan Continent.

Caal Rehd

The most northern of the canal-cities, Caal Rehd was built in step-like formation where the Lecce River flows out down a cascading cliff to empty out into the ocean.

Caal Dja

The oldest canal-city, and also the most modern, Caal Dja is the only city along the Gollarde Coast with its own Space Port. Due to being constantly rebuilt and restructured, the southern part of the city and much of its underworks is a confusing twist of passages and old buildings that would make any city planner cringe.

Caal Nhimh

Many Hlarians say that if yo

Planetary Data

General Information

  • Type Terrestrial
  • Orbital Radius 29.9×10^7 km (2 AU)
  • Period 15.7×10^2 Hours (1.8 Earth Years)
  • Hydrosphere 77 % Water, 23 % Ice
  • Atmosphere Standard Breathable
  • Biosphere Rudimentary Fauna, Complex Flora
  • Gravity 9.99 m/s^2 (1.01 Earth)
  • Moons: 1; 1 Rocky, “Fitoa”

Key Features

Moon: Fitoa

A rocky planetoid of not much note, there are remnants of failed mining operations and an Astral Vanguard watchpost, Fort Kaih where mothballed ships are moored.

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planet/hlarai.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/11 18:51 by andrew