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Onigashima (Planet)

Onigashima is a planet within the Ushobrakflug Planetary System. Having traded hands repeatedly over the years it is most securely a part of the Yamatai Star Empire. Onigashima is home to the Dai Oni species and culture and is significant manufacturer, producer, and exporter of commodities such as clothing, alcohol, and culinary utilities such as spices, herbs, and oils.


Onigashima is small but dense planet in the Ushobrakflug System system and is the third planet in the system. Not the largest planet it has just under 1-G of surface gravity and a longer than average day-night cycle of almost twice that of standard. The planet is made of a majority base of surface oceans and one third landmass.

Type: Terrestrial/Iron Silicate
Inhabitants +/- 120,000,000
Stellar Radius: ~0.862 AU
Circumference: ~56,512 km (1,41 x Earth)
Surface Gravity: ~0,984 G
Surface Pressure: ~1,04 atm
Land/Water Ratio: 38,4%/62,6%
Length of Day: ~38 hours, 26 minutes
Length of Year: ~430 days
Moons: Ragnarok & Takeminakata


First explored roughly a millenia and a half before YE 01 Onigashima1) is a minor historical footprint in the Yamatai Star Empire from the time it was re-discovered by the star empires explorers in YE 05 it was neglected for some time until the Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp (SMX) took a strategic interest in the system, installing a presence in the times before the First Mishhuvurthyar War where it would become a thorn in the star empires side by sheer existence due to its perilous location close to the Yamatain core.

Not tolerating a threat so close to their heartlands the Star Army of Yamatai retook not only the entire Ushobrakflug system but many of the neighboring systems at great cost in the YE 28. It served as the temporary headquarters of the First Expeditionary Fleet for a year before in YE 29 it changed hands to the Second Fleet.

The world was, unfortunately, retaken by the Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp (SMX) at a later date until YE 34 where the Legion V retook Ushobrakflug-III from the SMX and occupied the planet for the Star Empire, building a base and headquarters on the western most continent known as Fort Stryhm

In YE 37 the Department of Colonization began terraforming Ushoblagflak-III with the introduction of new flora such as algae and significant plant species non-native to the planet modified to take root to change the ecology and biomes of the planet to be more hospitable of a climate for Yamatain-based species.

Over the course of five years, the planet of Ushoblagflak-III was reacclimatized and slowly changed to be more suitable and accommodating towards an upcoming planned colonization of the new Dai Oni which would be settled by the Department of Colonization by YE 45 when the planet wsa renamed Onigashima by its new settlers.


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Onigashima boasts a diverse and picturesque landscape, characterized by expansive oceans, towering mountains, and lush forests. The planet is divided into three major continents, each with its own distinct features and attractions.

The eastern and western continents, approximately 23,000 km wide and 9,000 km long, are known for their rolling hills, vast cherry blossom groves, and serene sakura forests. These regions are often referred to as the “Land of Cherry Blossoms” due to the abundance of blooming trees that paint the landscape with vibrant colors during the spring season. The cities and settlements in these areas are a harmonious blend of traditional architecture and modern infrastructure.

Situated between the eastern and western continents is the third continent, spanning roughly 11,000 km in width and 3,500 km in length. This continent is characterized by majestic mountain ranges, deep valleys, and sprawling plains. Towering waterfalls cascade down the mountainsides, creating breathtaking natural vistas. The cities in this region often boast grand architecture and are known for their vibrant cultural scene and bustling marketplaces.

These three continents are separated by the expansive Xafurst Sea, stretching nearly 28,000 km across the planet. This vast body of water, dotted with numerous islands and archipelagos, is a hub of maritime trade and exploration. The sea teems with diverse marine life, making it a haven for fishing and aquatic activities.


The western continent of Eldurheim is a majestic and untamed continent located in the western reaches of Onigashima. It is a land of breathtaking beauty, where sprawling landscapes of rugged mountains, dense forests, and cascading waterfalls create a haven for nature and the dwelling place of the majority of the Blue Oni subculture. As the majority of the Blue Oni population calls Eldurheim their home, their deep connection to the land has shaped the continent's unique atmosphere and vibrant ecosystems.

The Blue Oni, descendants of the legendary Trolls of Yamatai, are cultivators and custodians of Eldurheim's bountiful nature. They possess an inherent affinity for the land and its flora, employing their profound understanding of the environment to nurture and harness its resources. In Eldurheim, verdant fields of cherry blossoms, serene bamboo groves, and mystical spirit trees are meticulously tended by the Blue Oni, transforming the continent into a living testament to their skill and reverence for nature.

As such Eldurheim is not as compactly inhabited as the eastern or central continents as the Blue Oni spread out into smaller villages with populations in the hundreds or low thousands. These villages are not primative, however. And have all the amenities, transportation, and communication of the modern Yamatai if lacking often times modern-paved roads to preserve the landscape.

Within Eldurheim, one would find sprawling agricultural terraces meticulously carved into the plains and hills, where the Blue Oni cultivate a diverse array of crops and medicinal plants. Their knowledge of sustainable farming practices ensures a harmonious balance between cultivation and preservation, allowing the land to thrive and provide sustenance for both the Blue Oni and the inhabitants of Onigashima. Eldurheim is a sanctuary of abundance, where the interplay between fertile soil, crystal-clear rivers, and the gentle caress of warm sunlight nurtures a cornucopia of flora unique to this continent.

  • Mount Haldar: Rising majestically at the heart of Eldurheim, Mount Haldar, also known as the Horn of the world is the tallest mountain on the planet and a sacred peak believed to be imbued with spiritual energy. It is a place of pilgrimage for the Blue Oni and barred for outsiders, who ascend its slopes to seek wisdom and commune with the ancestral spirits at a temple at its base ontop a flight of 4,900 stepps.
  • Blossom Valley: Nestled between rolling hills, Blossom Valley is a town surrounding an expanse adorned with vibrant cherry blossom trees that burst into a riot of color during the annual spring festival. Visitors can partake in traditional celebrations, revel in the beauty of the blossoms, and witness mesmerizing cultural performances.
  • Rose Springs: A resort-town built around a beautiful natural hotspring with a cascade of ephermal water, Rose Springs is a natural wonder that plunges down rocky cliffs where a natural algae harmless to people and undetectable without a microscope is agitated by the contact causing the normally azure waters to glow a cherry-pink, creating a shimmering curtain of glowing mist. The falls are surrounded by lush vegetation and offer a serene atmosphere for meditation and reflection.
  • Whispering Woods: The Whispering Woods is a mystical forest situated in wet lowlands often covered in a thick mist due to lower tempetures rolling into lower elevation forests. Ancient trees spread of miles around and wandering amidst its enchanted pathways is said to grant glimpses into the realm of spirits for the more spiritualistic of the Dai Oni who seek such apiphanies.
  • Temple of the world: A sacred sanctuary perched atop a secluded location partway up the base of Mount Haldar, the Temple of the world is a spiritual center where some spiritualistic sects of the Blue Oni gather for rituals, ceremonies, and meditation. It is believed to be a place where the boundaries between the mortal and spiritual realms converge.
  • Fort Stryhm: The home base of the Legion V. Fort Stryhm is an isolated fortress situated on an island on the north coast of the western most continent of Eldurheim.


Ignisheim is an awe-inspiring continent situated in the easternmost reaches of Onigashima. It is a rugged and arid land characterized by towering mountains, rocky plateaus, and vast stretches of desolate terrain. The majority of its inhabitants are the fierce and resilient Red Oni, who have adapted to the harsh conditions from their previous lives in Hell and carved their cities into the sides of hills and mountains, creating a unique and imposing landscape.

The Red Oni are descendants of the ancient and demon-like Lorrfolk, known for their fiery temperaments and formidable strength. In Ignisheim, they have established thriving communities that blend harmoniously with the natural terrain. From the bustling cities carved into the sides of rugged mountains to the hidden settlements nestled deep within caves, the Red Oni have taken upon themselves the art of architectural integration, creating awe-inspiring urban environments that seamlessly meld with the rocky surroundings.

The cities of Ignisheim are a testament to the resourcefulness and ingenuity of the Red Oni. The buildings are intricately carved into the sides of hills and mountains, utilizing the natural stone formations as foundations and walls. Narrow, winding streets snake through the cities, lined with vibrant marketplaces, bustling taverns, and artisan workshops. The Red Oni's craftsmanship is on full display, with intricate stone carvings of not only their own but famous figures within the history of yamatai adorning the structures and unique architectural features that blend seamlessly with the rugged beauty of the landscape to create a type of cultural competition to make the largest, most detailed, or finest hand-cut statues in seemingly random locations from a six-meter tall life-like cut statue of Empress Himiko I out of a natural desposite of sandstone, to carved faces or busts of notable Taicho or famous figures in the sides of mountains.

Beyond the cities, Ignisheim's vast expanses offer a glimpse into the untamed beauty of the continent. Towering mountain ranges stretch as far as the eye can see, their peaks kissed by the blazing sun. Deep canyons and winding ravines carve through the land, providing sheltered oases and hidden valleys teeming with life. The Red Oni have learned to navigate these treacherous terrains with skill that without guides would likely harm or kill outsiders.

  • Flame Peak: A majestic volcanic mountain that towers above Ignisheim, Flame Peak is an iconic symbol of the continent. Its fiery glow of the still-active volcanic serve as a reminder of the intense power that lies beneath the surface. The Red Oni regard Flame Peak as a sacred site, performing rituals and ceremonies to honor the elemental forces of fire and earth. It is, however, monitored at all times to ensure local settlements are given ample warning of a possible erruption.
  • Crimson Gorge: Carved by centuries of erosion, the Crimson Gorge is a breathtaking natural wonder that cuts through the heart of Ignisheim. Its sheer cliffs and vibrant red hues create a dramatic landscape, drawing visitors who seek to marvel at sprawling swathes of carved statues and features of an artisans paradise of inspiration.
  • Ember Hollow: Nestled deep within the mountains, Ember Hollow is a hidden settlement that serves as a sanctuary for the Red Oni. The settlement is built within a network of natural caves, providing shelter from the scorching heat and sandstorms. The Red Oni who dwell here engage in a simple and self-sufficient way of life, relying on their resourcefulness and the bounties of the land and is the most traditional and primative location on the planet for those former Lorrfolk who seek their old subterranean way of life or have yet to acclimatize to the new.
  • Molten Springs: A series of geothermal hot springs scattered across Ignisheim, the Molten Springs offer a respite from the harsh environment. These natural pools of steaming water provide soothing warmth and healing properties best enjoyed in the near-chill of night in the deserts, attracting visitors from far and wide seeking relaxation and rejuvenation it offers a mineral-like exfoliation that is good for both the body and mind.


Midoria is the central continent of Onigashima with its sprawling cities, colossal hab-garden domes, bustling starports, and extravagant tourist hotspots make this region a hub of activity and a true testament to the cosmopolitan nature of Onigashima compared to the other two continents. It is a land where the three Oni subcultures, along with a diverse array of non Dai Oni species from across the star empire, coexist and thrive in harmony.

The cities of Midoria are a testament to architectural marvels, blending futuristic design of modern yamatai with nods to traditional aesthetics. Towering skyscrapers reach towards the heavens, their gleaming glass facades reflecting the vibrant energy that permeates the continent mix with grand Pagoda style structures and houses. The streets bustle with life as residents and visitors from across the sector traverse the bustling markets, fashionable boutiques, and world-class entertainment venues. The cityscapes are adorned with holographic billboards, showcasing the latest cultural events, technological advancements, and tourist attractions.

Throughout Midoria, immense hab-garden domes can be found, each resembling a self-contained town within. These botanical wonders are engineering marvels, featuring lush greenery, cascading waterfalls, and a harmonious blend of flora from across the sector. Visitors are treated to a sensory delight as they explore the vast gardens of fruits, flowers, and crops, breathing in the fragrant air and immersing themselves in the natural beauty that coexists harmoniously with the urban landscape built around them. These hab-gardens not only provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city but also serve as a vital source of oxygen and food production for the continent's densely populated areas.

Midoria is also renowned for its starport, serving as gateway to the rest of the sector. The bustling hub of interstellar travel welcome travelers from near and far, facilitating trade, tourism, and cultural exchange. State-of-the-art facilities, from luxurious lounges to cutting-edge security systems, ensure a seamless experience for both arriving and departing visitors. The starport also house an array of businesses, from high-end restaurants serving exquisite intergalactic cuisine from across the sector to duty-free shopping centers offering the latest fashion trends in garments made on the planet.

Visitors to Midoria can indulge in a plethora of amenities and luxuries. Five-star hotels and resorts offer opulent accommodations with panoramic views of the city skylines or serene hab-garden vistas. The entertainment scene is rich and diverse, with theaters showcasing captivating performances, holographic arenas hosting exhilarating sporting events, and exclusive clubs pulsating with music and excitement well into the night. A diverse array of culinary delights awaits food enthusiasts, with a fusion of traditional Oni cuisine, intergalactic flavors, and exotic delicacies from across the sector and even beyond.

Within the cultural tapestry of Midoria, the three Oni subcultures weave together to create a harmonious blend of traditions, celebrations, and artistic expressions. Festivals showcasing the vibrant colors, energetic dances, and thunderous drumbeats of the Outsiders, Blue Oni, and Red Oni captivate visitors, offering a glimpse into the rich heritage of these mythical beings. The cultural exchange between the Oni and non-DaiOni populations leads to a thriving arts scene, with galleries, museums, and performance spaces dedicated to showcasing a wide range of artistic expressions, from traditional paintings and sculptures to cutting-edge holographic installations and virtual reality experiences.

Midoria truly embodies the essence of diversity, offering a captivating fusion of cultures, technological advancements, and natural wonders. As visitors explore this central continent, they are invited to immerse themselves in a vibrant tapestry of experiences, embracing the unique charm and dynamic energy that define Onigashima's heart of diversity.


Onigashima enjoys a temperate climate, influenced by its proximity to the sun and the planet's atmospheric conditions. The planet experiences the four normal seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Spring is a time of renewal and beauty, as cherry blossoms blanket the landscape in a vibrant display of colors. The temperature is mild, and gentle breezes carry the sweet scent of sakura across the land.

Summer brings warmth and sunshine, with temperatures ranging from pleasant to occasionally hot.

Autumn is a season of transition, as the leaves transform into a breathtaking palette of pinks, oranges, and yellows. The air becomes crisp, and harvest festivals celebrate the abundance of fruits, vegetables, and crops.

Winter embraces Onigashima with a serene beauty. Snow-capped mountains and frozen lakes create a picturesque winter wonderland. The winters are mild with a normal amount of snowfall but in more mountainous reigons can have deeper takes and occasional whiteouts and blizzards.

Cities and Landmarks

Onigashima boasts a myriad of captivating cities and landmarks that showcase the planet's unique blend of tradition and modernity. Some notable cities and landmarks include:

Shizuka City: Located on the eastern continent, Shizuka City is renowned for its breathtaking sakura gardens, shrines, and resturants. The city is a cultural center, hosting vibrant festivals and showcasing the traditional performing arts of the Dai Oni.

Yolm Metropolis: Situated on the western continent, Yolm Metropolis is a bustling cosmopolitan hub, known for its towering skyscrapers, bustling marketplaces, and cutting-edge technology. The city offers a vibrant nightlife, with a plethora of restaurants, bars, and clubs.

Hrothgartti: The largest city on the central continent, Hrothgartti is the current capital of Onigashima. Hosting the largest population on the planet the large city is one of towering skyscrapers, a massive starport, and is the economic powerhouse of the entire system.

Mount Kiyomizu: One of Onigashima's tallest peaks, Mount Kiyomizu is a revered landmark and a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. The summit offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes, and the ancient Kiyomizu Temple attracts pilgrims from across the planet.

Xafurst Archipelago: Located within the Xafurst Sea, the Xafurst Archipelago is a collection of stunning islands known for their pristine beaches, azure waters, and vibrant coral reefs. It is a paradise for snorkeling, scuba diving, and other water-based activities. There are several resorts here that cater not only to the local but also visitors to the planet.

Hanging Gardens: Nestled within the heart of Onigashima's third continent in the city of Hrothgartti, the Hanging Gardens are a true marvel of engineering and horticulture. This awe-inspiring architectural masterpiece features lush, suspended parks and gardens tiered over one another with a central waterfall cutting through the middle.


Onigashima, being a colonization effort by the Department of Colonization is made up of a majority Dai Oni by default making up almost three quarters of the population. Neko and Minkan being other notable major Yamatain species make up almost the final quarter with a mix of other Yamatain races such as Nepleslian, Elysian, Separa, Hedoro, etc. make up a very small minority on the planet.


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RP Opportunities

  • Onigashima is a melting pot of diverse cultures, providing ample opportunities for characters to engage in cultural exchange and learn from the different Oni subcultures and non-Dai Oni inhabitants. Characters can participate in festivals, visit great gardens and view statues of famous PCs and NPCs from yamatai, and immerse themselves in the unique customs and practices of each subculture.
  • The untamed landscapes of Onigashima offer thrilling adventures for characters seeking excitement and challenges. From hiking through the lush forests and scaling towering mountains to exploring hidden caves and encountering exotic wildlife, characters can embark on quests and expeditions to uncover the secrets of the planet's natural wonders and what was left behind from its first discovery/rediscovery to the mishu occupation and more.
  • With the central continent serving as the hub of political activity, characters can immerse themselves in a world of political intrigue. They can engage in diplomatic negotiations with the council of Jarls, navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries between the Oni subcultures and non-Dai Oni factions of yamatai, and even influence the future of Onigashima through their actions.
  • The sprawling cities of Onigashima provide a rich backdrop for urban exploration and character interaction. Characters can wander through bustling markets, visit high-tech districts, or delve into the hidden corners of the cities, uncovering mysteries, encountering colorful characters, and engaging in thrilling encounters.
  • With the presence of the Legion V and Naori Station, characters can engage in security and law enforcement roles, safeguarding the system and maintaining order. They can join the Legion V, serve as local law enforcement officers or planetary defense forces still being so close to the former mishu worlds.

Local Rumors

  • There are rumors of illegal forbidden rituals practiced by certain secretive groups on Onigashima who have yet to diversify themselves of outdated practices. Tourists and foreigners may disappear off the streets to be either consumed through horrid cannibal rituals by former Lorrfolk, or sacrificed to non-existant gods for reasons unknown.


To be listed at a later date.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg Dufrain created this article on 2023/07/01 17:10 using the namespace template.

All art was made through Midjourney AI by char. Approved by wes here

Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameOnigashima
Map Coordinates1412
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Marker AnchorBottom Left
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 32
Place Categoriesplanet
Formerly known as Ushbrakflug-III

places/onigashima.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/22 07:39 by