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Skusten is a ferromagnetic material discovered by Galactic Horizon in YE 40, it is a metal that resembles a mix between Tungsten and Titanium for the most part1), it is exceedingly dense and has a melting temperature of 3750 degrees Celsius (6782 Fahrenheit) but a curie temperature of 4000 degrees Celsius (7232 Fahrenheit).

It is also rather heavy material that is difficult to crack or chip and has a degree of scratch-resilience, making it a great material for armour and armour-piercing rounds.

Properties of Skusten

Skusten Objects:

  • Have a high degree of thermal resistance
  • Are Ductile and Skusten wires, even of a very small diameter, have a very high tensile strength
  • Are notably resistant to corrosion yet not immune
  • Have Ferromagnetic properties

Appearance of Skusten

In its purest form Skusten has the appearance of brushed gold and is rather hard to get a shine out of, heat damage to the metal causes it to adopt a bluey-purple hue to the affected area once it has cooled.

The unrefined ore itself is a dark brown, faintly shiny material that is found in pyramid-like chunks with parallel streaks running across each surface.

Formation of Skusten

Skusten is a material that one of Galactic Horizonโ€™s expeditionary teams found after their arrival on Jui'varen II, Skusten is primarily found on the northern and southern poles of the planet โ€“ with deposits becoming smaller and smaller closer to the equator.

The extracted Skusten is heated up with induction furnaces and cast into whatever shapes it needs to be before being cooled.

Uses of Skusten

  • Armour-Piercing Ammunition
  • Thermal shielding, armour and ship hulls
  • Precision wire such as fuses, mesh or lighting


Impurities in the metal after it has been refined can lead to the Skusten being somewhat brittle and cause the loss of its natural resistance to corrosion in some cases.


OOC Notes

sirskully created this article on 2018/08/29 03:29.

Article approved here

concerning properties

materials/skusten.1561257374.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:57 (external edit)