The genetic samples were taken from Nyx’s parents in the middle of ye41, and during the time of the reaper invasion, and the encounter with Nyx’s new love, Ezriel, the samples were used and the form was in development with waiting required so that it can grow to Nyx’s proper height of 5’9. Once this was done, and essentially what was actually created was a clone, machines replaced the brain so that Nyx could be transferred to the body and back to her normal one at will. A small pod was created to contain Jassabelle to prevent damage to it.
During the creation process, some alternate DNA was added, considering Nyx didn’t have human ears but her own appeared to be like those of Foxes, other than that there were no other inprovements.
While using the form, Nyx stands at her normal 5’9 in height. The unique features are the more flesh and blood Fox ears, which are sensitive to the touch, and sensitive enough to help Nyx to gauge changes in wind speed. She can hear up to 20khz in addition. Due to the fact she has half Elysian DNA within the form thanks to her mother. She has feathery wings and also shares the same erogenous zones in her wings as well. Due to Jack and Isabelle both being of a Caucasian skin tone, the skin that covers her body is of the same skin tone, her hair is black, due to undergoing genetic correction, but the eyes remained red since the genetic trait there wasn’t corrected.
Unlike Nyx’s natural form, the Jassabelle form has normal feet, and no onboard weapons, since it wasn’t meant for War.
Because the materials used were of the genetic variety the form is entirely organic, which meant that as any organic Nyx would feel as they did.
The Jassabelle is used as the Nekovalkyrja had been as tools rather than a species. In order to use the form properly, the user, in this case, Nyx will have to transfer her mind to the machines that control it. It isn’t a true Uniform since she has to wear clothes with it. She had it created for the following reasons,
If Nyx were to use this form long term, then she will be required to eat breakfast, lunch, and supper, she will need to sleep due to exhaustion, and she will need to make sure to shower regularly.