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Motivia behavior modification drugs

A course of drugs which can help a person learn a number of skills very quickly, at the cost of their normal rational behavior for a short time - which should be used in very controlled conditions with trustworthy supervision. The capacity for the abuse of Motivia is quite remarkable - with many physicians and medical boards deeming its use unethical. For this reason, can only be sold in small amounts through conventional channels.

Sales information

Motivia is manufactured by the Lazarus Consortium as of YE 34, priced at 25KS for an entry course. It is recommended the extension and termination courses are also purchased, which are priced at 250KS


Type: Mind altering substance Designers: Lazarus Consortium, Dr. Aiesu Kalopsia (Ayetseu Karoupshea) L'manel Nomenclature: N/A Manufacturer: Lazarus Consortium Production: Mass Production Fielded by: Lazarus Consortium, Lorath Self Defense Force Access: Public

More about the Motivia behavior modification drugs

Essentially, Motivia is a course which tag a certain behavior or action as deserving a reward. The level of reward granted is decided by the amount of proceeding Motivia-Plus taken - bordering from minor inclination, to addiction to practically a sexual paraphillia - ultra-motivating an individual. Learning drugs are also used, making the users mind ultra-absorbant and attentive - picking up on details that normally only an autistic savant would. Finally, Motivia-Negative is applied which gradually peels back the addictive behavior patterns, while the user retains the knowledge.

In effect, a user can learn a skill that would take several years within several months, especially if they have support from an experienced instructor or mentor figure in an apprenticeship style.

Due to the controversial nature and potential for abuse, the Motivia set are controlled substances and their use only recommended in highly controlled conditions due to the possible complications which may occur either with over/under-dosing or during the association phase.


Brains - more specifically, brainstems - have control over the trends of higher function in the brain in ways an individual typically does not notice. Normally when thirsty, a person will get up and get a drink. No thought is involved, but the action is done. The water isn't rushed. It isn't special.

But if a person is truly parched, they will react differently. The water will be appreciated in huge gulps, refilled and a sense of satisfaction derived.

The water has not changed: the brain has. The hypothallamus detected that the salt content in the blood was high (ie that very little water was in the body) and decided to reward the user with a release of dopamine and a tremendous sense of relief – withdrawing dopamine to encourage water-seeking behavior. Pushing it to a further extreme, if dangerously dehydrated, a person will drink from a toilet or even engine oil if there is even the slightest suspicion it will quench the thirst.

During all of this, the hypothallamus tricks the higher areas of the brain responsible for actions to engage in ways which seek water at any cost. The brain associates the dopamine release of relief with the action forming a feedback loop.

In much the same way, Motivia triggers a similar response tied into higher behavior during the bonding or activation phase of its initial dosage. In this way, a craving of a designated intensity for the associated action whenever it isn't performed for an extended period of time or no improvement is made over a duration of time.

In this way, a person can through the use of the course, temporarily 'addict' themselves to a certain behavior or activity and crave the action - going as far as to even associate the action as a sexual response.

Components & Course


Sold as Wildeaspirohexamorphine. The initial tagging/association ingredient which allows other Motivia products to act as a trigger. Used during an initial experience.


Sold as Gyaoleohaltsfaphosphate. A learning drug, involved in making the mind more malliable.

Taken whenever an action is performed, the user enters a near autistic stupor in which their ability to identify patterns in action and response far surpasses their normal levels.

Unfortunately, they experience a condition similar to ego-death and will no longer make entirely rational decisions - rendered supremely suggestible and doing exactly as they are told by an instructor or mentor.


Sold as Endaldextrowaltesdramodopamine, Motivia-Plus tags with the receptors linked to Motivia-On to trigger the desire to repeat the behavior or action.

For example, when Motivia-Tron is assigned to piloting and then Motivia=On used when piloting, a user will crave to be in the cockpit, to fly and to succeed.

The dosage of Motivia-Plus affects how the user responds. It could be a simple inclination, an addiction (becoming uncomfortable physically when outside of the cockpit for too long), dependence (only being comfortable when in the cockpit) or even a sexual paraphillia (able to experience climax during success with no external stimulus). Indeed, a user can be altered to experience pleasure just thinking about or seeing something if it the dosage is inappropriate.

Important is that used without Motivia-On, it can be used when experiencing a a phobia, trauma, fear or other undesirable/traumatic action - rapidly allowing a user to no longer hold negative cannotations with the action in question or even performing positive association over time.

Motivia Negative

Sold as Wildespirodextrahyponolaxonathol, it is used in the final stages of the Motivia course. Its purpose is the exact opposite of Motivia-Plus and its function is also the exact opposite.

Used to peel back and neutralize addictive behavior (ideal for use in addicts), it can also neutralize bad habits or even paraphillic behavior.

Abused, it has the capacity to make an individual irrationally fear (even the user will know their fear is irrational) something - as weak as a simple bias in decision making to as extreme as paralysing terror in response to stimulus - far exceeding what would count as a phobia and sometimes bordering on physical pain just with the thought or sight of something.


Any behavior, desirable or otherwise can be removed provided the reversal course of the opposing drug is available. The force of addiction is entirely dependent on the strength of the dosage taken.

For example, a low dosage of Motivia-Plus can give a person a minor interest in reading - which they may indulge at the end of the day. A particularly high dosage on the other hand may eventually allow for limited hyperlexia and even sexual response to appropriately stimulating literature.

Returning to the example of piloting, a high dosage may result in an irrational interest or obsession in the performance, statistics, characteristics, procedures and the act of flying.

In the case of Motivia-Learn, in higher dosages it can cause a catatonic state. Any information displayed or fed to the user in this state is retained as if experienced through a photographic memory. Over time and repeated use in this very high dosage, it may result in damage to the frontal lobe of the user.

Capacity for abuse

The capacity for physical abuse of this course is tremendous: a person could for example, be 'addicted' to an action against their natural character - resulting in an irrational urge to act upon it.

Similarly, a person can be made to feel a surge of oxytocin (a hormone associated with peer and sexual bonding) in the presence of an individual, idea, ideology or situation. This can in turn lead to suggestability or influence or an inability to act against the thing in question which wouldn't otherwise exist.

In addition, used negatively, a person could irrationally fear a non-important consequence and this be used to manipulate them by either preventing them from performing an action or fearing not performing an action.

In this sense, Motivia is arguably a reconditioner's wet dream.

Per-Species Effects

While many species are radically different, the layout of receptors in humanoid species is quite similar, since they have common ancestry [citation needed]. As such, while species-specific versions are produced, they are very similar, chemically speaking.

For this reason, Motivia is ineffective when used on non-humanoid species or synthetics.

OOC Information

This page was created by Osaka/Osakanone on 2012/11/18 07:11.

It was approved by Andrew on 2012/12/151)

items/drugs/motivia.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/24 07:37 by wes