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Scientific Studies Service (SSS) - Tanken Standard skills

All members of the expeditionary section of the Scientific Studies Service (SSS) receive the following training before assignment. Honorably discharged Star Army of Yamatai personnel do not have to attend Scientific Studies Service (SSS) fighting and communications training, they only have to attend basic field training (Expedition).

Personnel must have skills appropriate to the position they are assigned. Characters receive the standard seven skills when starting. See skill area list for other skills.

Standard SSS Skill Areas

These are basic templates for skills, you are encouraged to customize them as appropriate for your character.

Communications: <Your character> is fluent in Nepleslian and (optionally) Yamataian. <He or She> can speak and write correctly and efficiently. <Your character> is trained in basic radio usage. <He or She> can send and receive messages through headsets and handheld radios. (Characters with prior military training would use that training.)

Fighting: (Basic) <Your character> received self defense training in martial arts in a variety environments, and basic handgun operation and maintenance on the Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol, Type 29 (Characters with prior military training would use that training.)

(Security personnel and Senior Tansaku) <Your character> received self defense training in martial arts in a variety environments, and basic handgun operation and maintenance on either the (Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol, Type 29, and type_28c_c_nsp). <He or She> received additional small arms training with shotguns, rifles and using the Tanken armor. (Characters with prior military training would use that training.)

Expedition: <Your character> is familiar with the capabilities, setup and operation of the SSS Collapsible Rapid Deployment Modules. <Your character> is also trained in basic field protocols, such as working a site, preserving artifacts, etc. <He or She> is trained in observation, and note taking (audio or written).

Knowledge: <Your character> is trained in Star Army of Yamatai history, Star Army Ranks and military protocol. (Characters with prior military training do not need this training.)

Science: <Your character> is trained in at least one of the SSS Areas of Study

Technology Operation: <Your character> is trained in using the Kessaku OS on any pantheon equipped computer system. (Characters with prior military training would use that training.)


  • Communications
  • Expedition
  • Fighting
  • Science


  • Communications
  • Fighting
  • Knowledge (Characters with prior military training do not need this training.)
  • Science
  • Technology Operation


  • Communications
  • Expedition
  • Fighting
  • Technology Operation




NH-29 civilian, age 3.

Fighting: Myrna enjoyed the self defense training in martial arts, and while she has trained with using and caring for her Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol, Type 29 it is not her preference.

Communications: Myrna is fluent in Nepleslian and Yamataian. She speaks and writes correctly and efficiently. Myrna is trained in basic radio usage, and can send and receive messages through headsets and handheld radios.

Expedition: Myrna is familiar with the capabilities, setup and operation of the SSS Collapsible Rapid Deployment Modules. Myrna enjoyed learning basic field protocols, such as working a site, preserving artifacts, etc. She is good at basic observation, and note taking (audio or written).

Technology Operation: Myrna is trained in using the Kessaku OS on any pantheon equipped computer system.

Science: Myrna is working on her degree in Archeology she has completed her required school work, and just needs her field expertise.

Physical: Myrna enjoys long distance running, it is how she deals with stress and clears her mind.

Culinary: Myrna enjoys cooking, growing up she learned from her mother to cook family dinners. She is capable of preparing most basic stables.



Yamataian male, Age 22.

Fighting: Josea received self defense training in martial arts in a variety of gravities; which he really enjoyed, and handgun training specifically Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol, Type 29.

Communications: Josea is fluent in Nepleslian and knows a few colorful phrases in Yamataian. He can speak and write correctly and efficiently. Josea is trained in basic radio usage. Josea can send and receive messages through headsets and handheld radios.

Technology Operation: Josea is trained in using the Kessaku OS on any pantheon equipped computer system.

Science: Josea has a bachelor's degree in Sociology.

Expedition: Josea is familiar with the capabilities, setup and operation of the SSS Collapsible Rapid Deployment Modules. Josea is also trained in basic field protocols, such as working a site, preserving artifacts, etc. He is trained in observation, and note taking (audio or written).

Maintenance and Repair: Josea is skilled at working on electronics and most machines.

Survival: Josea used to go hunting with his father growing up. His father taught him how to live off the land, he knows how to forage and find water. He is also capable of making shelters.



Geshrin female, age 23, (Former Star Army of Yamatai discharged due to the species_restriction_order.

Fighting: While in the Star Army of Yamatai Gerade received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She experienced combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons she is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor.

Communications: Gerade received training in the Star Army of Yamatai with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Gerade is fluent in Nepleslian. Se can speak and write correctly and efficiently as well as writing reports, forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Technology Operation: Gerade is trained in using the Kessaku OS on any pantheon equipped computer system.

Expedition: Gerade is familiar with the capabilities, setup and operation of the Collapsible Rapid Deployment Modules. Gerade is also trained in basic field protocols, such as working a site, preserving artifacts, etc. Her military training makes her proficient at observation, and note taking (audio or written).

Starship Operations: Gerade started learning about bridge operations during her first duty assignment aboard a small warship. She is proficient at piloting and navigation.

Vehicles (land vehicles): Gerade knows how to effectively pilot most ground vehicles. She can make rudimentary repairs to his vehicle.

Entertainment: Gerade loves playing music on her keyboard and performing. She is talented enough that she could sing professionally. Gerade is also capable of composing music. She has a pleasant voice in the Contralto range.

faction/yamatai/sss/standard_skills.1561144791.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:19 (external edit)