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Unified Law And Military Regulations

Proposal #63: Unified Law and Military Regulations was submitted by yui to the Senate of Yamatai in YE 27 where it was passed unanimously.


  1. Because not all citizens are in the military, it would be better to have the military regulations exist on their own and not as part of the Unified Law that is currently being composed.
  2. Mainly for purposes of efficiency organization.


  1. Military-only Laws (Proposals and Decrees) will not be included in the Unified Law Act.
  2. The Proposals and Decrees that pertain only to the military that have been already passed will be part of a Military Regulation document that will be composed seperately.
  3. (For clarification purposes) Military members will of course, unless otherwise specified, be subject to the Unified Law Act.

OOC Notes

YSE Proposal #63: Unified Law and Military Regulations was written by wes on 9 Mar 2005. Kim created this article on 2018/01/06 01:36.

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