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Star Army Bases & Facilities
TypeFleet Depot
LocationCentral Uesureya
DescriptionManufacturing & Logistics
OrganizationStar Army Logistics
Contact PageNakeysha Smalls
Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmilitary facility


The Scarecrows are made up of several branches.


Primary military Strength of the Scarecrows, former Veterans and dolls make up the total strength of the force they very well trained going through almost half a year of brutal training.


Intelligence department of the Crows they handle all operations with uso and their allies the crows are involved with and have many members that rival Ravens, though the majority are skilled Crows.

Corpus Operatives

The Assassins and blades of the Scarecrows they handle the eliminated of high value targets and test new defense measures. Rival Raven's in combat potential, but are aimed towards more stealthy and less direct combat.


The Elite operatives of the Scarecrow Ranks, they double as commanding officers taking over high ranked operations.

Crying Ravens

The Elite bodyguards of the founding members, comprised of heavily custom dolls rarely participate in Client jobs in less founder is directly involved.

Ship Crew Members

Crewing the Scarecrows military and support Vessels, they also deal with the vessels daily upkeep. They have basic military training and few are veterans but are not on the level of Crows.

Construction Crews

Given the Scarecrows interest in developing defensive means the Construction crew are engineers aimed towards developing structures and bunkers for clients along with installing security systems.

Manuel Labor Workers

Simple manual labor workers that handle construction jobs at the Shipyards or factory work at the R&D facilities.

Administration Personnel

Handle all the administration and paper work involved with the Scarecrows operations and dealings. Have basic self defense training but nothing more than that.


Handle the repairing of Scarecrow buildings, Vehicles and ships.

Scarecrow R&D Engineers

The minds behind the Scarecrows technology Edge, they are constantly developing new armors and mechs for the Scarecrows to use.

Cyber Defense Specialist

Operating in unity at protecting clients Cyber security systems they are constantly developing new firewalls and systems to protect Scarecrow Clients.


The Scarecrows have numbers products in development with a focus on developing autonomous systems for protection. Their current product line up mostly consists of homebrew armor that has been developed into a sell-able product.




Past Products and Projects

Information about past products and projects.


Services and payment monthly

modernization and training of MOD MILITARY 11,000 crows and 2000 workers
security detail for uso 20,000 da a month (irl)
Construction on the Excalibur tower finished 500 workers died in the process

Shipping and trading services

Goods made goods ordered payment
15 cruisers s6 ordered 11 every two months crusers blueprints as payment
Food, water, medical and emergency supply's gifted shipment to s6 free

OOC Notes

esscast created this article on 2018/06/05 00:14.

faction/section6/scarecrows/scarecrows.1540468107.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:16 (external edit)